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Did you know: Recycling is an oil industry lie, invented and pushed as a 'solution' to the plastic crisis in the 1980s and 1990s to placate the public and avoid bans?

Story time! ⤵️ #ZeroPlasticWaste #Plastic #PlasticBan
Back in the 1980s/1990s, the public was becoming increasingly concerned about the amount of plastic garbage accumulating in the environment. So much so that the industry was facing a serious possibility of plastic bans – the ultimate nightmare for Big Oil.
Plastic bans would have interfered with their ability to profit off production of virgin plastics.

So they presented RECYCLING as the solution – and then spent tens of millions promoting it via ads, recycling projects + PR campaigns, telling people plastic could be recycled.
Read 11 tweets
Leaving Udine for the 2022 Study Tour of Milan & Treviso organized by @zerowasteeurope
#zerowaste #sustainability
More info:👇👇👇…
My train is late and overcrowded but I had the chance to re-read part of The Modern Crisis by #MurrayBookchin Great book and still relevant today!
#socialecology Image
The view from my room at the hotel
#zerowastetour ImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Di tengah ancaman pencemaran plastik, negara-negara pada akhirnya menyepakati untuk menyusun suatu perjanjian internasional untuk mengakhiri pencemaran plastik yang mengatur secara komprehensif keseluruhan daur hidup plastik dalam forum UNEA 5.2.
Rencananya proses negosiasi dari perjanjian ini akan mulai dilaksanakan pada tahun 2023. Indonesia perlu untuk mengambil peran strategis dalam proses negosiasi perjanjian internasional untuk mengakhiri pencemaran plastik ini.
Oleh karena itu, @AZWIndonesia bersama dengan ICEL mengeluarkan enam rekomendasi bagi Pemerintah Indonesia dalam proses negosiasi Global Plastic Treaty, apa saja rekomendasi tersebut?

Simak pada infografis berikut ini.
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Diese ganze Recycling-Manie im Fashionbereich löst kein einziges Problem. Im Gegenteil. Es befeuert den Konsum.
Konsumenten glauben, sie können nun sorglos konsumieren, schließlich ist es recyceltes Material. ABER!
Das wenigste geht ins Recycling. Keiner kann sich vorstellen, wie energetisch intensiv die erneute Logistik, Sortierung, Aufbereitung ist, um dann ein Recyclat herzustellen, dass ohne Beimengen frischen Materials auch nur annähernd Qualitätsstandards hält.
Read 13 tweets
These are our 5 takeaways from the #IPCC report on #mitigation, looking at what it means for the #waste sector. Spoiler: we need to cut emissions as fast and furious as we can, and reducing #waste, #plastic and being more materials efficient can help lots…
As the report points out, the #waste sector remains the largest contributor to urban emissions after the energy sector, even in low-carbon #cities. Urban areas themselves represent the lion’s share of global emissions, and it's increasing: from 60% in 2000 to 67% in 2015.
So, the @IPCC_CH #ClimateReport recognises that cities can significantly reduce emissions, but this requires systemic transformation: #circulareconomy, #inclusion, #equity, innovative technologies can make a huge contribution towards low carbon urban devel'mnt

The 5 takeaways
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A year ago, we posted this cool video explaining how #3Dprinted homes are better than traditional ones. Still relevant. We now started talking with developers, and they love this value proposition as well
1. Our homes are #sustainable and produced with nearly #zerowaste because we only print what is needed. We even recycle the scraps
2. We offer a turnkey solution which means we take care of all the city permits dealing with contractors through the installation and delivery and anything else needed for your project. So all you'll have to do is sit back and relax
Read 5 tweets
Bit of a frustrating day today (Jane needs a whinge 😬) I loaded up a sharing shelf at 7.30am. A man arrived and sat in his van watching (I got an instant bad vibe which I know to trust) he came for a peruse when it seemed I was finished. Something made me loiter tho (1/...?)
I pretended to be sorting the crates and saw him take three boxes of goodies to his van until finally I said “Can you please leave something for others?” To his credit be bought one box back .. (Could be cos he saw me take his pic?) 😈 but it all kinda felt bad vs good 😐
Went to the next sharing (key word “sharing!”) shelf and loaded it up. One lady came and took umpteen bags of stuff. Same happened at the next one 🤦‍♀️
I guess I just have to hope they’re sharing the love w friends / family and not hoarding or wasting it!?
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In just a few minutes we're starting the last session of our Anatomy of a Zero Waste Campaign digital series! @Breathefree313 and @ilsr share their expertise on creating systems-level organics policy toward a true #ZeroWaste future! Image
@Breathefree313 @ilsr First up, Brenda Platt of ILSR offers a "menu" of ideas for composting policy and programs that she's learned in her last 10 years of work on community composting.
@Breathefree313 @ilsr Most of us are familiar with the waste hierarchy, but Brenda talks about scale of composting. The goal should be widespread local composting, rather than focusing on large industrial facilities that take power and decisionmaking away from communities.
Read 19 tweets
Here's a #BrightonWaste 🧵
Lots of ways to reduce your waste or manage it better


Find all the local @TerraCycleUK schemes for hyper-recycling
Plastic packaging, crisp pkts, PPE, toothbrushes, lots of stuff you can't kerbside recycle!
The biggest and best local specialist recycling happens every Thursday at @BrightonOpenMkt check what can be recycled and how to participate BEFORE you go!…
Check this national postcode search to see what can and cannot be recycled where you live from home (in theory for when there's not a strike on!) and all the other local #recycling options available via @recycle_now
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Hi! Archie here from @GAIAnoburn for #IZWCC2021 to deliver inspiring quotes from Mark Lloyd Mesina of Malabon City on their Zero Waste Cities implementation in partnership with @motherearthph. Link to YT video: #Go4ZeroWaste #breakfreefromplastic [1/9] Image
Malabon is a highly-urbanized city that’s prone to floods due to its flat terrain & proximity to heavily-silted river systems. The city has invested in drainage systems & pumping stations but waste clogging these facilities have negated flood mitigation efforts. #IZWCC2021 [2/9] Image
Malabon started its #ZeroWasteCities program 6 years ago in Potrero, the most populous barangay with 54,000 residents. The city has since expanded the program to all 27 barangays. #IZWCC2021 [3/9] Image
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What happens to Europeans plastics when it is exported by countries including the UK & France to Turkey? I, @yasinnakgul & @volkikam went to Gaziantep & Adana to find out last month after Turkey last year became the main destination for the EU's waste.… ImageImageImageImage
According to @EU_Eurostat via @Greenpeace_Med, in 2019, the monthly average plastic imports increased to 48,500 tonnes from around 4,000 in 2016. The top 5 exporters to Turkey in 2019 were the UK, Italy, Belgium, Germany and France.… Image
But the issue is tonnes of the plastic packaging ends up in rivers, ditches and roadsides of southern Turkey, as these pictures taken last month in Adana show. We went to multiple sites and found similar images. The next couple of tweets will be a closer look at these areas. ImageImageImage
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1⃣Dünyada her yıl 4-5 milyar ton gıda üretiliyor.
Bu miktar aslında 10 milyar nüfusa yeterli.

Ancak 7,5 milyar nüfuslu dünyamızda her 9 kişiden biri açlıkla boğuşuyor.

Başlıca neden ise çöpe giden MİLYARLARCA TON gıda.

#GıdanıKoru #ZeroHunger ImageImageImageImage
2⃣ BM verilerine göre günümüzde 815 milyondan fazla kişi açlıkla boğuşuyor.

2050 yılında da bu sayıya 2 MİLYAR İNSANIN daha katılması bekleniyor.

Üstelik pandemi ve iklim değişikliği gibi küresel sorunların bu sayıyı artırma endişesi hala güncelliğini koruyor. ImageImage
3⃣ Yaklaşık 3 milyar kişinin de sağlıklı beslenmediği diğer bir gerçek.

Ancak sorun gıda yokluğundan değil, başlıca nedenlerden biri israf edilen 1/3'lük kısım.

Üstelik heba edilen gıda açlıkla boğuşan >815 milyon kişiyi 4 kat doyurabilecek bir miktar.
#SıfırAtık #zerowaste Image
Read 16 tweets
A pochwalę się. Wczoraj zrobiłem pierwszą w życiu bezę. Dzięki przepisowi @OdczarujGary wyszła idealnie. Dzisiaj do bezy krem z bitej śmietany i mascarpone, do tego maliny i borówki. #taksiętyje Image
Wiem, że prezentacja pozostawia wiele do życzenia, ale jednak smak... Cudo! Image
Tak naprawdę, to zrobiłem wczoraj doskonałe spaghetti alla carbonara, do którego poza pecorino romano, pancettą i pieprzem trafiło sześć żółtek. I szkoda było wyrzucać białka. #zerowaste
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#SDG fans will be aware that #GlobalGoalsWeek kicks off tomorrow (and continues until the 26th). #SDGsScotland Image
We thought we would take the opportunity to share some of the great examples of the SDGs in action across Scotland highlighted in our national SDG review: ‘Scotland and the sustainable development goals: a national review to drive action’ #SDGsScotland…
We’ll focus on a couple of the goals each day and tweet a wee summary of some of the stories we featured in the review. #SDGsScotland
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Just because something is #recyclable does not mean it's #recycled. This article makes a lot of great points about misleading consumers on the sustainability (or lack thereof) of packaging.

I'd like to add a local and #zerowaste perspective!

The National Sword program in 2017, when China stopped accepting recyclables unless they met the stringent 0.5% contamination rate, had a big impact on recycling.

China was previously a large importer of US recyclables, which now needed to find new markets. (1/n)
As far as contamination rates go, the Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency (OCRRA) noted this was "nearly impossible."

Even with a contamination rate of 1%, OCRRA has reported on looking for new solutions:… (2/n)
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Trying some #ZeroWasteHackney #zerowaste September challenges.... We are pretty good with food waste but could divert more to our wormery .... Just weighed 400g from last 2 days that will now be home compost 🙂 1.8kg for the food waste collection though 🤔 A tub of food waste on a ki...A bag of food waste on a scale
Also shredding cardboard for the compost to reduce our recycling.... Image
Today's worm food, 700g diverted from municipal food waste 🙂. These are windfall apples so already rescued once. #zerowaste September #zerowastehackney Image
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Uno de los principios del judaísmo es no desperdiciar. El derroche de recursos provoca un mal enorme a nuestro planeta. Propongo un #hilo con acciones (pequeñas y no tanto) que, sumadas, provocaran un cambio sustancial. Sale #hilo #CuidaranMiMundo (con nivel de dificultad 🥇🥈🥉) Image
No esperemos hacer todo de una, no es sostenible en el tiempo. Es cuestión de ir incorporando y modificando de a poco nuestras conductas para ir acercándonos al objetivo. Cada paso cuenta. #VidaSustentable #Ecologia #Reciclaje #ZeroWaste #BasuraCero Image
Cerrar el agua mientras nos cepillamos los dientes. 🥉 Image
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Por el día de la #EducacionAmbiental queremos hablaros de los #residuos y la basura que generamos con nuestra vida diaria, el reto que suponen, los problemas que causan para el medio ambiente y de cómo podemos reducir nuestro impacto. ¡Dentro hilo! 🌍👇#EA26 #ZeroWaste
En España se generaron 22 millones de toneladas de residuos en 2017, y más de la mitad acabaron en el vertedero. Los envases son un gran quebradero de cabeza ya que la mayoría son de un solo uso y se encuentran asociados al “packaging”… Image
Durante décadas, los países desarrollados han exportado gran parte de sus residuos reciclables. 🇨🇳China solía ser el destino principal de nuestro reciclaje... Hasta que se cansó y dijo: ¡basta!…
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Having a read through @WRAP_UK report into the waste textiles market - for our @ZeroWasteLeeds project on textiles and fashion. Lots of interesting stuff in there. 5% of household spending goes on clothing.
@WRAP_UK @ZeroWasteLeeds 921,000 tonnes of used textiles ended up in household residual waste (ie to go to landfill or incineration) in 2017. 336,000 tonnes of that was used clothing. Meanwhile 620,000 tonnes of used textiles were collected for reuse & recycling.
@WRAP_UK @ZeroWasteLeeds I always find big figures like that hard to relate to. But fair to say that a LOT of clothing and other textiles that could be reused - or recycled - is ending up in landfill or is being incinerated.
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Our consumption model is hurting our environment, our physical and mental health. We’re over-using natural resources, exposing children to toxic chemicals in our everyday products, and creating too much waste. This is unsustainable. Thread👇
Humanity lives at credit and consumes resources equal to that of 1.7 planets a year, vs 1.4 a decade ago and 0.8 in 1963. If population and consumption trends continue, this figure will rise to 2 planets by 2030.
#sustainabilitymatters #earth
The problem is about quantity, quality, and behaviors. We produce too much useless and disposable stuff, using enormous resources, cheap materials and labor, that we often barely use and quickly throw away.…
#zerowaste #circulareconomy
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Thread: Our (micro)biz model is rooted in #slowfashion #zerowaste #ecofashion, we've been greening wardrobes since 2007 & reject #fastfashion 👗👡👜👒
Our Frockery #ecofashion challenge, held every Feb since 2011, celebrates #secondhand #vintage #preloved #handmade over #fastfashion…
We're pretty opinionated! 'Landfill fashion: what a waste' #frockerytalk
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thread mit umweltfreundlicheren alternativen zu alltagsprodukten (weil unser planet stirbt und wir was verändern müssen)
bambuszahnbürste + dent tabs anstatt plastik :)
glasflasche oder stahlflasche mit leitungswasser (gefiltert falls schlechte qualität) anstatt immer plastikflaschen zu kaufen
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Launched today, CityCirc 1.0 is a computational tool developed by Exploration Architecture that makes it easier to design circular economy systems for cities and eco-industrial parks. Inspired by the interconnected and highly resource-efficient characteristics of ecosystems -
This tool allows designers to both plan and visualise how complex systems work. this tool allows designers to both plan and visualise how complex systems work. Users can input technologies / processes / land uses together with their key inputs / outputs and then make connections
so that waste from one part of the system can become an input for another part. This encourages designers to regard all under-utilised resources as opportunities to add something to the system to create more value. Exploration Architecture are now offering this as
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