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Feb 11th 2023
@milieudefensie @natuurenmilieu @SoortenNL @LandelijkeNMF @wwfnederland en @Rijkswaterstaat

Er gebeurt al tijden iets verschrikkelijks in onze natuur: onze mooie #westerschelde is vergiftigd door #PFAS.

En de gekte stopt maar niet.
Een enorm groot #natuurgebied van 95km in lengte, en 2 tot 8km breedte wordt continue #vergiftigd. Vergiftigd water bereikt #vissen, #grondwater, en natuurlijk ook de #Noordzee. Er voltrekt zich een #ramp.
Read 34 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Özkaynak Karlılığı (#ROE - Return on Equity) hesaplaması konusunda farklı yöntemler var, bana uygun ve makul gelen yöntemi bu akışta anlatacağım. Aşağıdaki kaynakta yer alan örneği Türkçe'ye çevirdim.…
Adım adım giderek anlatalım+
Özkaynak Karlılığı şirketin 12 aylık dönemde elde ettiği net kar rakamını şirketin özkaynakları ile karşılaştıran orandır. Kısaca şirket ortaklarının şirkete bağladığı para ile % kaç verim elde ettiğini gösterir.
Burada soru, net karı hangi andaki özkaynak ile karşılaştıracağız?
Üç farklı yanıt olabilir, dönem başındaki, dönem sonundaki veya ortalama özkaynaklar. Dönem sonundaki özkaynaklar ile karşılaştırma en kolaya gelen yöntem olsa da bazı örneklerde çok sağlıklı sonuç vermemektedir. Ben ortalama yöntemini anlatacağım.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 16th 2022… Bayer en Monsanto (Bayer is eigenaar van Monsanto) zijn klant van marketingbedrijf Remarkable. De oprichter/eigenaar Wim Groot Koerkamp en marketingdirecteur Henk Vermeer zijn weer secretaris en penningmeester bij de BBB.
Ook is Vermeer campagneleider voor de #BBB. Het adres van de BBB is hetzelfde als het communicatiebureau van Bayer/Monsanto in Nederland. Ik neem aan dat #Caroline vd Plas, lastige vragen hierover niet wil beantwoorden.

E-mailadres Caroline van der Plas:
#Monsanto, #Cargill en #Dupont hebben bijna 17 mln hectare landbouwgrond in #Oekraïne gekocht. Dat is zo'n 60% van de beschikbare landbouwgrond in Oekraïne. Dat zullen de kartelpolitici nooit zeggen want hun opdracht is de vernietiging van de natiestaten - via supranationalisme
Read 6 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
I just went through all the pictures on my iPad, sorting them and there are many pictures of #lab #equipment, that I have gathered over the decades. Most is useful, some is not. Maybe, I should tweet a bit about the good stuff. I am sure, I have mentioned some, already. Image
What I really like, are the DIY lab trolleys. The fact, that they are on wheels let me rearrange my lab easily. They all have electric outlets installed and an ESD table cover. All the same height, made from aluminum extrusion profiles. #labTrolley ImageImageImageImage
It is even easy to set up a macro photo tent on such a lab trolley. I take most pictures with the iPad, but sometimes, it is niche to have better quality pictures of projects and things. Image
Read 39 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
1) Bugün değerli hocam @azizserin75’in daha önce çok defa yazılı ve sözlü anlattığı #Dupont yöntemi ile #şirket nasıl seçilir, analizini çalışma fırsatım oldu.

#Otomotiv sektöründe son dönem dikkat çeken #FROTO ve #TOASO şirketlerini incelemeye çalıştım. YTD

#PD #temelanaliz
2) Piyasa Değeri / Defter Değeri

#FROTO #TOASO #temelanaliz #yatırım
3) Piyasa Değeri / Net Satış

#FROTO #TOASO #temelanaliz #yatırım
Read 11 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
A 🧵on the #Dmitrievsky #Chemical Plant explosion and fire. On @Twitter I mostly post on Data Security (20year as a CxO and #Votehacking. But I also have 9 years as CEO and longer on BODs of #AdvancedMaterials / #NanoMaterials.
The extreme damage, perhaps total destruction of this chemical plant is going to have a spectacular and massive impact on the #RussianArmy. Possibly grinding entire systems to a stop in weeks, perhaps even days.
Like many industrial sectors in #Russia, they tend to be centralized, massive + singular. This is generally a result of historic centralization of production under the Soviet model, and a fear of building massive high-cost infrastructure by nonRU firms #BASF #DuPont etc.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
I get asked by young #entrepreneurs what is the cost and the output of R&D activities and how long would it take to reach certain milestones? There is considerable variability in the amount of investment in R&D needed to generate a patentable #invention 1/7 🦋
When we started @Metamaterialtec with @timaras we found that #IBM spent about $6 billion on R&D in 2011 and generated 6,146 patents, implying an average R&D cost per patent of $976,000. At same year #Qualcomm, spent $2.3 billion on R&D and generated 1,000 patents, 2/7 🦋
implying an average R&D cost per patent of $2.3 million. #DuPont spent $1.4 billion on R&D and generated 500 patents, implying an average R&D cost per patent of $2.8 million. Even when companies have access to this amount of cash, it takes several years to develop new tech 🦋 3/7
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Apr 6th 2022
@Naninan01365795 @HelenePerson25 En 1994,

#JoeBiden alors sénateur du Delaware

(il l'est devenu très jeune: 30 ans)

a reçu une lettre de menace disant:

<< Cher sénateur Biden:

Tu es un traître... >>

on rapporte que la brève suite est

<< ... Tu dois mourir. >>

Lettre signée

@Naninan01365795 @HelenePerson25 #HunterBiden utilise la même technique des pédocriminels organisés qui consiste à réduire au microscopique les fichiers pédoporno et les dissimuler dans des photos/fichiers anondins

Read 6 tweets
Sep 29th 2021
Jour J-1 avant @PatrimoniaLyon !

Avant ce grand rendez-vous de la profession du conseil patrimonial, le moment est opportun pour rappeler la composition des équipes.

Voici els visages de celle de @BDLCM, qui vous accueillera sur place au stand J39.

A dérouler ⤵️⤵️⤵️
Tout d'abord, trois gérants de #BDLCM seront présents, à commencer par #Bastien #Bernus, présent chez BDL depuis 2005 et co-gérant des fonds historiques de la société, #BDL #Convictions (968 M€ d'encours au 27/09/2021) et #BDL #Rempart (557 M€).
Arrivé en 2006 chez BDL après plusieurs années chez @EYFrance, #Jean #Duchein pourra vous renseigner sur le fonds #BDL #Transition, qu'il gère, et qui a reçu @lelabelisr dès son lancement en 2019 (92 M€ d'encours au 27/09/2021).
Read 12 tweets
Oct 25th 2020
Joe Biden's political career has been funded & supported by the #DuPont family/company since the 1980s.
Duponts also heavily funded Beau Biden's campaign for Delaware AG in 2013 after Beau agreed to the corrupt plea deal for the pedophile Dupont heir.… ImageImageImageImage
After agreeing to a lenient plea deal for a billionaire incestual pedophile, Beau Biden announced partnerships with child protecting orgs in Delaware that are funded by the Duponts.
(Prevent Child Abuse Delaware is funded by Nemours Children Health System)…
Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children has Hunter Biden on its board of directors along w former FBI dir Louis Freeh & Ashley Biden, who allegedly took 'inappropriate showers' Joe Biden when she was a child…
Read 5 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
Not sure how on the radar this is for you but the #Chinaflooding season starts in 13 days and it’s already a catastrophe.

An interesting analysis of the situation.

#msm not covering this.

@paul_furber @paulmuaddib61

Read 145 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
Historian @HenryLouisGates won a 2020 duPont award for his series “Reconstruction: America after the Civil War,” from @PBS and @McGee_Media. #ReconstructionPBS.
@HenryLouisGates @PBS @McGee_Media The whole series is available to stream for FREE! #ReconstructionPBS…
This multi-part documentary shone a light on the period between 1865 and 1877 when the federal government attempted to rebuild the South and establish meaningful reforms.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
As former Chief Executive of a company with publicly traded securities, I oversaw investor relations & capital markets. Here’s what I believe @SenDavidPerdue hopes you won’t notice about the suspicious stock trades he made after attending Senate #coronavirus briefings: THREAD 1/8
1️⃣ Perdue bought stock in pharmaceuticals — not just any pharma company — he invested up to $245,000 in #Pfizer, which just announced its plan to create a #Coronavirus vaccine. Bear with me, it gets worse. 2/8…
2️⃣Perdue also bought shares of #DuPont — a leading manufacturer of #PPE including face masks, gloves, hazmat suits — essential healthcare supplies our hospitals and healthcare professionals are currently in desperately short supply of. 3/8
Read 8 tweets

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