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Mar 4th 2023
1.🧵 about #Chemicalattack on school children in #Iran

Q1. What do we know?
A1. During the past month, several schools were allegedly attacked by unknown people. Hundreds of students suffered from different symptoms that vary from case to case.
In the first attacks, all occurred in #Qom, students felt a smell like tangerine or "rotten tangerine" then they experienced symptoms varying from headache, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, difficulty to breathe & paralysis. The symptoms were recurring in some
up to two weeks after the first incident.
It's said that the students were treated with atropine at the hospital.

Q2. What could be the cause of these attacks?
A2. Positive response to treatment with atropine, the smell of rotten tangerine, and paralysis point to one suspect.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
A thread on poisoning of female students in #Qom, Iran 🧵

1- poisoning cases started 3 months ago, Nov 30 to be exact. They’ve reported in a dozen high schools where female students study. It’s estimated some 150 students visited hospitals, with almost half hospitalized. ImageImage
2- Students who visited hospitals were complaining of headache, vomiting, chest pain, dizziness, faster then normal breathing, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure.
The case didn’t limit to #Qom, with similar incidents reported in Brujerd, Lorestan prov, far-away from Qom.
3- Acc. to media, the poisoning cases in Brujerd took place in several female high schools, a female elementary school and (to the surprise of many!) a male high school. The number of poisoned girls in Brujerd is over 250.
#Iran Image
Read 7 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
Iranian diaspora opposition is furious with #Switzerland ambassador to #Iran.
Nadine Olivieri Lozano wore a chador (black veil covering head to toe) while visiting the Shrine of Sayyida Ma’asuma in #Qom. It’s a norm to wear a chador when visiting shrines in #Iran & #Iraq. ImageImageImageImage
Wearing a chador is exactly what the UN special Representative for Iraq does. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert wears a black veil each time and every time she meets with Grand Ayatollah Sistani in Najaf or when she visited the Imam Hussein Shrine in Karbala. ImageImageImageImage
The Iranian opposition can’t tolerate seeing a women wearing chador inside a holy shrine, (as it is required) , I wonder how come they want to bring freedom to all women of Iran, religious or non-religious??
Read 4 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
NEW | Supreme Leader Ali #Khamenei and significant parts of his inner circle are continuing to misdiagnose the core problems driving the ongoing protests. Today's update from @criticalthreats and @TheStudyofWar:… (1/6)
At least two protests took place in two cities across two provinces. Protests and strikes may increase in the coming days. (2/6)
Some protesters have increasingly focused on imposing economic pressure on the regime as the #Iranian Rial continues to devaluate. (3/6)
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Nov 18th 2022
La scintilla della libertà in #Iran è diventata un incendio. Ora le fiamme hanno avvolto persino la casa natale di Ruhollah #Khomeini, il padre della Rivoluzione Islamica, l'emblema dell'incubo vissuto dagli iraniani dal 1979 ad oggi.
#IranRevolution #IranRevolution2022
A dare notizia dell'accaduto sono i social e i media, tra cui Iran International. Il rogo sarebbe stato appiccato utilizzando delle bottiglie molotov: classica tecnica da guerriglia, utilizzata a più riprese in queste settimane contro le forze di sicurezza del regime.
I manifestanti hanno dato fuoco anche al seminario sciita di #Qom. Siamo dinanzi ad uno spettacolare salto di qualità della protesta, alla prova che chi scende in strada non combatte più per la libertà dei costumi, ma per abbattere il regime. A questo punto esistono due
Read 10 tweets
Sep 21st 2022
#BREAKING: Anti-regime protests continues for the fifth day all over #Iran over murder of #MahsaAmini by morality police of the regime. This video recorded a few minutes ago shows the protest in city of #Amol, North of #Iran.
#BREAKING: In several cities of #Iran including #Sardasht in west of the country, snipers of #Iranian Police are positiooned over the roof tops of the buildings to kill the protesters tonight. Protesters filmed one of them secretly.
#BREAKING: People in city of Gonbad-Kavus in North of #Iran have started their anti-regime protest. Today is the fifth day of nationwide protests across #Iran over murder of #MahsaAmini.
Read 100 tweets
Sep 20th 2022
Footage circulating on social media suggests that protests following #Mahsah_Amini's death have occurred in 19 of #Iran's 31 provinces within the past three days. A thread: 1/5
Protests that were initially concentrated in #Tehran City and throughout #Kurdistan Province – where Amini was from – have since spread nationwide within the past day, reaching historically conservative cities like #Qom. 2/5
Protestors have chanted anti-regime slogans against mandatory veiling and against Supreme Leader #Khamenei's son, #Mojtaba, who some have speculated will succeed his father as Supreme Leader. CTP discusses Mojtaba and succession in a recent update:…  3/5
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Sep 20th 2022
#BREAKING: Today is the fourth day of Nationwide protests against #Iranian regime over murder of #Mahsa_Amini. This video shows one of the several street protests in #Tehran. 22 years old #MahsaAmini was murdered by Morality Police over not covering her hair in public!
Hevay presence of security forces including Special Forces of #Iranian Police in #Tehran prevented formation of large anti-regime protests ovcer murder of #MahsaAmini today.
#BREAKING: Despite #Iranian regime has prevented protests to killing of #MahsaAmini in several cities of #Iran, but people of #Hamedan have come to streets of their city to protest the regime. Video is recorded a few minutes ago. 👇
Read 29 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
Chants of "Death to Khamenei" in Tehran, Iran.

Several Iranians started protests in the Iranian capital following the death of Mahsa Amini, who was violently arrested by regime's forces for "improper hijab" and later died.…
Iranians in Tehran shout "Death to Khamenei" from their rooftops in protest against the killing of Mehsa Amini. #Iran

Read 260 tweets
Sep 2nd 2022
A 🧵

1- For the first time in years, seminary scholars and students will hold a protesting gathering Sep 4 in the holy city of #Qom. It is against “the Islamic Republic Comprehensive Baking Plan”, the legislation that is currently under examination at the Iranian parliament. Image
2- The general outlines of #Iran’s new Banking Plan were passed at the Economic Committee of the Majlis. But it has become very controversial in recent months, given that former CBI’s governors, the CEOs of private and state-owned banks and even economic agents oppose it.
3- The Majlis and CBI argue the new banking plan is part of #Iran’s economic reforms and designed to ensure the independence of the CBI. Former officials say the drafted bill would tie the CBI’s monetary policies to the government’s economic decisions. Image
Read 5 tweets
Jan 29th 2022
Look at these German diplomats in #Iran!They including #Germany ambssador Michael Klor-Berchtold paid a visit to most nororious Shiite clerics in #Qom & a bunch of Shrines. They pretended to be Shiite all to get support of Ayatollahs in-order to improve German-Iran economic ties!
They even have donated Qurans to most notorious human rights violators in the world! These German diplomats even have forced their wives to wear Islamic hijab like sex slaves during their visit from Qom!
Never forget that these German diplomats are descendants of Nazis. Their ancestors committed most grusome atrocities during WW2. Forget how much they pretend to be a friend to #Israel. They even are ready to help #Iran gain capability of building Nuclear weapon all for gas/oil.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
Reports indicate Dr. Hassan Adeli, a senior respiratory diseases specialist in #Qom and head of city’s Council of Physicians has been forced to resign over his recent comments about the spread of #Coronavirus in #Iran.
Professor Adeli praised authorities in city of #Qom for announcing first confirmed cases of Covid19-related deaths in Qom. He said in the weeks leading to February 20, they related suspicious cases to #Coronavirus and told Health Ministry; but their warning wasn’t heeded.
Professor Adeli claimed apart from #Qom, #Coronavirus had spread in at least 15 other provinces (half of country) since early February: “Had they thought about spread of Coronavirus they’d reached the same conclusion we in Qom did, we insisted on testing; they didn’t”. #Iran
Read 3 tweets
Mar 16th 2020
#BREAKING: Extremists who are mostly #IRGC's #Basij militiamen just broke the doors of Masoumeh's shrine in #Qom to pray there. Due to the fact that these radicals were licking the shrine, #Iran's Ministry of Health had ordered closure of the shrine due to #CoronaVirus outbreak.
Before breaking the door, they could be seen in front of the main door of shrine protesting the Ministry of Health of #Iran's Islamic Regime over closure of the Masoumeh shrine. The #Iran's religious minority who mostly support the regime played key role in spreading #CoronaVirus
The religious extremists who are mostly #Basij militiamen can be seen singing religious song before breaking door of Masoumeh Shrine.At-least half of them are infected with #CoronaVirus/#COVID19 but none of them has face mask. They think if someone dies it is because of his sins!
Read 5 tweets
Mar 6th 2020
#BREAKING: Whole #Mazandaran province in North of #Iran is under quarantine from 01:00AM local time following to the rise in number of deaths due to #CoronaVirus/#COVID2019! Over 20,000 people are infected with #COVIDー19 & thousands have lost their lives!
State media & news agencies of #Iran's Islamic Regime officially have announced that the whole #Mazandaran province is under quarantine due to #CoronaVirus/#COVID19 outbreak. ImageImage
Pictures show all the roads to this province are blocked at 01:00AM local time. Only the trucks carrying medicine & food material can enter the province. ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
We're seeing lots of reports regarding continued pilgrimage to #Qom, despite the #coronavirus outbreak there. It's horrible to watch Iran go through yet another crisis, but I also can't help but think about the historical parallels.
Pilgrimage & contagious diseases have history, and many of the 19th century sources I use in my research on these shrines mention disease, so here is a (brief) long view on pilgrimage in the time of #Corvid19
The most common disease in 19th-c. Iran was cholera, but there were also plague outbreaks, the worst being 1830-31. Of course, plague largely spread through movement of people, and pilgrims inadvertently took disease to the shrine cities, such as Qom and Mashhad, with them.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 29th 2020
People in #BandarAbbas, south of #Iran were deceived by a #FakeNews about hospitalization of 10 #CoronaVirus/#COVID2019 cases in a health clinic in Towhid residential complex of their city. As its result they attacked the clinic & set it on fire to kill the patients!
People who burned this clinic had heard #FakeNews about transportation of 10 #CoronaVirus cases from #Qom to this clinic. But actually they had been transported from #Qeshm to #BandarAbbas. Two of them were originally from #Qom who had traveled to #Qeshm to meet their family!
No one was hurt during the fire in the clinic in #BandarAbbas. People had wished to burn 10 Shiite clerics alive who they were thinking had been transported from #Qom to that clinic. But it was actually a #FakeNews & No #CoronaVirus cases from #Qom had been diagnosed there!
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Feb 24th 2020
The deaths of 50 people in #Qom due to #Coronavirus infection on February 24, reveal the clerical regime’s continued concealment which has led to rapid spread of #COVID19 infection. Once again, I would like to stress the need for WHO’s urgent intervention #Iran
Medical facilities widely monopolized by the ruling mullahs, the IRGC and the intelligence agencies, must be put at the disposal of people, hospitals and doctors. #COVID19 #Iran
The clerical regime is repeating the bitter experience of the Ukrainian Airliner. The catastrophe is spreading on a macro scale all across the country. Our compatriots must rise up and protest against the regime and compel it to tell the truth #COVID19 #Iran
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Feb 19th 2020
Thread below on Iran #COVID19 lockdown of #Qom

Patient being loaded into ambulance suspected, see tweet in thread, to be high level regime person.
Another 25 possibly quarantined w/ COVID19 in Qom / Qum and schools closed?

Iran lockdown.

On the heels of 2 deaths COVID19 confirmed this a.m. out of Iran in city of Qom ...

@turnbolt11 @aHEMandias @moneypenny_2020 @NHMommy1 @BabeReflex_8 @RadChick4Cast
Read 10 tweets
Jan 31st 2020


✔️ 2 casi accertati
✔️ OMS: emergenza globale
✔️ Esperti: no allarmismi
✔️ Ministro Salute: «situazione totalmente sotto controllo»…

In #Cina realizzato il kit per la diagnosi rapida 👍👍👏👏

@guardian denuncia casi di #SINOFOBIA in Italia:

✔Sputi a #Venezia contro 2 cinesi
✔Insulti a #Torino contro 3 cinesi
✔Ingresso a #Pompei vietato a 1 cinese
✔Insulti contro giovane calciatore cinese vicino #Milano.…
Read 115 tweets
Jan 5th 2020
Bodies of slain General #Solemani & comrades arrive in #Ahwaz, Iran. A mammoth funeral procession has kicked off. Images of hundreds of thousands mourners packing the streets, bridge & square, is colossal.
.2/ Images of procession of #Soleimqni from #Ahwaz
images via @AlMayadeenLive
.3/ This is only in #Ahwaz, southwest of #Iran & the first leg of #Solaimani’s funeral procession. I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like once they arrive to the capital #Tehran.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 29th 2019
Breaking: #US Airstrikes on Hashd al-Shaabi Forces West of al-Anbar

According to reports, the US warplanes have targeted the positions of the 45th Brigade of Hashd al-Shaabi in the al-Mazraah area on the road to Akashat, west of Anbar province.…
The #US terrorist command in the region, #CENTCOM releasing a statement said that they attacked five positions of Kata’ib Hezbollah forces in Iraq and Syria.…
First images from the one of the bases which targeted by the #US warplanes
Read 215 tweets
May 12th 2019
President #Rouhani reportedly told Reformist figures at an Iftar party: The government has no authority in foreign politics, doesn’t know where/when it is allowed or not to negotiate; cultural policies, IRIB state TV, mosques & cyberspace aren’t under govt. control. #Iran #US
#Rouhani tells Reformists -who insist on possibility of negotiations- that he opposed talks (with #US) under current circumstances. #Iran’s president tries to shed responsibility for #JCPOA defeat of his govt. & himself by telling Reformists they want sth that’s not in his power.
Reformist political activist Jalaei-pour who was at #Rouhani's Iftar party May 11 quotes the Iranian president as saying "President #Obama requested to meet with me 19 times! but I had no authority to respond to his request". #US #Iran
Read 8 tweets
Dec 29th 2017
In #Iran, thousands take to the streets for day two of anti-regime protests. Flashback to 2009 #IranProtests? So who is demonstrating now and why? I'll compare/contrast movements. Some thoughts & on-the-ground insights to follow:
The protests are largely targeting government economic policies, price surges on basic goods & the regime's economic & material support of Hezbollah & movements in Syria, Gaza, Yemen, etc. #Iranprotests #مظاهرات_ايران
But grievances have expanded, similar to the #GreenRevolution of 2009, which started out as a contested election but evolved into a movement against the entire regime..Now protesters' slogans are targeting President Rouhani & Supreme Leader #Khamenei #Iranprotests
Read 38 tweets

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