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Meine Covid-Infektion ist jetzt über 9 Monate her. In der Akutphase im Krankenhaus und auf Intensiv zu sein war ja schon schlimm, aber nichts gegen das was danach kam.
Ungefähr zwei Wochen nachdem ich aus dem Krankenhaus daheim war kamen plötzlich die Gliederschmerzen zurück und ich war schnell erschöpft, aber alles noch erträglich. Die Lunge hat nicht immer so mitgemacht, wie ich das wollte, aber das war auch alles aushaltbar
Nach vier Wochen Arbeit hab ich Fieber bekommen und war nochmal 4 Wochen daheim. Die 4 Wochen waren die Hölle. Gliederschmerzen, Fieber und kaum genug Energie um mein Bett zu verlassen, aber das wurde auch besser.
Read 12 tweets
One day, I hope we will talk about COVID19 and schools; about the do or die attitude around school attendance, where parents, teachers and school heads are willing to risk their lives & the lives of students as long as they don't miss a few days of classes.
Case in point:
My 11 y.o and 2 y.o started in person classes on May 11. A little over a week later, they both came home with cough, runny nose & fever. I decided they would skip school the next day (Friday) and possibly Monday the week after (with the weekend)
On Monday Teacher #1 called me:
Teacher: Why didn’t D come to school?
Me: She has a cough and cold
Teacher: Is she seriously sick?
Me: No, but I am being cautious in case it’s COVID
Teacher: Laughs incredulously: COVID??? Where did she get it from?
Read 19 tweets
Canadaland and Jesse Brown need to be seriously reprimanded for promoting this type of reporting.

The man is a menace to investigative journalism in Canada.

This isn’t a whistleblower. It’s a saboteur looking to denigrate the public service.

Which party would most benefit?
This isn’t journalism. It’s gawking at human imperfection.

Do human beings have real life problems and also work for the public service? Yep they do. Because public servants are actually real people.

Are people employed in private sector just as plagued by real life issues?
Yep they are. Which is why we have employee assistance programs, in both the public and private sector.

Substance abuse, relationship issues, health problems, mental health, dying relatives, and an assortment of other real life issues impact people who work.
Read 25 tweets
I screamed & cried (literally) when I heard this news while driving through smoke with <.5 mile visibility to help my father seal his condo from the historically toxic air in Portland. It was 598 AQI in his hallway when I arrived. Worse outside (1)…
My eyes were burning, throat hurting, headache piercing ... & I was wearing a vented N95 (under my surgical mask because Covid). Few people have access to those or air purifiers. I was out for a total of an hour and I’ve felt sick for 15 hours & counting (2)
So many of my most beloved places are on fire, many of them gone. I’m worried about so many people — their homes, their lungs, their hearts, their livelihoods. And so many animals. #ClimateChangeIsReal #CovidIsReal #Vote
Read 31 tweets
If you don’t want to wear a mask on a flight, don’t fly. I’m flying back to #Houston #Texas from #Chicago for work and all passengers had to sign this contract. The airline requires face coverings be worn over both mouth AND nose. Let’s see how many comply. #MaskUp #CovidIsReal
2/ In #Wisconsin I’ve noticed folks not wearing masks in Subway with their kids, at hotels and restaurants where elderly people crowd around groups of small tables outside. Eating outside doesn’t protect you - ask @BillPlaschke…
3/ I’ve seen people this trip with masks under their noses. I’ve heard complaints that masks are uncomfortable; that they have trouble breathing. If that’s true, see a doctor. If it’s not, you need to see a ventilator. I saw a man placed on one. The next day, he died. #COVID19
Read 11 tweets
1. Been trying to self isolate after Gogo's funeral. Let's just say as a mother and wife without a helper it can't, not a chance😔 my 2 little ones are huggers, they love to tell me nyaya and jokes. Been trying to teach them the elbow greeting / first ain't happening...
2. Every morning they make breakfast, but I still make lunch &supper &clean the house& I'm still the referee. So I challenged them. Said "pretend I'm not here for 2 days". I packed my snacks, kettle, steamer, juice etc. They fought a lot &played. 3pm they knocked "we're hungry"
3. "You're hungry but I'm not here remember. Ask your Dad". They said, he's also hungry. I said "aiwa ka, make a plan, I'm self isolating." So Dad orders food. Anyway, long story short. After my failed simulation, if I were c19 positive, home recovery won't work.
Read 4 tweets

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