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Apr 14th 2022
Ok. This feels like an absolute anchor around my neck, but it's probably why I should do it.

Sooooo. I've been a big admirer of @swardley and sometime practitioner of #wardleymaps

Yet I don't feel like I've really developed a mapping practice that is regular and consistent. 👇
This thread by @aleixmorgadas really struck a chord for me. Wardley mapping takes time and commitment. It's easy to start and stop without some catalyst to keep you on track.

I'm also confident there are many other would-be Wardley mappers like me. Solid on the theory. Avidly consumed content and dabbled in mapping, but lack confidence in taking it to the next level.

So in the spirit of building in public, I'm going to learn in public. 👇
Read 9 tweets
Nov 30th 2021

But, what thought?


The recent conversations about #ToolsForThought tend to revolve around note taking. Indeed, a note can be a representation of thought...

But, a tweet can also be a representation of thought.

Read 21 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
I gave a talk at #QConPlus on "Moldable Development by Example".

A summary.

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The talk consisted mostly of two stories. Two examples.

I started with a little story inspired by our recent experience of going through the Open edX system.

It went like this. Imagine you have a system written in Python and you want to split it for various reasons.

You'd first look for components that already exist. In this case, the system already seems to have top components available (as documented by top folders).

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Read 20 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
Today at #QConPlus , @girba shows graphs that reveal hidden dependencies in code.
Somehow this code reveals its own properties and relationships in custom-made developer experiences
Glamourous toolkit:
"empowering developers to create their own tools for every one of their problems" @girba #QConPlus

This is a superpower of developers: we can craft our own work environment.
For example, when viewing build logs: as you find a new problem, add some custom highlighting so that next time it jumps right out at you.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 9th 2021
Hoy hemos compartido algo parecido a un #wardleymap. Esta técnica nos está ayudando mucho a:
- despejar incógnitas sobre qué se está haciendo
- priorizar qué se debería estar haciendo
- comunicarlo a todos los miembros de los equipos
- poner a todo el mundo en la misma página
El mapa lo hemos elaborado fundamentalmente con POs (que en nuestro caso tienen muchos conocimientos técnicos y saben bien los componentes que se están construyendo y por qué). El verano nos ha dificultado poder contar con perfiles más técnicos (arquitectos, líderes técnicos...)
Por supuesto, también estamos contando con algún mando intermedio y con el CTO. La participación de este último está siendo muy útil porque nos ayuda a centrarnos en responder *también* a sus necesidades y hacer aportaciones a su estrategia.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 16th 2021
#GToolkit now features a new component: #Lepiter.

Knowledge Management + Multilanguage Notebooks + Moldable Development.

Let's take a tour.

Lepiter is made of snippets assembled in pages. Each snippet has its own language and comes with its own editor.

In its simplest form, it's a Markdown note taker with live markup that appears on demand and expandable links.

When combined with a table of contents, pages can form a book.

Read 21 tweets
Jan 22nd 2021
@PaulEremenko : “shameful” that aerospace is one of the only industries not to have a plan to meet the #ParisClimateAgreement
Believes that Hydrogen can reach price parity with Kerosene by mid 2020s....ready for the next airliners from Boeing, Airbus, COMAC
Enabled by breakthroughs in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane #PEM technology for generation of Hydrogen and conversion to electricity
Read 7 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
THREAD: Yesterday I gave a talk at #ITechDays on #Security approach in a #Cloud with #Azure context.
Here is key points and promised links and references.
DISCLAIMER: I'm MVP and RD but it isn't based on NDA info. My opinions only.
It might be wrong. You are warned.

Pic (cc) Image
John Boyd defined #OODA loop. It is not strongest or best equip who survive.
Rate of adaptation to change matters.

How it applies to #security? Image
Read 28 tweets
Mar 11th 2020
X : The thing about Wardley's two axes is ...
Me : I only have one axis - the value chain is actually the chain itself. I wish I had two but the "value chain axis" is simply scaffolding to help beginners map by pointing out a direction for visibility.
Within the evolution of a single meaning (i.e. kettle), there will be many instances (i.e. this product or that). Each instance has its own diffusion curve and applicable market (often related). Evolution of a single thing is not one diffusion curve but many, possibly hundreds.
Hence the early adopters to one instance (i.e. a product version of kettle) could be the laggards to another instance (i.e. the commodity version of kettle).
Read 6 tweets
Jan 13th 2020
A thread about how well #China is playing the international game to become the most prominent economy in this decade, by @swardley.
@swardley Some key points about #China's long-run #strategy:

- For the #CPC (Communist Party of China) the #market is only a tool to leverage the power of the Chinese people, culture, and state, and not the holy sacred truth, as most western liberals believe. See @swardley's explanation.
@swardley - #China, through its CPC, acts as the #world's #biggest #buyer of goods & services, and hence, is able to impose its conditions (read law, prices, access to intellectual property, etc) to all multinationals that want to access the Chinese market, no matter how big they are.
Read 22 tweets

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