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Apr 21st 2023
New Erasmus project,
#TVCHANNEL, already tunning at @aimerigues.
Ice breaking activities with our german and icelandic mates. ImageImageImage
Presentations already on the move! ImageImageImageImage
Awards at Les @aimerigues, and poetry, John Coltrane, roses & books, some music, some chocolate, some activities...
Sant Jordi!
An intense first day...
#TVCHANNEL ImageImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
Heading towards Barcelona from Les @aimerigues..
A "SUPER-ISLAND" on the horizon... Image
Starting the "superilla" tour...
More details coming soon...
#ErasmusPlus Image
Superblock, less pollution and sound, more green and walking... and more inequality probably too, among other contradictions...
#SustainablesCities @aimerigues
#ErasmusPlus ImageImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
Yesterday, we got to know each other, played some ice-breaking games, presented our schools and what we have been doing in our projects and had lunch all together at Les @aimerigues.

#ThinkingGloballyActingLocally ImageImageImageImage
Today, heading towards Montserrat! Image
Montserrat has been climbed!
Now, let's have a good rest!

#Metropolitanareaview ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
Is it extreme to want for your kids to study and work in the EU? #ErasmusPlus
Is it extreme to want touring musicians to be able to travel and play in the EU without a carnet for every musical instrument and untold restrictions on shipping the kits? @eufestivaluk
Read 16 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
🟢🔵 Africa and the EU, together today, for tomorrow.

For us, #GlobalGateway stands for building sustainable and trusted connections that work for people and the planet.

Strengthening health, education and research systems across the world is a priority for us.

#TeamEurope is lead contributor to #COVAX with close to €3.5 billion and is Africa’s biggest #COVID19 vaccines donor.

We are helping accelerate the roll-out of vaccines with supply of auxiliary material like syringes, supply chain management, logistics and service delivery.
We will support African partners in strengthening local pharmaceutical systems and manufacturing capacity.

This means better access to medicines and vaccines for people in the region.

#AfricaEU #GlobalGateway
Read 7 tweets
Dec 27th 2021
Despite all the challenges we faced this year, 2021 has also been a year full of inspiring stories about solidarity, merit and hope.

We bring you 7⃣ inspiring stories of 2021!
1⃣ The power of science

In 2021, Dr Özlem Türeci and Dr Uğur Şahin, co-founders of @BioNTech_Group, received the Order of Merit – an award for their scientific persistence to develop a COVID-19 vaccine saving lives of millions of people worldwide. 🏅

An inspiration to all.
2⃣ The power of solidarity

In 2021, #TeamEurope shared over 350 million doses to low and middle-income countries - mostly via #COVAX. And our efforts will continue next year with more donations.

Because no one is safe until everyone is safe.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
🇫🇷 #Programmation #Penséecritique #Créativité

En partenariat avec @rialitylab, @UnpluggedQuest, et dans le cadre d'#OptionInnovation, @LabAixBidouille proposera ce vendredi 15/10 un défi #unplugged abordant la pensée #informatique dans un contexte stimulant et ludique🥳
Nous sommes ravis de promouvoir cet événement dans le cadre des #ErasmusDays 2021

Encore une fois, MERCI 🙏 à @ErasmusplusFR pour nous offrir au travers du programme #ErasmusPlus la possibilité de développer tant de contenus #éducatifs de qualité!

Retrouvez également cet événement dans le cadre de la @CodeWeekEU @CodeWeek_FR, mouvement #citoyen qui met à l’honneur la #créativité, la résolution de problèmes et la #collaboration par le biais de la #programmation

Read 4 tweets
Jun 16th 2021

Our project website is online 😍 enabling to discover and explore our objectives, our teams and universe by visiting

#creativity #ErasmusPlus #PrimarySchools #game #quests #citizenship
🔍Get creative using our template for sharing your ideas of quests related to #societalchallenges #SDGs #citizenship…
This work has been strongly inspired by the amazing work of @fabline06 managed by @margaridaromero on card games for approaching SDGs and educational playful activities 👏🙏…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
#ErasmusPlus. 600 000 personnes en France ont profité du programme européen entre 2014 et 2020 #Étudiant #Poitiers… via @OuestFrance
#erasmusplus WEBINAIRE
« Initiative Carte Etudiante Européenne » (ICEE) aujourd'hui. Présentation de l'initiative et du groupe utilisateurs, animé par Marie-Pierre Chalimbaud. Image
#erasmusplus WEBINAIRE « Initiative Carte Etudiante Européenne » (ICE). Des nouvelles problématiques apparaissent pour les universités et établissements dans le numérique universitaire européen. Nous, @Amue_Com, contribuons à leur résolution en participant au Groupe Utilisateurs
Read 50 tweets
Dec 15th 2020
I have sent many students on exchange to all these countries, and to about 20 European countries covered by ErasmusPlus. A worthwhile experience for all but the idea of replacing #ErasmusPlus exchanges with Aus/NZ/Canada comes with problems: /1
First, an 'exchange' is reciprocal. So you need approx same numbers of students coming in coming as you do in going out. NZ/Canada/Aus all smaller than UK: so for this to work, all those students interested in an exchange must want to come to the UK over anywhere else. /2
Likely? Not so much. Many will want to go to non-English speaking destinations, including in Europe and Asia. UK often seen as too 'obvious' a choice in my experience. So the UK is going to be limited in scope for partnerships. /3
Read 10 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
#ChristmasIsComing 🖌️🎨🇫🇷

Troisième jour de mise en valeur d'activités #technocréatives - en Français !

Ne ratez pas demain, le 4/12, le Séminaire TechnoCreatic - Des activités de #résolution #créative de problèmes pour l’#apprentissage à l’#école du XXIème siècle.
Gratuit, en ligne et accessible à tous ! Co-organisé par le
@fabline06 et @Inspe_Nice
En partenariat avec les communautés #ErasmusPlus
@CaiCommunity et @lets_steam_eu et dans le cadre du projet #ANR #CreaMaker @creasmartedtech
9h00 : Mots de Bienvenue
9h20 : @margaridaromero @uca_education @fabline06
Les activités de résolution créative de problèmes pour l’apprentissage à l’école du XXIème siècle…
Read 11 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
Discover several resources offered by the @CaiCommunity!

#ErasmusPlus #ArtificialIntelligence #programmingisfun
Learn how to #program #code with #python 👩‍💻👨‍💻🧑‍💻…
Discover the French #Mooc @FunMooc @classcode_fr "L’Intelligence Artificielle avec Intelligence"…
Read 5 tweets
Feb 27th 2020
The UK's Approach to EU negotiations document is now available. What does it say about #Erasmus #ErasmusPlus? /1… @lawstrath Image
In short, not much, but more than we had before. The Political Declaration spoke of "general principles, terms and conditions for the United Kingdom's participation in Union programmes" which includes education (point 11) /2…
The EU negotiating directives do not mention #Erasmus specifically, but use the similar terms as in the Political Declaration re cooperation in education and other programmes (point 14) /3…
Read 17 tweets
Jan 10th 2020
The Daily Mail have systematically hunted Meghan and Harry down like Diana over a number of years. Now they claim H&M to be "traitors" for being hunted and choosing a different path for themselves ... cont'd

@DailyMailUK @MailOnline @AlisonKMurray @carolJhedges @RachelAshleyVox
Cont'd ...

The Mail's treatment of Meghan and Harry is the same behaviours that tabloids apply to Remainers, Judges etc.

They invested 17 pages of hate in their pursuit of H&M today because they chose a different pathway for their exit instead of a tunnel of love ...

Sorry seems to be the hardest word for Mail readers. It seems to me that they live their lives like candles in the wind ...

Meanwhile, #WWIII, #ClimateCrisis, #BrexitShambles get no coverage due to the #gaslighting of our gutter press ...

@EUflagmafia @velvetsilk
Read 5 tweets
Oct 3rd 2019
Heute Geschichte und Geschichten, historische Bauten und Herbstlaub - malerisch-faszinierende Eindrücke von Lettland.
#ErasmusPlus #KK21 @kmkpad @EUErasmusPlus @langsnhs @NorthamptonHigh @MatyasneEva
#Latvia ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Oct 2nd 2019
Jetzt: Welche Fehler sollte man bei einem Lebenslauf vermeiden?
#KK21 #ErasmusPlus @EUErasmusPlus @kmkpad @langsnhs @MatyasneEva @NorthamptonHigh #DJDG_Amberg Image
Nun geht es darum, was man bei einem Vorstellungsgespräch falsch und richtig machen kann.
#ErasmusPlus #KK21 @kmkpad @EUErasmusPlus @langsnhs @NorthamptonHigh @MatyasneEva Image
Read 3 tweets
Oct 1st 2019
Heute beim #Projekttreffen in #Riga: #CLIL
(Content and Language Integrated Learning, Sachunterricht in einer Fremdsprache)
Mathematik: verschiedene Winkel und ihre Bezeichnungen
@EUErasmusPlus @kmkpad @langsnhs @NorthamptonHigh @MatyasneEva ImageImage
#ErasmusPlus #KK21 #CLIL Merkblätter Image
Spielerische Verstärkung: Winkel
#ErasmusPlus @langsnhs @kmkpad #KK21 ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
Heute Ankunft in #Riga zum Projekttreffen #KK21 im Rahmen von #ErasmusPlus. Sehr schöne Stadt und liebenswürdige Gastgeber, Treffen mit wunderbaren Kolleginnen. #Europa #EU #EUspirit
Read 5 tweets

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