A دثقغ simple grave with the name of "the soldier Qassem Soleimani, without any Flowery phrases (praising compliments)"

It shows the level of #FakeNews & information manipulation.

The Russian officers were the companion of Sardar Soleimani in fighting #ISIS & #AQ
- Al-Qaeda
- Trump, his neocon, think-tank and US allies in the Middle East.
The Iraqi parliament postponed the vote for the withdrawal of the #US forces one additional hour due to the lack of presence of the required number of MPs (165 needed). The speaker Mohamad al-Halbusy is present. #Iraq.
So far 140 MPs have signed out of 165 needed for the withdrawal of the #US forces.
The #US is exerting huge pressure on the Sunni, Kurds and a number of Shia groups to boycott the voting.
Al Fath
Sunni MPs are at the cafeteria refusing to join the session. Almost total absent of Kurd MPs. #Iraq #US
#Iraq Parliament announced, in case the MPs agreed on ending the #US agreement, there will be no need for the president Barham Salih to approve it.
The Parliament is siding the Kurdish President who said he rather not be involved.
The Sunni Speaker Mohamad al-Halbusi, the most enthusiastic to vote for the withdrawal of the #US forces from #Iraq, called all political leaders for a private meeting and asked for the bell-holder to keep ringing it to call all MPs to meet so the required numbr is reached
This is what @SecPompeo is watching now but pretending it is not happening.
140 Iraqi MPs now screaming in one voice inside the Parliament:
No to the #USA
No to Zionists
Yes to our Martyrs
Yes to our dignity
No to agents of the #US
Yes to Iraq
Iraq is free
Sunni and Shia united in this country.

However, the Prime Minister is coming and will ask others to join him. he hasn't arrived yet.

I confirm now: The quorum is not completed. I repeat: is NOT completed.
PM Abdel Abdel Mahdi arrived at the Parliament now.
#QassemSoleimani is not present in #Iraq to make it happen quickly.

Speaker Mohammad al-Halbusi started to read the resolution.
The Quorum is completed now.
Without #QassemSoleimani, the Iraqi wants the US out.
We wait and see but to me, it is done.
The US will be asked to end its role in the country.
#Iran Soleimani's first revenge.
PM AbelMahdi said he has an appointment with #QassemSoleimani the next day. he was carrying a letter for me (an envoy of the Iranian government - ouch! That will hurt the #US at the #UN to kill an envoy).
PM also said the US confirmed #Israel was bombing Hashd.
PM Adil Abdel Mahdi asks the withdrawal of all US forces from #Iraq with a fast procedure to end the contract and offers several options to the Parliament.
This is his entire speech (not finished yet).

#Iraq PM Adil Abdel Mahdi recommendations to the parliament on how to organise and control the relationship with the #US after ending their mandate with the coalition and relating to their presence as a military force in Iraq.

#Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
"the US forces killed #QassemSoleimani and #AbuMahdialMuhandis and the US forces should pay the price but not the civilians. Civilians should not be touched".
@realDonaldTrump is turning the world much safer for Americans.
Speaker is reading the suggestions of PM to terminate the US forces presence in #Iraq and asking all MPs to vote.
Stay tuned
#Iraq Parliament approved to terminates all presence of foreign forces (#US) in the country and prevent these from using the land and sky if Iraq.
The legislation has been approved by #Iraq MPs to terminate the presence of the US forces and for the government to implement the resolution.
#Iran #US
#QassemSoleimani #AbuMahdialMuhandis
@realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo @EsperDoD
#US asked #Iraq to mediate with #Iran. Iraq PM asks #QassemSoleimani to come and talk to him and give him the answer of his mediation, Trump &co assassinate an envoy at the airport
-A complaint to UN for #US target assassinations in #Iraq
-Impose on the gov to terminate the request of support from the interntnll coalition (all countries)
-End presence of ALL foreign forces and to prevent any country from using Iraq against another country

#Iraq Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani sent a letter of condolences to #Iran Sayyed Ali Khamenei for the assassination of the "eminent Major General #QassemSoleimani. His unique role in the years of war defeating #ISIS cannot be forgotten".
Iran and Iraq united.

#QassemSoleimani entered history with millions at his funerals. Wld @realDonaldTrump have the same?

Rockets hit the Green Zone in #Baghdad close to the #US embassy. #QassemSoleimani has been assassinated so he is not the one behind the orders.