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Jan 3rd 2022
Two drones attacked the #US base at Victory camp close to #Baghdad airport, #Iraq, not far from where the two commanders #Qassem_Soleimani and #AbuMahdialMuhandis were assassinated by the US President Donald Trump.
Today, Two Drones attacked the #US forces in #Anbar, at Ayn al-Assad air base, the same base that #Iran bombed with 16 precision missiles in 2020, following Donald Trump's assassination of the two commanders #Iran Qassem Soleimani and #Iraq Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes.
If the #US responds to any attack against its bases, it becomes a combat force in #Iraq, violating the agreement with the Iraqi gov. The US forces will be legally considered an occupation force, giving more legitimacy to the local resistance.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 12th 2020
Actuellement à Téhéran une grande manifestation a comméncé. "Honte, Honte , honte au Guide " scandent les Iraniens. # IranProtests2020 #IranProtests #IranPlaneCrash #Iran Les protestations se poursuivent en Iran
Une foule immense se dirige Place Azadi à Téhéran en scandant "Nous ne voulons pas de pouvoir de Pasdaran Sepahi" le #IranProtests 1500 mort de la répression n'a pas pu domminer le courage des Iraniens vidéo diffusé par l'OMPI #FreeIran2020 #Iran @Limportant_fr @AFP @afptehran
@Limportant_fr @AFP @afptehran Place Azadi les Manifestants scandent "Sepah (le Corps des Gardiens de la révolution) commet les crimes; le Guide les soutient" et " A bas le dictateur" le peuple iranien est décidé à renverser le régime #IranProtests2020 @brutofficiel
@Cdanslair vidéo de l'OMPI
Read 30 tweets
Jan 8th 2020
#Iran launches 'more than a dozen ballistic missiles' at #US targets in #Iraq, Pentagon confirms
I#Iran #USA
ran’s foreign minister has said the strikes have concluded and characterised them as self-defence within the boundaries of international law – not the first shots in a war.

Trump, in his first comments after the strikes, also sought to play them down.
#Iran #USA
The attacks appear to have been carefully calibrated to avoid US casualties. #US bases in #Iraq were already on high alert.

This is a first step Iran is initiating to give the go to further attacks by Iran and its allies to exhaust US forces in the Middle East.
Read 29 tweets
Jan 5th 2020
In his speech today #Nasrallah said that there is no American official who carries the same weight as #QassemSoleimani & #AbuMahdialMuhandis. Then he adds that Solaimani's shoe is worth more than Trump & all the US leadership put together. #Iran #Iraq
#Nasrallah today: "The response to the blood of #QassemSoleimani & #AbuMahdialMuhandis has to be the expulsion of the American forces from the whole region" #Iran #Iraq
#Nasrallah stresses that American citizens and civilians in the region or anywhere else cannot be harmed. Harming them would only serve #Trump's agenda. #Iran #Iraq #QassemSoleimani
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Jan 5th 2020
#Hezbollah leader Nasrallah begins speech on the killings of #Qassem_Suleimani and #AbuMahdialMuhandis.

Says Jan 2nd 2020 (day of the assasination) is the beginning of a new phase in the entire region.
Nasrallah says Soleimani got what he sought on that night: Martyrdom.
#Nasrallah says both Soleimani and Abu Mahdi confided in him that they wanted to be martyred.

Abu Mahdi did so at a meeting in #Beirut’s southern suburbs 2 months ago when they “spoke for hours.”

Nasrallah congratulates then both.
Read 18 tweets
Jan 5th 2020
When the Air Force (Helicopters) of a country, #Iraq, carry the coffins of those assassinated by a guest country, #US. Do you @realDonaldTrump believe your troop will be safe in Iraq after your violation of the agreement with the Iraqi government?

@realDonaldTrump The 1st of 3 expected Funerals in three cities of #Iran today and tomorrow of the most famous and loved #Qassemsoleimani General assassinated by the #US in #BaghdadAirportAttack . The US and neocon sitting in tanks all day, pretending & trying hard to think, believe he is hated
@realDonaldTrump The will of the most famous General in #Iran Sardar Haj #QassemSuleimani assassinated by the #US in #BaghdadAirportAttack:
A دثقغ simple grave with the name of "the soldier Qassem Soleimani, without any Flowery phrases (praising compliments)"
Read 47 tweets
Jan 4th 2020
Explosion in #Baghdad. Reports say a projectile landed in the Green Zone
Multiple projectiles (unclear if rockets of mortars) hit near the fortified US embassy compound. Explosion heard by witnesses nearby. No casualties reported so far.

Lots of rumours flying around, awaiting official confirmation from Iraqi and US security
Breaking: Another attack in Salahuddin province. According to security forces, two rockets landed on a storage compound inside #Balad airbase north of #Baghdad, without any casualties. Sirens heard inside the base.

#Iraq is on the edge tonight...
Read 6 tweets
Jan 3rd 2020
#Iran has decided to directly respond against the #US assassination of #IRGC commander #QassemSoleimani and #Iraq commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes
#Iran #IRGC cmdr #QassemSoleimani movement was not a secret because it was understood that his killing will create a response.

He was killed in #Iraq by a #US order and #Iran will hit the #US by Khamenei order.

That will drag a wider confrontation

#Iran #QassemSoleimani commander was due to visit #Turkey President Erdogan and had a visit scheduled to #Lebanon.

His trips were known for many. The assassination will not at all affect Iran military and operationally because no one is indispensable.
Read 65 tweets
Dec 29th 2019
Breaking: #US Airstrikes on Hashd al-Shaabi Forces West of al-Anbar

According to reports, the US warplanes have targeted the positions of the 45th Brigade of Hashd al-Shaabi in the al-Mazraah area on the road to Akashat, west of Anbar province.…
The #US terrorist command in the region, #CENTCOM releasing a statement said that they attacked five positions of Kata’ib Hezbollah forces in Iraq and Syria.…
First images from the one of the bases which targeted by the #US warplanes
Read 215 tweets

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