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May 20th 2023
#VaccineHesitancy- “post-truth” era- #theWHO. Making up 61% of vaccine hesitancy is:
đź”´Vaccine Safety
đź”´Mistrust in Health Institutions
đź”´Lack of efficacy
đź”´Negative exp.
🔵7% conspiracy theories
It's a ⚠️MISTRUST BASED ON EXPERIENCE & RISK issue ⚠️ NOTt conspiracy issue! ImageImage
They are not hearing us or listening to the FACTS. They are stonewalling us. Vaccine hesitancy is NOT a result conspiracy theories But a result of fraudulent, conflicted & corrupted, regulator, safety & manufacturing processes that have caused Negative experiences (NO LIABILITY)
And nearly 10% of healthcare workers ⚠️⚠️⚠️KNOW IT.…
Read 13 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
Die #WHO hat fĂĽr Euch ein kleines FactChecking parat @ZDFheute @NilsMetzger. Es folgen AuszĂĽge aus dem offiziellen Abschlussbericht des IHRRC der WHO:…
#StopTheTreaty #StopTheWHO (1/4)
- "Der Ausschuss ist besorgt, dass diese Vorschläge die Souveränität der Vertragsstaaten in unzulässiger Weise beeinträchtigen und vermeintlichen Empfehlungen verbindliche Wirkung verleihen könnten." (Seite 68) (2/4)
-"Die in Absatz 1 dieses vorgeschlagenen neuen Anhangs festgelegten Verpflichtungen scheinen absolut und bedingungslos zu sein." (Seite 89)

Die vorgeschlagenen Änderungen drohen eindeutig, folgenden Text aus Artikel 3 zu ENTFERNEN: "die uneingeschränkte Achtung der Würde, (3/4)
Read 4 tweets
Sep 8th 2022
Read 46 tweets
May 27th 2022
1/ “The Corruption of the
World Health Organization”

By Dr. @bell00david,
Public Health Physician
& Former WHO Scientist

“They are not just resigned to the abandonment of basic public health principles & ethics, but actively working to undermine them...”…
2/ Dr @bell00david: “We are always poorly served by cowardice. But recognizing how things are, and that help is not coming from those paid to do so, will strengthen the resolve of the rest of humanity to move forward without them, taking the future into their own hands.”
3/ Dr @bell00david: The WHO is “ignoring their standard age-dependent metrics for disease burden as they seek to justify policies that will increase child deaths to target a disease predominantly of the unwell elderly."

#StopTheTreaty #StopTheWHO
Read 3 tweets
May 18th 2022
My opinion -this is a gun grab. Congress is silent. CDC has hinted at “gun violence” as a public health emergency for years.

USA is already part of the IHR, with 194 countries. If amendments pass, UN will come for the guns. Hence, the focus on “mass shootings”. #StopTheTreaty
Read 16 tweets

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