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Sep 28th 2022
The #extrajudicial_killings by the #Taliban continue:
Bahram Nuristani, a former ANSF officer (ex-police chief for Mandol District), was abducted, #tortured and killed by the Taliban.
Sources confirmed that the Taliban #accused him of providing logistics to the #NRF in #Panjshir. ImageImage
Angry residents of Mandol District in #Nuristan Province, pushed out #Taliban from their district in reaction to the brutal murder of #Bahramuddin, a former district police chief under Republic Government&native of Nuristan, by the group (TB).
"Du Ab of #Nuristan also fell to #local_uprising forces:
Over 1,500 armed supporters of late Commander Bahram have taken control of Du Ab&Mandol districts.
"My father's blood will not be wasted&we will clear Western Nuristan from Gujars& #TB," Bahram's son said." Image
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Jul 20th 2022
"Despite an overall, significant reduction in armed violence, between mid-August 2021& mid-June 2022, UNAMA recorded 2106 #civilian_casualties (700 killed, 1406 wounded). The majority of civilian casualties were attributed to attacks by the #ISKP.…
On 17 August 2021, TB announced an amnesty for former govt. officials&ANSF members. This amnesty does not, however, appear to have been consistently upheld. UNAMA recorded at least 160 extrajudicial killings of former govt&security officials by TB members in the reporting period.
UNAMA’s report highlights specific concerns with respect to 2 bodies within the TB govt.– the de facto Ministry of Propagation of Virtue&Prevention of Vice (that limit the human rights& freedoms, in particular of women& girls) and the de facto General Directorate of Intelligence.
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Nov 29th 2021
"He is Naveed, a resident of Lashkargah, #Helmand, graduated from agriculture faculty. Last Thursday, TB intelligence operatives of PD1, evicted him from his house& he was missing. On Saturday, his dead body was found in the Helmand River."
State-run @BakhtarNA:
"There are reports in media that a man named Naveed was arrested& killed by #Helmand intel. dept. However, Helmand officials at a press conference denied the allegations, adding that 4 people arrested in connection with the incident."
In a press conference in #Helmand, #Taliban officials confirmed arrest& torture of the victim, #Naveed, by the Intelligence Department of the IEA.
@heatherbarr1 @hrw @AfghanistanIHRC @US4AfghanPeace @EUAmbAFG
More details are in the below video:
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Nov 15th 2021
#Extrajudicial_Killings in #Nangarhar:
"Last night, Haji Yunus was evicted from his house in Lalmi village of Chaparhar District&later killed in Saparo village.
Also, a man named Sakhi Dad originally from Khogyani, was beheaded in Surkh Rod district," Shinwari Kara News reported.
Meanwhile, the same source reported that "Unidentified gunmen shot dead a man near the 40-meter road in PD4 of #Jalalabad City, today evening."
No details are available about the identity of the victim & the reason behind his killing yet.
#ISKP claimed responsibility for yesterday's #shooting incident in PD4 of #Jalalabad City:
"Caliphate soldiers targeted a member of the intelligence of the #Taliban in PD4 (of Jalalabad City), in #Nangarhar (Province), with automatic weapon, which led to his death."
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Oct 27th 2021
While one person was shot killed by unknown gunmen today morning in #Jalalabad, @bsarwary now reported about 12 hanged bodies in various parts of the city.
#Extrajudicial_killings in Jalalabad is a new normal but 12 hanged bodies in one day, if confirmed, will be a shocking news. Image
#ISKP claimed responsibility for today morning's target killing of an alleged #Taliban intelligence agent in #Jalalabad City:
"Caliphate soldiers targeted a member of the intelligence of the Taliban, in PD5 of Jalalabad City, with pistol shots, which led to his death." Image
#Target_killings in #Nangarhar Province continue. Shinwari Kara News reported about two new incidents in the province, as follow:
1. On Thursday evening, at 07:00 PM, unknown gunmen shot and killed a person in Farm-e Adda area of PD6 in #Jalalabad. No more details are available. Image
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