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Jan 10th 2023
🧐 Interesante artículo de @2itRordonez para el @elindepcom, con algunos datos correctos y otros que reclaman una necesaria corrección. Así que vamos a abrir un hilo con desmentidos de esta crónica de los accidentes de #VTC en Madrid.…

Sigue... 🧵
Agradecemos que publiquen este artículo, ya que con él se aprecia mejor y de forma concreta el elevado volumen de accidentes de #VTC de #Madrid.

Importante por lo que en #SeguridadVial supone para conductor, pasajeros y demás usuarios de las vías de circulación.

Sigue... 🧵
Las declaraciones de @TaxiProjectEU y @EliteTaxiMadrid vienen respaldadas por la experiencia y el conocimiento continuamente renovado por su intensa campaña para defender su sector. Sus palabras responden a lo que ven día a día: conductores de #VTC precarizados.

Sigue... 🧵
Read 20 tweets
May 10th 2021
It's #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek and i'd like to talk about the role of #SLT in mental health for people with #TBI and #FND. I could speak specifically to the role of SLT in mental health settings as i've previously worked in many but i want to focus on my current client groups
Increasing insight in #TBI recovery can negatively impact mood. Mood and emotions are definitely the remit of neuropsychology but all in the MDT can adapt to support confidence, self esteem and mood 1/n
I use as a basis for my video work with my clients with #TBI and #FND as the focus is on all the super stuff my clients are already doing. VIG has a strong evidence base, and we know clients learn best in a positive environment 2/n
Read 7 tweets
Nov 12th 2020
What Skerrit is saying in regard to not bringing #tobacco under the prescription model is complete rubbish. The @TGAgovau site explicitly mentions novel #nicotine products - #SLT & #HTP.
Huh.. @hollieahughes just said they're due to report by /18th/ December. I'd thought it was the 1st of December.
Emily Banks 'sum total of world experience' .. yeah, with some heavy #CherryPicking.
The Oz #ANTZ /all/ seem to be loving 'the #GatewayEffect' which is a 'real thing'.. 🙄
Read 137 tweets
Jun 22nd 2020
Thread with some bits from my @researchEdhome talk today in which I thoroughly indulged myself & talked endlessly about history, with special mentions to brill work of @SuzanneLPowell @jcarrollhistory @whitburn_robin @Justice2History @PaulaLoboWorth @mrwbw @kenradical @histassoc
This is where we finished up: a guide for better (curriculum- centred) conversations betw senior & middle leaders. It is #notachecklist. Repeat: NOT a checklist! Not an audit tool! Use it as a short cut to a bureaucratic management exercise, & it self-combusts. @researchEdhome
So how did we get there? I celebrated the published work of 5 teachers & did my best to get at just a tiny bit of WHY they had become so productive in their curricular theorising, so useful to others & producers of such quality curricula. What is the significance of their work?
Read 26 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
If you're unsure what #AGPs are in relation to #SLT practice, or how current UK-wide list was agreed, or why it's important, read this⬇️

@RCSLT @justinroe @sarahwallaceslt @mmcoffeystamp @gemmaclunie @GovenderRoganie @jemhaines @drjackiem @rachaelmoses @jkfillingham

The current @PHE_uk list based on this review includes medical and patient care procedures for which there is an accepted 'theoretical risk of aerosolisation' such as induction of sputum, which may include a number of different procedures

Induction of sputum through coughing is an inherent and unpredictable risk which is a core part of the specialist swallowing evaluation performed by #SLT in close contact (<1 metre) with inpatients with #dysphagia (impaired swallowing)

Read 7 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
Official guidance from #ESPEN about nutritional management of #COVIDー19…
A useful summary of nutrition/malnutrition, immune function and critical care.
But in reality, #ICU is different... FWIW a personal interpretation of limited experience thus far..
Assume every patient with #COVID19 is at high risk of malnutrition, whether co-morbidities exist, or not. Difficulties in breathing (DIB) compromises oral intake whether or not non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is used. Plus patients are being admitted well along the disease pathway
Use a feed protocol where possible. Most #ICU have one. Ours follows a 4-hourly escalation in NG feed rate tempered for patients on high level vasopressors. Protocols inform unfamiliar staff with normal ICU practices when ventilated numbers escalate.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 15th 2020
Telehealth may become increasingly useful over the coming months. What are your tips for how to use it in practice?
We'll link to various examples suggested by our membership below. Please do add any tips you have!
Read 45 tweets
Jul 2nd 2019
Hier nun der Thread zur Aktuellen Stunde zur #Klimakonferenz selbst. Es begann @MeyerSt für die #CDU. Er leitete mit den 54 Thesen ein, die auf der Klimakonferenz herausgekommen waren und nannte ein paar. CO2-Steuer, kostenloser ÖPNV. Er könne aber nicht alle gutheißen. (1/x)
Mobilität griff er heraus und stellte es als zentrales Thema dar, um dann aber doch wieder nur darauf zu verweisen, was nun im Bereich ÖPNV kommen soll. Wichtig sei auch, dass man ein Verständnis dafür schaffe, dass Sachsen auch Wirtschaftsregion bleibe. Ob das … (2/x)
… mit dem Klimaschutz vereinbar sei, ließ er offen, deutlich hörte man aber heraus, dass sich #Klimaschutz den Bedürfnissen der Wirtschaftlichkeit unterzuordnen habe und natürlich sei es wichtig, selbst aktiv zu werden. (3/x)
Read 25 tweets
Mar 12th 2019
The St George’s Head & Neck Dietetics team has 4 members - from left: Lauren, Macmillan Specialist Outreach Dietitian, Nick, Macmillan Specialist Dietitian, Niamh, Specialist Dietitian, Rosie, Macmillan Specialist Head & Neck Dietitian. #WhatDietitiansDo Image
.@macmillancancer Head & Neck Outreach #RD and #SLT Service provide specialist nutrition, communication and swallow rehab to patients post-head & neck #cancer @StGDietitians @NHWeek @StGSpeechies #WhatDietitiansDo
The Dietitians attend the weekly Consultant-led clinic to provide specialist nutrition support for patients along their Head & Neck #cancer pathway. A recent survey showed that 93.3% were more than satisfied with the Dietetic service provided.
Read 3 tweets

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