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The thing about my legal case on #Blacklisting is that nobody knows how deep or wide the problem is. The UK Cabinet Office claims to not know. I hope that my court case will force some disclosure of this dark and sinister policy and just how widespread the problem is.
Because we're clearly at the "they can't do anything well" stage, the UK government broke the first role of blacklisting. They told me I was blacklisted. In writing.
There's a number of routes by which the government could have avoided this legal case. They took none of these routes.
Read 5 tweets
Ik heb de podcast van @erikmouthaanRTL en @sophie_vd_meer geluisterd…
Over de #Twitterfiles en #Hunterslaptop
Doet @RTLnieuws het beter dan de @NOS en @Nieuwsuur?🧐
Ook voor RTL een keer: #factcheck op #feiten #framing en weglating van feiten.
Na wat inleidende #framing over @elonmusk (die natuurlijk gek is🤪) gaan Erik en Sophie van start.
WEL noemen dat je op #Twitter niet meer kan linken naar M*st*d*n, NIET noemen dat dit vanwege #doxing was.
Dan vanaf 9.08 over de #Twitterfiles (aangekondigd als ‘Oh my God, the twitterfiles!’).
Al op 9.30 het eerste #fakenieuws:
@sophie_vd_meer: Musk heeft de interne documenten van Twitter slechts aan twee rechtse journalisten gegeven, niet aan anderen.
Read 27 tweets
About 5 years ago I had 150 new people following me every day. My tweets were seen by many then one day it all stopped…. A website in Europe detected that I was #shadowbanned by @twitter 1/
Clearly my tweets and retweets were not getting the same impact - I had gained notoriety from my social media presence and I had no answers. I had no recourse. No one at #twitter would respond to my texts, emails, or calls. So… I just worked harder… 2/
I worked on influencing others on and off social media to advocate for fair treatment of those with #obesity and access to care for treatment- others became involved in social medi and #twitter 3/
Read 13 tweets
#spycopsinquiry starting again - you can watch/listen via

First thing this morning , the Inquiry will be reading out summaries of the evidence of officers: HN2152; HN350 and HN308.…
Richard Reeves Scullly joined Special Branch in 1968, doesn't remember exactly when he was in SDS but it's thought to have been around 1977.

He worked in the back office processing reports – sometimes making corrections but not filtering the info. He didn't decide which reports were forwarded or who the intelligence went to.
Read 213 tweets
#SpyCopsInquiry restarts soon with more evidence from HN218, Barry Moss - one of the #spycops managers

Listen at…
We see a Circular sent by the SS to Chief Constables about 'subversive activities' in schools, asking them to share any information about this.

Was Moss aware of it?
By the time you were DCI of the SDS unit?
Maybe “but I wouldn't swear to it”.
The #spycops reported on what was going on inside schools.

There were some more questions about the procedures within the SDS.

Moss already described an “unfiltered approach to intelligence-gathering”
Read 100 tweets
Today we start hearing evidence in this round of the #SpyCopsInquiry

Starting at 10am is @LindseyAGerman - long-term member/ organiser of the @SWP_Britain - targeted by multiple #spycops over the decades
@LindseyAGerman @SWP_Britain The @ucpinquiry has imposed a ten minute delay on all reporting, and on the youtube stream, which you can watch from 10:10 onwards - at

@LindseyAGerman @SWP_Britain @ucpinquiry In the mean time you can now download the witness statement of @LindseyAGerman from…

Read 134 tweets
Dave took a photograph of 'Tony Williams' and supplied a copy to the Inquiry
Regarding the Torness Alliance, this was a UK wide campaign to oppose the building of a new nuclear power station in Scotland.
The main objections were firstly the threat of catastrophic nuclear accidents (as had almost happened in 1979 at Three Mile Island in the US &in 1986 actually happened at Chernobyl in Ukraine resulting subsequently in an est 9-16,000 deaths from air pollution throughout Europe).
Read 190 tweets
The #spycopsinquiry is due to start again at 10am.
Today we'll hear Opening Statements from the Home Office, but also from many of the 'Non State Core Participants' (i.e. people who were targeted by the Special Demonstration Squad and other #spycops ).
You can watch online...
We put together a report on yesterday's hearing -…
You can download yesterday's Statements & related evidence from the #spycopsinquiry site:… incl the full transcript:…
First up today, we've had Catherine Brown on screen, making an extremely statement on behalf of the Home Secretary. And now a ten minute break before we start hearing from the Core Participants...

Read 78 tweets
10 years ago today, I was in court against #Carillion & they admitted that:
1. they blacklisted me
2. their managers provided the information on my files
3. the reason was for my union activities
4. the reason was for my H&S activities
5. that the #blacklist caused me a detriment
My legal team were David Renton @dkrenton & @owens_declan. Later joined by @JohnHendyQC.
My #blacklisting test case against #Carillion & UK gov went to the European Court of Human Rights.
Lawyers who get politics, as well as the law, are hide to find. I can’t thank them enough ✊
Over the years, #blacklisted workers secured new legislation, a High Court trial, new European regs, new public procurement protocols, a select committee investigation into #blacklisting & exposing the role of #spycops. Proud to have stood alongside these working class heroes.
Read 8 tweets
1/ #Masterworks is a #parasite 🦠not a #unicorn🦄!

For"democratiz[ing] art" humanity's most impassioned faculty-eternally evolving thus inherently UNSTABLE- must secretly FORCE STABILITY via #totalitarian methods 2 TRANSFORM #CULTURALCAPITAL in2 $ for"all investors"

2/as I took this pic of us painting new fresh art over tired&worn gimmicks of an #artmarket "commodity" we were forwarding the human #aesthetic at the request of building's owner, but simultaneously &unintentionally we were devaluing stock portfolios! Hence #GANGSTALKERS began..
3/ assemble around me in a threatening manner just after #artgallery owner #TonyTaglianetti shouted "it's not up to the building's owner what they have on their walls" and then made a call from across the street..
(@threadreaderapp unroll)
..the #gangstalkers (see pics)then
Read 7 tweets
Today, the #SpycopsInquiry is due to hear a summary of HN155's deployment first thing in the morning.

Then we'll hear from HN96, from 10:30am onwards.

Towards the end of the day, we're due to hear from two of the risk assessors (David Reid and Brian Lockie) who have had dealings with HN155.
We hope that today's hearing ends on time, at 5pm.
The last few days have run much later than expected. Which is not really acceptable for those who have had to rearrange their lives, work and care commitments around the dates and times of these hearings.
Read 46 tweets
This afternoon's session is starting now. A moving transcript will be shown – with a ten minute delay – on

In the meantime you can watch reactions to this morning's evidence – from HN126 (cover name 'Paul Gray') at…

You can read the witness statement of HN126:…
Read 178 tweets
We will be tweeting about today's #SpyCopsInquiry hearing - so will @tombfowler - or you can listen to what's said (and watch a moving transcript of the words) over at in about quarter of an hour...

@tombfowler Today we are hearing from a non-State core participant/ witness. She has been granted anonymity, so is known as 'Madeleine' – she will not be shown on screen but you can hear her voice.
@tombfowler ‘Madeleine’ is the pseudonym of a woman who was deceived into an intimate relationship by an undercover officer, ‘Vince Miller’ in 1979, while she was an activist with the Socialist Workers Party.

She has not been provided with his real name.
Read 145 tweets
'HN304' (aka 'Graham Coates') gave evidence at the #SpyCopsInquiry today.
"Would more formal training have helped?"
He replied:
"Yes, I think so"
Luckily that now exists, created by @out_of_lives Image
@out_of_lives Watch @siobhni and @MPeakeOfficial explain #InstitutionalSexism - privacy - consent - & the right to protest (words by @out_of_lives ) as part of this new #spycops training resource.

#ACAB Image
@out_of_lives @siobhni @MPeakeOfficial Watch @tamdeanburn explain the kind of dilemmas #spycops might face in the field - and show how role-play can be used to find solutions to a selection of scenarios Image
Read 6 tweets
The #SpyCopsInquiry resumes with Kirsten Heaven, representing 'Non-Police, Non-State Core Participants' (ie people significantly targeted by #SpyCops).
The group I represent are deeply angry that the next stage of the Inquiry is delayed until next year…
Mitting interjects to say that someone from the SWP has joined the Inquiry & getting them up to speed will cause the delay.
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Next at the #SpyCopsInquiry, James Scobie QC, representing Richard Chessum and “Mary”. They were spied on by #Spycops officer Richard Clark ('Rick Gibson' 1974-76).
We were told to make this statement by 14 April as we'd have had material about the spycops a few weeks earlier, but some was provided late, little on officer Colin Clark & nothing at all on officer Phil Cooper. We cannot be talking about our case properly
The #SpyCopsInquiry is looking at those who were spied on, not those who were doing the spying who should be the focus. Is this all deliberate?
Read 62 tweets
Today's #SpyCopsInquiry hearing gets underway. First speaker is David Barr QC, Counsel to the Inquiry, who'll presumably be giving an overview of what we can expect in the next 3 weeks hearings about #SpyCops 1973-82
Barr: The Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) #SpyCops unit was set up in 1968, initially to counter anti-Vietnam War protests in 1968…
Barr: Many early #SpyCops were only deployed for a few weeks or months, & were experienced Special Branch officers. Officers began to join social lives of activists.
Read 115 tweets
Dave Smith, blacklisted trade unionist & core participant at the #SpyCopsInquiry, begins his opening statement. He speaks on behalf of the Blacklist Support Group, representing union members who were unlawfully blacklisted by major construction firms
Mitting says Smith can't use the real name of #spycops officer Carlo Neri, which is Carlo Soracchi. Smith says he won't do it. But we will. This is Carlo Soracchi
Smith: When BSG first spoke about #blacklisting for union activities we were ignored by the authorities & ridiculed as conspiracy theorists. But it isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s conspiracy fact – & it involves the collusion of the police and the security services
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Finally today at the #SpyCopsInquiry, it's a statement from Pete Weatherby QC, speaking for Newham Monitoring Project & other activists targeted by #spycops
Weatherby: I represent 18 different core participants at the #SpyCopsInquiry
[sorry, intermittent internet means live tweeting is difficult]
Read 78 tweets
Finally today at the #SpyCopsInquiry, Gareth Pierce, speaking for the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM). We will live tweet what she says in this thread.
Today's #SpyCopsInquiry will end earlier than planned as trade unionist Dave Smith @DaveBlacklist has been taken off the schedule after a legal challenge to his planned statement. Astonishing to see a victim of #spycops & #blacklisting gagged before the Inquiry is even a week old
Pierce: The NUM associates itself from what the other unions have said. We'll focus on the early 1980s to 1990s when miners saw the destruction of their industry & communities because of a political agenda.
Read 23 tweets
Day 5 of the #SpyCopsInquiry will continue with a statement from Lord Hendy QC, speaking for the Fire Brigades Union
@fbunational & Unite the Union @UnitePolitics, which we'll live tweet in this thread.
Hendy: As well as the FBU & Unite, the CWU, GMD, NEU, NUJ, RMT & PCS may have been targeted by #Spycops
Hendy: My clients don't believe they will see justification for being targeted by #spycops. Why was intel gathered? They think it was used for unlawful #blacklisting
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First speaker at today's #SpyCopsInquiry hearing is Oliver Sanders QC, representing most former #SpyCops, continuing from his almost-fninished opening statement yesterday
Sanders: There were many public order threats in the period currently being examined by the Inquiry (1968-82), coming from political protests. the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) #SpyCops provided intel that was useful for policing these
but it's hard to quantify because few records have been kept & even at the time intel was 'sanitised' to obscure its source
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First up at today's #SpyCopsInquiry is Peter Skelton QC, representing the Metropolitan Police Service. He'll talk about
1. MPS approach to Inquiry
2. What went wrong
3. What's changed
4.. How good undercover policing is
Skelton says the Met has 'absolute commitment' to the Inquiry, which is news to those of us who've seen their delays and obstructions over the years
Skelton: Met doesn't seek to justify but to admit and improve. But undercover policing is important, though must be within legal & ethical boundaries. Must identify where this hasn't happened. Substantial changes have already been made in law & in police structure.
Read 38 tweets
The #SpyCopsInquiry is underway. Today's hearing will be entirely taken up by David Barr QC, Counsel to the Inquiry, explaining the remit of the Inquiry
Barr: Not just fsr left groups but groups campaigning for race & sexual equality, nuclear disarmament, & justice campaigns such as the family of Stephen Lawrence
Barr: #SpyCops reported on personal details of Stepehn Lawrence's friend @DuwayneBrooks, including personal relationships & his legal strategy in response to trumped-up charges.
Read 59 tweets

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