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Jun 30th 2020
Ambitionierter Plan für herausfordende Zeiten: nach den Prioritäten letzte Woche hat heute 🇩🇪 das Programm zur Ratspräsidentschaft #EU2020DE vorgestellt. Freue mich, dass Kernelemente der @NetzwerkEBD-Politik aufgenommen wurden. Doch eine wichtige Prio fehlt. (Thread 👇)
💶 Im Fokus #EU2020DE steht natürlich das Geld: #EUHaushalt & #RecoveryPlan. Sondergipfel im Juli muss Einigung herbeiführen. 🇩🇪 muss darauf achten, dass #MFR mit wichtigen Programmen wie #Erasmus+ nicht zu kurz kommt.
👍 Neben Herkulesaufgaben wie #MFR- und #Brexit-Verhandlungen, bleibt Stärkung europ. #Werte und des #Rechtsstaat|s Prio. Sehr gut. Denn wir brauchen eine Rechtsstaatsverknüpfung im #MFR & Rechtsstaatsdialog im Rat
Read 8 tweets
Oct 2nd 2019
#HEUNI_Tweetsday Weekly thread on Wednesdays. This month we'll reveal you the key findings from our latest project done w/@SOLWODI, @CIRRIFUGIATI, @JRSizbjeglice, @ENoMW and supported by @EU_Justice
Simple rules: 1❤– 1 finding. 1st topic: #GBV, its consequences & risk factors.
@SOLWODI @CIRRIFUGIATI @JRSizbjeglice @ENoMW @EU_Justice So what are we actually looking into when talking about #GBV against women? Is there any definition? And where to find it? Check out #IstanbulConvention… #VAW #HumanRights #ViolenceAgainstWomen
@SOLWODI @CIRRIFUGIATI @JRSizbjeglice @ENoMW @EU_Justice #Refugee women have different backgrounds including different personal qualities, family situations, levels of education and professions. Refugee women do not form a homogenous group, and they definitely should not be seen as uninformed #victims.
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Sep 3rd 2019
Listening to Foreign Min @TyttiTup explain the Finnish priorities for its presidency of the EU, I can only wonder... how do we continue to tolerate the rotating presidency of the @EUCouncil?! What gives Finland (or any country) the legitimacy to impose... 1/4 #eu2019fi
its priorities on the whole of the EU? These governments may be elected at home, but not at the EU level. Their only claim to these responsibilities is an agreement among Member States that completely bypasses any principle of democracy and accountability. 2/4 #eu2019fi
Although the Finnish priorities themselves sound good, the country holding the Presidency has no particular sway over the Council of the EU, and the six-months duration ensures that no significant policy can be conducted. It is high time for #EUreform. 3/4 #eu2019fi
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Jul 18th 2019
Mitä ilmastokriisin ja ekosysteemiromahdusten takia Euroopassa pitäisi tehdä? 0/

#ilmastokriisi #nytonpakko #hallitus #EU2019FI
EU laajuisesti pitäisi asettaa nouseva ETS pohjahinta. Vaikuttaisi paremmin kun olisi korkeampi kuin nykyinen hinta, ja etukäteen sovittu pohjahinnan nousu antaisi ennustettavuutta.
50€/t +5€/t vuosittain. 1/
Kaikki myymättä jääneet päästöoikeudet mitätöitäisiin ja sen verran vähennettäisiin tulevien vuosien osalta samalla (ts. ei voi kasvaa y2y sen takia, että seuraavana vuonna myytäisikiin kaikki oikeudet). 2/
Read 27 tweets
Jun 4th 2019
The TEPSA recommendations to the incoming 🇫🇮 Finnish Presidency are now available!… They will be presented at TEPSA's Pre-Presidency Conference in Helsinki on 6-7 June. Thanks @SabinaKLange for coordinating their preparation! @EU2019FI @EUCouncil #EU2019FI Image
Read 3 tweets

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