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Jun 9th 2023
In a truly shocking story that should receive far more coverage than it has, @aaronjmate's recent #TwitterFiles reporting revealed the FBI aided the Ukrainian government to CENSOR American/Canadian journalists online.

Including himself.
Full interview with Aaron begins at 50:50.…
Read 3 tweets
Jun 8th 2023
Starting LIVE in 5 minutes...

The moment of truth is arriving for Julian Assange and the Biden DOJ, as he just lost one of his last UK appeals and is closer to US soil than ever.

Plus: @aaronjmate on the joint Ukraine/FBI effort to censor journalists.…
It will never stop being amazing how much US journalists love to posture and denounce the attacks on press freedoms from faraway foreign governments, all while their own government is about to to put on trial for espionage this generation's most accomplished journalist. Image
Nobody in the Bad Countries™ thinks: "we're persecuting journalists because we hate a free press."

They use all the same justifications the Biden DOJ and US journalists invoke to justify Assange's prosecution: he's really a spy, a traitor, a national security threat, etc.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 8th 2023
"Knowledge is Power: Missouri v Biden Deep Dive"
#ICYMI @ThaWoodChipper with @JenLawrence21 did a deep dive of the #MissouriVsBiden case, using the awesome thread done by @tracybeanz of @UncoverDC.
Links to #TwitterSpace recordings, analysis, and documentation can be found in…… Image
@ThaWoodChipper @JenLawrence21 @tracybeanz @UncoverDC 🔥"New #TwitterFiles Supplemental drop review. Additional #censorship tools and departments within our Government."

Read 7 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
Continuation of previous thread on FOI 4293 in which I requested correspondence b/w the Department of Health #Australia , Facebook & Twitter regarding Dept. request(s) for Facebook posts/groups and Tweets to be removed or flagged from 1 Jan 2021 - 1 Mar 2023.

A 🧵

PART - 2/3
In this email chain, we can see Dept. of Health #Australia social media team discussing (presumably with Twitter) that they have reported .@CKellyUAP Twitter account for spreading COVID misinformation, Twitter advised that it didn't breach guidelines and DOH requested escalation. ImageImageImage
Here is an email chain where Dept. of Health #Australia flagged (was tagged by a user) .@reignitedemaust Twitter post where they have used DOH branding on their content and queried how to remove the post and Dept's logo is not used in the future. ImageImage
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Jun 6th 2023
1. #TwitterFiles Extra: How the World's "No-Kidding Decision Makers" and the "Anti-Disinformation" Field Got Organized Image
2. In Costa Rica and Latvia today, the Atlantic Council is hosting its 360/OS Summit. We dug into the #TwitterFiles to further reveal the participation of their anti-disinformation arm, the Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) in disinformation initiatives of its own Image
3. 360/OS is a convening of “no-kidding decision maker level” elites, as DFRLab Director Graham Brookie put it, highlighting the Head of Davos, Madeleine Albright and more, as he sought to secure 150k from Twitter and Jack Dorsey’s attendance. Image
Read 13 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
“Basically, @Twitter’s own lawyers are admitting in a court filing that the guy who owns their company is spewing utter nonsense about what the #TwitterFiles revealed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like this.”-@mmasnick… 🧌 👑 has no👕👖 ImageImageImageImage
“not a single document revealed has shown what people now falsely believe: that the US government & @Twitter were working together to ‘censor’ people based on their political viewpoints.”

In a court filing, @Twitter’s lawyers just acknowledged the #TwitterFiles were bullshit. Image
@Twitter’s filing is like a beat-by-beat debunking of the conspiracy theories pushed by the dude who owns Twitter.”-@mmasnick

@elonmusk’s own lawyers are admitting [Musk] is completely full of shit, or too stupid to actually read any of the details in the #TwitterFiles

👀 Image
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Jun 1st 2023
I know the elite media will ignore this #twitterfiles like it's ignored all the rest, but putting the politics aside, IT'S A GREAT STORY.

Nobody ever - EVER - sees a company's internal litigation strategies in high-stakes suits like this. They are locked away forever...
But not only do the files give a unique, never-to-ne-repeated look at how Twitter analyzed and viewed my lawsuit against it, you have me - the guy on the other side, the only person who gets the subtleties here as well as the lawyers on both sides - explaining what they mean...
It really is a shame that the elite media and #lawtwitter (which leans so far left it can't even stand up) is so politically blinkered that it can't just view this as a great legal story, if nothing else.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
#TwitterFiles @elonmusk
1/ URGENT: Twitter's own lawyers believed the company could not successfully defend its Covid vaccine censorship policies against my lawsuit over its 2021 ban of my account. Image
2/ Twitter was likely to lose Berenson v Twitter, my federal lawsuit against the company for banning me over my mRNA vaccine reporting, Twitter’s lawyers concluded after reviewing internal documents related to the ban.
3/ The documents, whose details remain secret but which the lawyers called “problematic” and “sensitive,” also show Twitter’s most senior executives disagreed over its decision to censor me in the summer of 2021.
Read 29 tweets
May 30th 2023

What we know about Aus Gov's efforts to surveil and censor online Covid-related speech, in partnership with Big Tech platforms...… @umbrellanews_au @SenatorAntic
2/ In the #twitterfiles, journalists document a web of cosy collusion between government agencies, private sector think tanks and academic institutions working together with Big Tech to spy on and censor ordinary citizens.
3/ Watching the Twitter Files drops with interest, @SenatorAntic wondered, “is this happening in Australia?” In December 2022, Senator Antic lodged a Freedom of Information request to find out, and last week, his suspicions were confirmed.
Read 14 tweets
May 29th 2023
🇦🇺🤐 - Austrália | O governo ordenou que grandes empresas de tecnologia censurassem mais de 4.000 postagens e memes relacionados à Covid

As revelações vêm após um pedido de liberdade de informação e informações dos arquivos do Twitter. Image
Um pedido de liberdade de informação apresentado pelo senador liberal da Austrália do Sul, Alex Antic, mostrou que o governo federal fez mais de 4.000 pedidos em três anos para remover publicações sobre o COVID-19 das plataformas online.
“Não está totalmente claro para mim por que o Departamento de Assuntos Internos, um departamento encarregado principalmente de supervisionar assuntos como controle de fronteira, tem usado um acordo de backdoor com empresas de mídia social para influenciar a mídia em relação a
Read 9 tweets
May 27th 2023
Series of illuminating talks (if I do say so myself) from last week's conference on Propaganda and Mental Health. Here is mine on Censorship & Suppression of COVID-19 Heterodoxy.

See 🧵for other talks on censorship, propaganda, the WHO & mass formation.…
@NAffects, who has been working with @mtaibbi and Racket News, gives the lowdown on the #TwitterFiles and their discovery of a massive and growing anti-disinformation industry consisting of NGO, government, academic and military players.…
@PiersRobinson1 Gives a concise but sweeping overview of propaganda (aka Public Relations) -- what it is and how it works.…
Read 11 tweets
May 27th 2023
Update al #tweetelling.
Abbiamo un nuovo DEMbunking tinazzista da riportare del mio amico Davidino.
Sa 'a cantano e sa 'a sonano.
Contrordine kompamerati.
Hanno stati i fascisti, ma anche i comunisti.
Hanno stati gli "estremi".
"Meno male che Davidino c'è".🎶
Capito? L'infame PropagandaRight lo ha fatto bloccare lui.

Uno di DX chiamerebbe un account PropagandaXXX, nome che richiama un programma odiato? ImageImage
Read 146 tweets
May 25th 2023
#twitterfiles #autopilot - Chapter 2: Postponed, Delayed, Deferred

"When I dropped off my son at the school parking lot, the car suddenly shot forward."
The complaints do not match the plans with which Musk regularly attracts attention. "I think we will be able to achieve truly autonomous driving in five or six years," said the Tesla CEO in October 2014.
In January 2016, Musk stated that autonomous driving was "essentially a solved problem". At the Tesla Autonomy Investor Day in Palo Alto in April 2019, Musk said it would be "financial madness to buy anything other than a Tesla. It would be like owning a horse in three years."
Read 18 tweets
May 25th 2023
#twitterfiles #autopilot - Chapter 1: Accounts of more than 1000 accidents

"My autopilot almost killed me on a route I drive repeatedly."
The tables with customer complaints likely originate from Tesla's "Toolbox System". The car manufacturer refers to this software in an internal presentation as "the main communication channel" between service and other departments.
In Toolbox, Tesla employees not only collect reported incidents. They also document diagnostic and repair processes there.
Read 19 tweets
May 24th 2023
With the 🇦🇺 #AusTwitterFiles on censorship gaining traction

I encourage all who have an investigative mind to dig further into any conflicts of interest and links to global corporatist entities by the ATAGI and the TGA.

I recently wrote to Brendan Murphy and Mark Butler with my ongoing concerns about COVID19 Countermeasures and Children (especially those in care)…
In the response received by Dr Grant Pegg, Principal Medical Advisor, Pharmacovigilance Branch, Health Products Regulation Group -
He passed the buck (they do this a lot) to ATAGI and TGA Image
Read 28 tweets
May 23rd 2023
1. Twitter Files Extra: The Covid Censorship Requests of Australia's Department of Home Affairs (DHA). The #TwitterFiles confirm a Monday report in "The Australian," showing the Australian government worked overtime to monitor Covid-related speech ImageImage
2. In the #TwitterFiles, Racket found 18 DHA emails, collectively requesting 222 tweets be removed. Jokes & true information were included in censorship requests, which came from the “Social Cohesion Division” of the DHA’s “Extremism Insights and Communication” office.
3. Or was that the "Extremsim" office? (As indicated in the email signature of one staffer) A group that can’t spell-check became the “fact-checking” authority for an entire nation (and beyond). Image
Read 10 tweets
May 23rd 2023
🚨🚨MEGA THREAD: Missouri v. Biden

Many of you have heard me discuss this case in detail, as I have been reporting on it diligently for the past year. However, some of you are unsure of why it is important, or what it all means. This thread will serve as a summary to this point,……
Missouri v. Biden was filed on May 5, 2022. Since it was initially filed, it has taken quite a trip through the court system. The complaint has been amended 3 times, with the most recent amendment being to transform the case into a class suit - this due to the overwhelming……
Read 84 tweets
May 23rd 2023
🇦🇺 Australie
Le sénateur Alex Antic avait déposé une requête FOI en décembre 2022.
Le journal "The Australian" a révélé hier que le gvt 🇦🇺 avait censuré 4213 messages et des médecins allant à l'encontre de la doxa #COVID19 depuis le début 2020 sur les réseaux sociaux . Image
C'est la même collusion exposée dans les #Twitterfiles entre un gvt et les RS (Facebook, Meta, Twitter, Instagram et Google..)
La censure s'est faite dans le cadre d'un "protocole 🇦🇺 de réponse à la crise intérieure pour les contenus terroristes et extrêmement violents en ligne" Image
Le porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur n'a pas fourni de détails supplémentaires.
La sujet devrait être évoqué lors des audiences du Sénat dès lundi prochain.

Thank you Senator @SenatorAnti
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May 21st 2023
1. I'm giving a talk today at a conference on propaganda in Fátima, Portugal. So great to see everyone.

Schedule here: I'm going to be discussing some new #TwitterFiles and releasing them and my talk here first @PanData19 Image
2. Big Disinformation has policies to ban ”true content” on COVID-19 vaccines. Simultaneously, social media police "vaccine misinformation" while Big Pharma pays them hundreds of millions of dollars for advertising. Image
3. In late 2021, I published a blockbuster BMJ investigation on corruption in Pfizer's COVID-19 clinical trial. @IamBrookJackson provided The BMJ dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails. Image
Read 19 tweets
May 18th 2023
1. Twitter Provided Privileged Access to Banning Queen, Taylor Lorenz #TwitterFiles

Twitter engineer walking me through their reporting system, "Wow! She's a heavy user." Image
2. Shortly after @elonmusk bought Twitter, @TaylorLorenz got apoplectic, writing that Twitter was "opening the gates of hell" by letting banned accounts back.

(Take a wild guess what Taylor did the month prior....) Image
3. The month prior, Taylor Lorenz got this tiny account banned. Surprise!

The account detailed Lorenz as a Manhattan rich girl, who attended Swiss boarding school, and whose uncle owns Internet Archive, thus erasing her past. Image
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May 17th 2023
1. New internal internal #TwitterFiles help explain why privileged reporter hate @elonmusk and Twitter 2.0.

Musk denied access to Twitter's formerly "trusted reporters" and allowed inside entree to more independent journalists. Image
2. During my trip to Twitter's HQ in San Francisco, I uncovered several documents that explain why reporters now hate Twitter 2.0

Musk fired their friends and cut off their privileged access. Image
3. For years, Twitter provided favoured access to "disinformation" reporters, giving them access to new products and silencing accounts.
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May 15th 2023
DIGITAL SERVICES ACT: l'arma della UE per controllare l'informazione e #censurare il dissenso

"La censura la esige e la esercita il potente, che non vuole essere ostacolato nei propri piani o attività da obiezioni e proteste, bensì essere soltanto obbedito" (J. W. Goethe)

1/23 Image
Il centro di comunicazione strategico NATO #StratCom viene presentato al pubblico come un think tank con mandato formale di "comprendere e utilizzare metodi che affrontano le sfide nell'ambiente informativo" che i paesi NATO dovrebbero adottare.

Ad inaugurare StratCom, presenti i presidenti di Lituania, Lettonia e il senatore americano John #McCain.

Tuttavia, ammette lo staff di Stratcom, che il loro obiettivo principale sia la guerra dell'informazione... (e che) StratCom non sia peró una stazione di spionaggio.

3/23 Image
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May 12th 2023
1. The AdCouncil played a BIG ROLE in the Censorship Industrial Complex. And the reportedly new twitter CEO seems to have ties to them in addition to WEF.
2. “Sources you trust” 🙄 Image
3. “Know the facts! The Ad Council is working to inform Americans on why we MUST embrace an FDA covid vaccine.”

God help us all. Image
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May 1st 2023
(📢) To cause as much pro-Bluesky, Twitter ToS-compliant mayhem on this platform as I can, if you RETWEET this tweet enough times that I hit 1M followers I will in that instant tweet out my final Bluesky invite code.

I doubt this will work, but I’ll make that promise to you all. Image
PS/ My goal here is to show how badly people want off this platform. I do not believe there is much point to hitting 1M followers on Twitter because I believe Twitter is a zombie social media platform that is already effectively dead and will be totally dead very soon. Seriously.
PS2/ So if you RETWEET the first tweet in this thread you are, far more importantly than anything else, underscoring that you want off his sh*thole social media platform—now filled with pornbots and far-right trolls and crypto-bro Elongelicals—just as much as the rest of us do.
Read 17 tweets

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