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Dec 25th 2022
The minor/adult binary is flawed, justifies domination and lends itself to reactionary politics easily. It is no coincidence that you often see the idea of minors used as weapons against marginalized people. Let me explain things more [1/7]
#minor #adult #politics #reactionary
The terms themselves are deceptive. 9yos are very different from 17yos in many ways, yet by calling them both simply "minors" it appears as though they are the same thing. The same applies to calling both 18yos and 40yos simply "adults" despite their huge differences [2/7]
Just like any binary, it assumes that both parts are full opposites to each other in their characteristics. Minors are assumed to be helpless, irrational, innocent, weak and naive. Adults are assumed to be independent, rational, mature, strong and self-reliant [3/7]
Read 7 tweets
Jan 12th 2022


On the off chance - anyone dealing with adult-content G-Ads?
If so - are your client ads still running - or have they been restricted?

As of early this morning - G seem to be kicking adult ads - no note of policy changes or anything :(

#GoogleAds #PPC #Adult
Okay ... so on a call!
Connected, verified (why is that not automated?),
now on hold (1 min so far).

Are we taking bets on how long it takes me to start swearing due to constantly repeating myself?
After the 3rd repeat,
asked for a manager.

Someone is about to have a very bad day :(
Read 4 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
இன்னைக்கு நம்ம பாக்க போற மூவி #orphan 2009 #Language English. தமிழ் டப் இல்ல. Genre #psychothriller
#adult scene 2 oh3 இருக்கு. பாக்கா பச்ச புள்ள மாதிரி இருக்க இந்த கொழந்த தா மூவீ ஓட லீட் கேரக்டர். சிம்பிளா சொல்லனும்னா நல்லா இருந்த ஒரு குடும்பமும் ஒரு கொழுந்தையால நாசமாபோன Image
வீடும். இதா இந்த படத்தோட ஒன் லைன். பாக்க நார்மல் ஸ்டோரி மாதிரி தா இருக்கு. ஆனா படத்துல ஏகப்பட்ட கூஸ்பம்ப் மொமண்ட்ஸ் இருக்கு. சண்ட கோழி ல அண்ண ஊரு ல இல்லையா னு, அப்போ அடிச்சதே அண்ணண தா அப்டீன்னு ஒரு சீன் வருமே அது போல ஒரு சீன் இருக்கு செம்மயா இருக்கும். குழந்தைகளோட இருக்க சீன் லா ImageImage
செம்ம ஜாலியா இருக்கும். நம்பி பாக்கலாம். போர் அடிக்காம போகும். மூவி பாத்துட்டு நீங்க உங்க கருத்த இங்க பதிவு பண்ணுங்க. வொர்த் தா இல்லையானு @CineversalS @karthick_45 @Dpanism @MissedMovies @Smiley_vasu__ @peru_vaikkala @ManiTwitss @vanhelsing1313 @Aquaa_man1 @_karthick45_ Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 7th 2021
I wanted to share some comments by #parents whose children have #pancreatitis. As I have shared before, the #pain care for these kids is NOT adequate. Their #pain is often not being addressed. I have asked parents to start writing up their stories to share. When #pain is not 1/
addressed it causes trauma, not only for the child/youth but parents. We know unaddressed #pain can lead to #chronicpain. I absolutely believe in #biopyschosocial approach but what we are seeing is a #psychosocial approach being utilized and #bio aspect missing. This leaves 2/
#parents and #patients feeling angry & abandoned. One of the reasons I started getting involved in #advocacy is that my kids #pain was dismissed, they were labeled. This leads to #trauma, #chronicpain & distrust of #physician. What HCP need to understand is that when this is 3/
Read 7 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
Participated in the Rotary Club's Programme on the topic 'भारत में सम्पूर्ण साक्षरता - एक दिशा' today.
@Rotary ImageImageImage
35,000+ clubs of Rotary are working together on significant issues such as promoting peace, fighting conflict, providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene, protecting mothers and children & much more. ImageImageImageImage
#Literacy is a catalyst for development, which enables a person not only to get proper economic, political and social benefits but also to contribute to national and international development.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 15th 2019
~ Domain NAMES ONLY ~
I Can Transfer The Domains For Free To Your GoDaddy_com Account, will Transfer Immediately after Your Payment Clears!
Pay with * #Cryptocurrency (*PREFERRED* $BTC $LTC $ETH) Will Accept #PayPal , F.B. Pay or Bank Transfer..
2/ Open To Offers On Individual domains or Buy All Domains for a Discounted Price.

Don't be Shy and Send Me Offers ! I'm Fair and Worst I can say is no or give you a counter offer!

3/ Also Willing to Collaborate on Any of the domains as a partner / develop into a working site ( if it makes sense to me, both project or deal wise). If Partnering then I Will Ask an Upfront Investment on Your part to show Your Commitment...
Read 8 tweets

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