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After 4.5 years of leading the @IFRC social media efforts, last week I said goodbye to colleagues & friends. It was a wild ride!

Together we did some work we are proud of.

We used social media in creative ways.

We added value to our members.

We learnt together.

Here's a 👋🏽🧵
When I joined @IFRC, I wanted to:

-Elevate our social media presence
-Position the organization digitally
-Focus on shareable content & formats
-Organise social media trainings & events
-Help colleagues communicate better
-Learn from the best

I believe that worked out well!
I started at @IFRC in October 2018.

Back then the team was considering closing our Facebook page.

I suggested we may give it a try—with truly shareable content.

This image from the @CroixRouge was our 1st post with more than 2k shares in a long time.

Shareability works. A photo of a closet with a batman costume, a French Red Cros
Read 47 tweets
The year was 2016. My high flying SaaS company was declared a “zombie” almost overnight because 3 things happened all at once:
1/ A board member retired
2/ My VP Sales quit after 3 weeks
3/ SaaS multiples crashed

But we survived and exited. Here’s the 3 things we did: 👇🧵
It was the worst year of my life. And it was this year the ethos of Unstoppable came alive for me and my team. “If I don’t quit, I don’t die. And there’s always a way forward so I’ll never quit” became our mantra.

Here’s what I did first….
1/ We were burning too much cash. And the next round looked impossible given public market comps. So we carefully orchestrated two RIFs while ensuring we kept booking revenues. It worked. With half as many employees, we booked just as much revenue.
Read 8 tweets
#WE Are The #NOW.✍️
#WE Are Light Within Darkness ..
#WE Are The Truth ..
#WE ARE The Way ..
#WE Are Artists ..
#WE Are Creators ..
#WE Are LIFE ..
#WE Are The #REAL Leaders …

TI:ME FOR #ACT ion …
Read 8 tweets
Our millions of Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers are truly #Unstoppable.

No matter the crisis, they are always there. For everyone.

And they never miss a beat 🥁

This week, let's celebrate #InternationalVolunteerDay together with all of you 🧵
The #unstoppable Afghan Red Crescent volunteers have been always there for the people of Afghanistan.

A real inspiration.

As winter gets harsher IFRC and the @ARCSAfghanistan will keep supporting over 200,00 families with food over coming weeks.

#InternationalVolunteerDay Image
All our gratitude to the #unstoppable @RedCrossAlbania volunteers 🇦🇱

Thanks for what you do, team! Image
Read 192 tweets
1️⃣ Together we are #Unstoppable
#SaveGaza #HearGaza
Your experience in providing aid and relief for afflicted people around the world can save more lives
@ifrc @mohgovjo @mohpegypt @KUWAIT_MOH @SaudiMOH @MOPHQatar @FIMRC @medical_relief @IHHen @ICRC @saglikbakanligi @sporeMOH
3️⃣ The most tragic humanitarian crisis on earth Today is in #Gaza, where 2 million people 50% of them are kids and 70% are refugees, expelled from their homes in other parts of Palestine in 1948.
Read 25 tweets
#WorldRedCrossDay 🏥⛑️
ఒక అంతర్జాతీయ మానవతావాద ఉద్యమం. ఈ సంస్థలో ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా దాదాపు 9.7 కోట్ల మంది సభ్యులు (కార్యకర్తలు) ఉన్నారు. వీరు మానవతావాదాన్ని, మానవుల జీవితాలను, ఆరోగ్యాన్ని కాపాడడానికి అనునిత్యం శ్రమిస్తూ వుంటారు.
#Redcrossday2021 Image
జాతి, మత, కుల, వర్గ, వర్ణ మరియు వయో భేదాలు లేకుండా సత్సంకల్పంతో పనిచేస్తూ వుంటారు..

ప్రథమ చికిత్స, ప్రమాదాలు జరగకుండా చూడడం, త్రాగే నీటిని పరిశుభ్రంగా ఉంచటం, నర్సులకు శిక్షణ నివ్వడం, ప్రాథమిక ఆరోగ్య కేంద్రాలను నడపటానికి మంత్రసానులకు శిక్షణ, వైద్య శాలలను Image
స్థాపించడం, రక్త నిధులు (#BloodBanks 🆎🅰️🅱️🅾️) సేకరించడం, మొదలైన పనులు చేస్తుంటుంది.

#Unstoppable Image
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Par santé et prévention

#CONTROL_ET_HYGIÈNE_DE_VIE chez un diabétique

✔️ Respecter la prise de ses médicaments: antidiabétiques oraux et/ ou injectables.

✔️ Mesures hygiéno-diététiques:
💅contrôler la glycémie et la maintenir dans le "range de normalité"
💐Activité sportive: saut, course, pédalage, marche, danse, nage, Gymnastique...
-💐perte du poids ( impératif)
💐Alimentation équilibrée: riche en fibres, légumes, légumineuses, fruits.. pauvre en sucre simple, café, alcool, fumage de cigarette..
Priviligier tout ce qui est d'origine végétal( huile, haricot..)
💐Ne pas sauter les repas et respecter les signaux de faim et de satiété.
💐 Boire beaucoup d’eau 2L/jr
Read 4 tweets
You're unstoppable and nothing can stop God's blessings over your life regardless of the seasons we are in. The Accelerate Prayer Conference 2020 is just a few weeks away. The theme this year is #UNSTOPPABLE! Invitation to an online Pra...
We'll be having Bishop @FrancisWaleOke, Pastor @iamchrisugoh, Pastor Wale Akinsiku, my wife Pastor @Bollarinwa and myself at this year's conference. Please download the Accelerate prayer card via and write down your request(s)!
I'm trusting God that testimonies will spring forth from it in Jesus name, amen! The conference holds from Wednesday, July 1st - Friday, July 3rd. Pls save the date & remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel & connect to our social media handles -ElevationNG. #Accelerate2020
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I was running ToutApp

There was this one board meeting

My board members gave me a hug and told me to cut to 15

We were $6m ARR 70 people

I did two layoffs

Took it to CFBE and Growth

And then sold the company

But it was the worst year of my life

AMA >> +1 (917) 540-5261
Ps. We didn’t cut to 15.

I know a lot of you are making tough decisions right now.

Know that there is always a way forward.

But you have to make sure you’re cutting the fat and not muscle.

And I know the decisions come down to you being in a room alone w a spreadsheet.
I’ve been there. So many of us have. But just know. It may be tough now. But remember the dream.

Remember why you started this in the first place.

Find a way to keep on and survive. And then you will thrive.

You may not be able to save them all. But save the ones that matter
Read 7 tweets
Good Morning and welcome to church. Thanks for joining us. Today marks the last day of our 21-Day Fasting and Prayer program.

#CHURCHGRA #MyTurnToShine #WinningThroughPrayers #SundayMorning #Unstoppable
Now ministering Pst Clem Imaku
Winning Through Prayers.

Life is a journey, it's not a funfair but warfare. to winning is gaining victory.

#CHURCHGRA #MyTurnToShine #WinningThroughPrayers #SundayMorning #Unstoppable
We are designed to win, the defeat has already been decided before the battle ever began. 1john 4:4

#CHURCHGRA #MyTurnToShine #WinningThroughPrayers #SundayMorning #Unstoppable
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Good Morning and welcome to church this wonderful Sunday morning. God has a word for you today.

#MyTurnToShine #Unstoppable #WinningThroughPrayerss
The year doesn't change just the numbers. Nothing special about the years but what we do differently. What are you doing differently is what would make the difference.
-Pst Mike Nwangwa

#MyTurnToShine #Unstoppable #WinningThroughPrayers
Things to do differently this year

1. Learn a new skill. The world is changing fast and you need to learn an extra skill that would make you relevant in the future.

-Pst Mike Nwangwa

#MyTurnToShine #Unstoppable #WinningThroughPrayers
Read 23 tweets
We are LIVE with @ParisGaudet & @GaringerAngela for a #virtualevent on the art of negotiating! Learn how to get out of the way of your own success and take ownership of your future. #TeVE #TeVirtualEvents #womenwholead Join us here: Image
Negotiation - it doesn't need to have a negative connotation. It's not COHERSION. It's a conversation! - @ParisGaudet #TeVE #TeVirtualEvents #bringpeopletogether #womenwholead #leadership
Fear can hold you back. Fear of rejection, fear of being perceived as aggressive instead of as a strong leader. #Leadership #TeVE #TeVirtualEvents #womenwholead
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Topic: Prayer Deposit

Prayer is a the way to connect with God. Prayer ought to be a way of life but some do it only when they are in need.

#sundayserviice #CHURCHGRA #TheAdvantage19 #Unstoppable #PstHenryOjei
When you pray always you have prayer deposit that can be utilized when you're in need.

#sundayserviice #CHURCHGRA #TheAdvantage19 #Unstoppable #PstHenryOjei
The prayers you make today will be relevant for you tomorrow. Prayer of parents are what some people are enjoying today.

How effective are you praying for your children?

#sundayserviice #CHURCHGRA #TheAdvantage19 #Unstoppable #PstHenryOjei
Read 12 tweets

🎧🎤Draw me close to you
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear you say that I'm your friend
You are my desire
No one else will do 🎧🎤

#sundayserviice #CHURCHGRA #TheAdvantage19 #Unstoppable

🎧🎤'Cause nothing else can take your place
To feel the warmth of your embrace
Help me find the way
Bring me back to you 🎧🎤

#sundayserviice #CHURCHGRA #TheAdvantage19 #Unstoppable

🎧🎤You're all I want
You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want
Help me know you are near 🎧🎤

#sundayserviice #CHURCHGRA #TheAdvantage19 #Unstoppable
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Pastor @JoelAwogu
Topic: Holy Spirit and prayer
2 Corinthians 3:14

#SundayService #CHURCHGRA #TheAdvantage #Unstoppable
Three things were listed in that verse.

1. The Grace of the LORD
2. The Love of God
3. The fellowship of the Holy Spirit

#SundayService #CHURCHGRA #TheAdvantage #Unstoppable #PstJoelAwogu
The spirit of a person is the originator of that person. The Holy Spirit is God. He is the spirit of God. He is beyond a weapon, that's an abuse of the person.

#SundayService #CHURCHGRA #TheAdvantage #Unstoppable #PstJoelAwogu
Read 10 tweets
Como hoy es #SanPublicito, voy a comentar algunas de las campañas mas logradas, divertidas y llamativas de los últimos. Abro hilo:
Comienzo por una serie de campañas super divertidas y elaboradas, todo un éxito de visibilidad para la marca: @OldSpice tomaba el control de tu pantalla y te embelesaba con increíbles efectos "reales" y la voz aterciopelada de su "Old Spice Man" 😎
@OldSpice Luego le dieron una vuelta de tuerca (literalmente 🤣!) y @OldSpice siguió ofreciendo campañas super divertidas y bizarras 🤣🤣🤣 gracias al exagerado y deliciosamente excesivo @terrycrews 🎇🔥!! #SanPublicito
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1. Implementation of TSA.

2. VAIDS to boost our tax collection base.

3. Reviving 14 dead fertiliser companies.

4. Recovery of over 700bn stolen funds.

5. Completion of Abuja Metro rail.

6. Completion of Abuja-Kaduna railway.
7. Increasing of budgetary allocation yearly for Capital Expenditure to a minimum of 30% with projects in power, road, rail & Bridges such as the 2nd Niger Bridge.
8.Boosting local productions of items like rice hence saving our FX earnings and creating employment in Agric space
9. Outperforming every economy in Africa-Forbes.

10. Growing our FX reserve from $29bn to $48bn with low FX revenues.

11. Implementation of the BVN policy which has helped to curb financial malpractices and tax recoveries.

12. Holding corporations accountable for malpractice
Read 9 tweets
When you cracked another motherfucking code.. and the broskie codes it for you on TOS.

Dont worry, this code only took 10 months worth of daily data tracking to finally crack.

More posts on this coming soon. Bookmark this fucking thread.

#EbonyAndIvory ImageImage
these guys are such pros. i love it. they KNOW which lines to protect, and keep soaking to stop the RELEVANT candles from closing below the lines in the sand. Same shit diff day. you're not trapping me. As usual, i'll wait patiently until the demand peaks. Image
I will say day 2 of testing the newly cracked code is going pretty well 😂😂😂

Ladies and gentlemen, cunts and cuntettes, Introducing to the ebony and ivory hall of fame

#ebonyandivory Image
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