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Sep 21st 2022
#YYJPoli Guess who said it?
"If I was a citizen...I would be unsettled"
(cheat sheet: ref:@Adam_Stirling Hr1; this am; approx 11 mins in)
#IfIWasACitizen sums up the patronizing attitude we must rid #YYJ of. Pls don't vote4 any #CityFamily candidate…
2/ "I was speaking as the head of the #CityFamily "
Am I the only one who thinks it's beyond weird (and ultra colonial speak/action) that the elected #YYJ city mayor/councillors; decide which indigenous ppl get invited to #CityFamily? (and speak on their behalf?) #reconciliation
3/ "I am the Family head.. absolutely"
"wow wow wow wow" #YYJPoli #CityFamily
"I was representing the will of the family"
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