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🔥1/6 From my PhD:
"My #Back is Fit for Movement": A Qualitative Study Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial for Chronic Low Back Pain
@Pain_NeuRa @HayleyLeake @AidanCashin @adrian_traeger @SylviaGustin2 @link_physio @EdelOH @UNSWMedicine @neuraustralia
2a/6 Why?
- The effects of non-pharmacological interventions for CLBP are sustained for only a few months at best.
- A multimodal intervention grounded in evidence of pain-related alterations in neural processing reduced #disability across 12 months:…
2b/6 The program #RESOLVE employed a “fit for purpose” framework: understand, feel and experience that the back is fit for purpose (movement), highlighting the #biopsychosocial nature of
pain and addressing biopsychosocial contributors to
pain experience⤵️…
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Millions of crabs shut down the streets on Australia's Christmas Island…

#RedCrabs #australia #ChristmasIsland
The impact of flowering plants on the evolution of life on Earth…

#evolution #FloweringPlants #impact #ResearchResults
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The definition of what is pure/SiShTa differed from language to language. It is fairly black and white for a language that is largely only literary. For a spoken language, it is lot more challenging to define or agree on this- also it changes with time dynamically

Tampering with grammatical structure is a no-no for any language- spoken or written. For instance, you cannot use another language’s vibhakti pratyaya wily-nily. Same with application of grammar rules from another language. That will be “impure” even if done just once.

One may create a “maNipravALa” or “bhANDIra” style specifically for writing & that may in time be accepted for that purpose, but this will not become accepted in common spoken language. In common speech, it will still be “impure”. Again, this will have its own specific rules
Read 21 tweets

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