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Jun 14th 2022
Thread : What care a #law #student should take while sitting in library, and digesting law #books? How should he navigate through thousands of books in law library of #college? What books to read and what to ignore?

1) The topic of this thread itself is complicated.
2/ But once I was also a law student. (In 1977). All the law books in law college library amazed me! It looked as if each book was radiating powers of the good over the evil. I had dreams of power and wealth and these books looked like my passport to a golden future.
3/ Do not blame me, if after reading this thread you become demotivated to read those AMAZING law books.

I may have tell you something which may not be found in ANY law book of ANY law college.
Read 31 tweets
Oct 7th 2021
[#ANNONCE] En partenariat avec @NotreAffaire, #Savanturiers lance une boîte à outils sur le droit de l’environnement à destination des profs du collège et du lycée.

La boîte comprend 5 fiches d’activités, pour s’emparer des enjeux environnementaux. 👇

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Dans la boîte à outils "justice climatique", co-créée avec @NotreAffaire, découvrez des activités clefs en main pour les #collèges et #lycées :

👉 le débat mouvant
👉 le théâtre d’impro
👉 la charte de l’environnement
👉 le concours d’éloquence

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La boîte à outils pratique "#JusticeClimatique" sera présentée, dans le cadre de notre formation initiale, sur de l’éducation par la recherche, les projets Savanturiers, et les enjeux de l’école !

👉9 octobre
👉inscriptions - Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
#unlock4 #Schools #Colleges

Here's what's in store for schools and colleges -

1) Schools, colleges, educational and coaching institutions will remain closed for students up to Sep 30. Online/distance learning is encouraged.

@XpressBengaluru @NewIndianXpress @santwana99
2) Upto 50% of teaching and non-teaching staff can be called to schools at a time for online teaching/ tele- counselling & related work
3) Students of classes 9 to 12 can visit their schools, in areas outside the Containment Zones only, on voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers. This will be subject to written consent of their parents/ guardians.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
With #colleges reopening in the fall during the #COVID19 pandemic, we wanted to know:

What are students’ preferences and expectations for the fall semester?

Many #schools surveyed students earlier in the summer when evaluating reopening plans. However, the trajectory of #COVID19 looked very different than it does currently.

So, how have students been feeling recently?
We had 398 undergraduate @GeorgiaTechISyE students (incl. incoming freshmen >= 18 y.o.) complete our survey (~30% response rate)

~51 % of respondents were female students

~85 % were domestic students

~ 48% / 23% / 14%/ 15% were rising
seniors/juniors/sophs/incoming freshmen
Read 19 tweets
May 3rd 2020
I wanna run a couple of quick yes/no polls just to figure out trends in our behaviour, please do help by participating and sharing the thread, grateful and thanks in advance 🙏🏻
If airlines start flying from 15th May will you fly for something not very essential?
If the #lockdown ends on 15th May and you get a wedding reception invite, will you attend it?
Read 11 tweets
Jan 21st 2020
I had a follower DM me asking why I was excited and “Celebrating” having the Elite Title IX attorney’s following my story. Not wanting to get in an argument, I thanked her and said I would spend some time thinking about her question & send a message out in the group sharing my
perspective. My reasons are fairly simple! First, this group of attorneys, accused student warriors and their supportive family members following my #twitterfeed are amazing. This group together BLAZED a TRAIL & SHINED a LIGHT on #Colleges & #Universities denial of #DueProcess &
#UnFairHearings. #HigherEd Schools have been denying students #fundamentalfairness for years. So without these attorney’s, brave student warriors & supportive families determined to prove their #innocence there would be very little protections for me now as I take the next step
Read 28 tweets
Dec 5th 2019

#Lincolnshire based Phoenix Professional Development has released 2020 #virtualjobsfair dates, these are Wednesday’s 2pm - 4pm, here on @Twitter:

#Yorkshire and #Humber: 8th Jan & 8th July

#NorthEast: 22nd Jan & 22nd July

#Scotland: 5th Feb & 5th Aug

#NorthWest: 19th Feb & 19th Aug

#Ireland: 4th Mar & 2nd Sept

#NorthernIreland: 18th Mar & 16th Sept

#WestMidlands: 1st Apr & 30th Sept

#Wales: 15th Apr & 14th Oct

#SouthWest: 29th Apr & 28th Oct

#SouthEast: 13th May & 11th Nov

#London: 27th May & 25th Nov

#EastofEngland: 10th June & 9th Dec

#EastMidlands: 24th June & 16th Dec
Read 6 tweets

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