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Mar 23rd 2023
We Are Enjoying Their Sacrifice As Freedom.
Bhagath Singh Is Most Popular Among The Trio, But We Must Not Forget The Other Two.

1) Shivaram Rajguru, Born In Khed,Near Poona, Was Martyred At An Young Age of 22, He Joined Image
"Hindustan Socialist Republican Association" and Became Colleague of Bhagath.

2) Sukhdev Thapar, Born at Ludhiana, Gave His Life When He Was 23, A Revolutionary, He Used To Organise Cells in Punjab & Many Parts of North Bharath Before Joining Hands With Bhagath Singh.
The LION OF PUNJAB, Lala Lajpat Rai Was Murdered By British Police During A Protest March Against Jalianwalabagh Massacre.

The Murders at Jalianwalabagh and Subsequent Death of Lalaji by British Infuriarated and Took Avenge Against
J P Saunders, Police Officer Involved In Crime.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
Of late, I have been tweeting threads on issues like #history & on #Maharashtra & #Mumbai. This is a compilation of some threads over the month

On a little-known attempt by an inebriated #British policeman to kill #MahatmaGandhi in #Pune

The #ParvatiSatyagraha launched by Ambedkarites and reformist activities seeking that #Dalits be allowed to enter the Parvati temple in #Pune

#DrBabasahebAmbedkar #DrAmbedkar #DalitMovement #history
How #Dussehra was once a rallying point for the Swadeshi movement. It was on this day in 1905 that #VinayakDamodarSavarkar organised a massive bonfire of imported clothes

#Savarkar #LokmanyaTilak #Tilak #Pune #Maharashtra #swadeshi #Gandhi #MahatmaGandhi
Read 14 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
On #BhagatsinghJayanti a long thread on his early life, ideals and trial.
#BhagatSingh was descended from a family of Khalsa Sardars, who had fought in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army against the Pathans, and helped the empire to expand. For this contribution, they were awarded with a large piece of land.
His grandfather Sardar Arjun Singh was a landlord himself, who choose to oppose the British, and that nationalism in a way came down to Bhagat. Arjun Singh had 3 sons- Ajit Singh, Swaran Singh and Kishen Singh, all of whom were noted for their nationalism and integrity.
Read 68 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
Shivaram Hari Rajguru

On the day of death - 23 March 1931:
1. Mehta (lawyer of Bhagat Singh) on meeting with Rajguru was taken aback by his relaxed & carefree attitude,even in the face of imminent death.

2. Everybody felt that Rajguru was nervous at the sight of imminent death.
3. Shiv Verma (one of his colleagues) asked him whether he was scared of death to which Rajguru said that “I am, like you, proud of what I have accomplished. I have come to realize this truth only after challenging death. If we are able to show even a glimpse.....

...of the freedom to our fellow nationals by sacrificing our lives, they would be able to walk on that path by themselves. This death, then, would be blessing for us.”
Read 9 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
Read 934 tweets

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