His trips were known for many. The assassination will not at all affect Iran military and operationally because no one is indispensable.
The #US killed #QassemSoleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes. That is a state taking a decision to assassinate high ranking commanders in other states.
That is a change of the rules of engagement.
@realDonaldTrump: you kicked yourself out.
Also, #Iran considers it a US "war declaration" on the country. No matter all US mediations thorugh a 3d country, Iran has no alternative but to respond.
@RealDonaldTump @EsperDoD and @SecPompeo rendered a huge service to his image.
The Middle East will never be less safe from now on. #Iran will do everything for the #US to remember that @realDonaldTrump is the one responsible for the consequences that might hit its personnel anywhere in the world. Expect it to be before 2020 elections.
#Hezbollah is Not on a state of full alert (for now) in the south of #Lebanon. #Israel is.
Sheikh Mohamad Kawtharani is in Lebanon not in #Iraq and was not among those assassinated.
The #US target assassination decision was taken during his trip. So a drone waited for him and the people waiting for him.
Indeed, this is exactly what happened.
Don't expect a response tomorrow.

To #Iran Leadership is not at all a drama. The assassination act is.
In response to the #US assassination, Moqtada al-Sadr gives the orders for his military branch "Jaish al-Imam al-Mahdi" and not "Sara al-salam" to indicate his readiness for war against the #US in #Iraq. He may be referring to the return of the era of 2004.

I have the feeling #QassemSoleimani may bring the #US forces out of #Iraq and #Syria AFTER his death.

#Iraq Asaeb Ahl Al-Haq Leader Kais al-Khaz'ali calls for a
general mobilisation of his forces to "expel the #US forces from #Iraq".
"It won't be easy and simple but you have to trust we shall defeat them", he said.

#QassemSoleimani is causing the withdrawal of #US forces from #Iraq, #Iran cldn't have a better revenge.
PM Abdel Mahdi calling for a Parliament emergency meeting to ask the withdrawal of US following "the assassination of an Iraqi cmdr and a neighbouring comdr".

#Iran For the first time, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei leads the National Security meeting "study the options of response" against the #US for the target assassination of Brigadier General #QassemSoleimani killed in #Iraq.
Killing the vice commander of Hashd al-Shaabi will force the entire #Iraq to turn against the US incld its friends. Iraqi are cornered now.
The #US has lost the initiative unless it turns Iraq into a bloodbath.
There are many options but one thing is certain: The US target assassination against #QassemSoleimani and #AbuMahdialMuhandis has taken away the initiative from #Washington in the ME.
#US assassinated Hashd al-Shaabi commander Abu Mahdi and #Iran comdr #QassemSoleimani, both leaders of anti-ISIS war.
What the #US is telling us?
Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani considers "the #US attack against the #BaghdadAirport is a clear violation of #Iraq sovereignty".
That is clear support for the US withdrawal from #Iraq.

#Iraq #USA
U.S. citizens should depart via airline while possible, and failing that, to other countries via land.
Security Alert – U.S. Embassy Baghdad, Iraq, January 3, 2020 | U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Iraq iq.usembassy.gov/security-alert…

#Iran gave orders to all its military facility to be ready and prepare for retaliation. All forces are on alert now.
It seems there are important decisions and steps taken following the meeting of the National Security Council this morning.
#QassemSuleimani was very close to Sayyed Ali Khamenei and reported directly to him. It is not unlikely the response may be closer than expected.
Israel wants to keep silence and keep a distance from the event. Not unusual
#Iraqi Army general command: "The assassination of the #US of an #Iraqi Commander #AbuMahdialMuhandis is a clear violation of the US mandate and agreement in Iraq".
In Theory, If the Army becomes hostile to US forces, no US personnel in any military base is safe.
"#US paved the way for random assassinations of any head of state or Minister by violating intrntnl law & target assassinating Two commanders in two states on #Iraq soil. The response (s) will be at the same level. No US institution/official abroad will be safe".

The only person, with his 53 MPs that can allow a law to go through and ask for the withdrawal of the #US forces from Iraq is Moqtada al-Sadr. If he accepts, the decision will be taken. Otherwise it is difficult to get the needed number of MPs
However, the security of all #US personnel will be in jeopardy in Iraq regardless of the Parliament's decision.
I'll share some insights tomorrow (no newspaper today) in my forthcoming article.
This is a perfect moment to reconsider ME policy.
#Iran will respond in the same way to the US AFTER hitting a US target.
The question is not at all if but how big the US target is and when.
Our concern is: What will happen after the hit? Will the US go to war? We need to wait for the answer for after the hit.

I doubt #Iran is ready to listen and forgive you soon.

I am confident the ME is not heading towards a War. #Iran is not planning to involve all countries, neither it's own. Answer will be thoughtful. I'll write more in details tomorrow
Please @SecPompeo, stop.