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After deputy speaker confronts finance minister, he admits:
- Financial statements ( Xisaab Xir) pertaining to the money budgeted to the Federal Gov was not returned to the federal Parliament to show use of the money for its intended purpose in 2018,19 & 20. #N&N corruption
This runs counter to the claim of Farmaajo supporters that they are not corrupt. They refused to submit financial statements to the federal parliament for accountability purposes. Instead Pro-Farmajo speaker signed documents representing the parliament.#Somalia
It is surprising that #Farmaajo supporters could not even trust parliament that generally supported them to review how money was used
- Among the entities that have refused to return statements indicating how allocated money was used included the presidential palace.
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It bothers me Everytime when a lifeless body is left lying on the streets of #Mogadishu after being shot by the very security agencies who are supposed to protect him/her.

Following are incidents when civilians were killed by security agencies (in the last 2 months)
On 5th Feb , Kadija Mohamed Nur woke up to do her daily Hussle of vending tea in order to provide for her family, only for her to be shot twice in her head & left to die by SNA.

On 07 Jan 22, a rickshaw driver was shot dead by SNA soldiers in #Mogadishu.

(This was the second incidence of a rickshaw driver being shot dead in the same week, another had been shot dead on 26th December 2021😪😪)
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I didn't think i would be shocked by #Farmaajo's actions any longer but the extent to which he's willing to go in order to satisfy his personal interest got me stumped.
#Somalia we aren't a poor country but few people in leadership like @M_Farmaajo are too greedy & selfish💔..
Our main bone of contention with #Kenya has been the maritime case in the ICJ, Kenya pretending to play a brotherly role while it bullies us to withdraw the case from ICJ knowing very well if we opt for an out of court settlement, we stand to be taken advantage of.
Somalis from all part of the world have always supported the FGS in the case, now that Farmaajo's term is ending & he desperately needs support from Kenya, he's agreed to their terms to an extend of agreeing to withdraw the case in exchange for Kenya's endorsement.
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THREAD on Friday's parliamentary crisis in #Mogadishu and broadly #Somalia's existing #electoral turmoil. I discuss what happened, and towards the end, I offer a possible electoral solution for a way forward. 1/17
At stake are two issues: did #Speaker #Mursal and opposition MPs follow the parliamentarian procedures, and does the speaker have the authority, under the parliament's rules & regulations, to suspend the 15 opposition MPs for 5 seating? Second, where do we go from here? 2/17
The speaker cited Art. 16 (1,2); Art. 18 (a, b); Art. 19 - 1 (b, c, d, e, f, g) & Art. 28-5 (n). Most of the above articles deal with the speaker's powers, the deputies, and governs' behaviors/conduct of legislators when parliament is in session. 3/17
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Thread 1: Farmaajo from HERO to ZERO.
A government on no Agenda, no direction.
In 2016 #Farmaajo ran a populist campaign jam-packed with Somalia nationalism & anti #Ethiopia rhetoric. Today he has become a darling of the Ethiopians whereby he is using the same Ethiopian forces to achieve his selfish political ambitions.

What changed❓
In his first attempt to consolidate power, Farmaajo assembled a team of his inner circle, relatives & friends who were unqualified and who had questionable character. They were appointed to some of the most important and critical positions in govt.
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Weli waa Xasuustaa Sababihii uu uga Diiday #QoorQoor & #Farmaajo Balankoodii inuu u tago. Waxaan rajaynayaa inaad la dhacsaneed. Maxaa ka dhihi ayadoo waxba iska badalin tabashadii aad la dhacsaneed hadduu #Dhusamareb3 ka dego markii ay ajanabi ku dhaheen tag?🥸#Somalia #Puntland
#Puntland waxeey ku jirtaa Gobaladda Dadkooda ugu Faqrisan yihiin #Somalia, Xataa haddii ay leeyihiin Diaspora fara badan oo lacag usoo dirto. Faqriga & dayaca shacabka waxu gaarsiisan yahay heer khudaar looga yaqaano tuuloyinka qaarkood Basasha & Botaatada😱 #Mogadishu #Galmudug
Bal Southka #Somalia tag, fiiri Cuntada Xasaska saboolka waxeey cunaan & kuwa saboolka ku ah #Puntland waxeey u canaan. Kaftan waxan Diaspora ugu badaney ameey cuno xumo aheed. Xilib & caano o kali ah #Deni uun buu ku qurxoonsiin, jahwareer awgeed. #Galmudug #Jubbaland #Mogadishu
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A race btw #FGS & #IC(@US2SOMALIA, @NBerlangaEU, @UNSomalia)has begun while IC bombs #Dhuusamareeb3 with heavy artillery from Dhabalif(Triators, corrupters & confederates) & d #FGS is using Dabadhilif fighting aircraft with d rule of law to try to erase them🤔 #Somalia #Mogadishu
The race is over, the losers from the #FGS had no chance of getting out of the way, on the contrary, those from #IC have been so agile that they bombarded with Dabadhilif #Dhusamareb3 that everything was over quickly and we now have to dismiss our team.😱#ImpeachFarmaajo #Somalia
I feel beaten, frustrated and angry, and regret not going to bed earlier, I can't digest and go to bed with these bitter bill now? I hope when I wake up tomorrow to hear better news than what #Farmaajo was able tonight, No from Parliament.🙄#Somalia #Mogadishu #Puntland #Galmudug
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Waxu isku dayey marinhabaabin Dad an Anniga masuul ka'ahay, Tolkayga #Mudug ila #Barriga fog daadsan. Been buu ka sheegay, ka cabsida #Mudulood. Haddaanan sidiina u dhaqmo, Madaxwayne & Reyswasaare in laka qaato ba #Banaadir & #Puntland lagu heshiiyay, maxa ka baqnaa?😂 #Somalia
Sababta inta Baddan Nabadoonka #Somalia loo doorto meeshaan baad ka fahmi, markii ay saan oo kale u banjaraan waa la iska badelaa. Jidadka ay dadka dhisteen baa run ka ah waxuu sheegay. Dadka uu aamusa leeyahayna ku jeer bay caqli dhaamaan.😂#Puntland #Mogadishu #Galmudug #Jowhar
Marinhabaabka Dadkayga lagu hayo, Ka daa baad oranaysaan. Odeygaan dhowr jeer baa dhageystay, aad buuna ii dhibay, sidaan aniga u arkey wa siyaasi been ka buuxdo. Bal dhageeyso siduu ku bilaabayo, waxuna qirtay inuusan dhaqan Democracy ah uusan ku qanacsaneen.🥸#Somalia #Puntland
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When I wrote the slogan in the Pic, #Gaas sat on d throne in #Garoowe bc I suspected dat his successor could be worse &, unfortunately, I was right.Sure, it was 22yrs ago when d good idea was born to build #Puntland so that we could build a nation & not what it became. 🎊#Somalia
Naceebka Iska dhaaf baad isoo DM gareenaysaan, naceeb igama ahee dhaliil bay iga tahay. Iska dhaafa isku taaga Federalka ee bal is garab dhiga, waxeey shacabkooda u qabteen #Somaliland, Doorrasho toos ah & jidad dhisan, sooma dhamaan waxaan haysano. #Puntland. #Somalia #Mogadishu
2012 markii aan ka baxnay ku meel gaarka ba bilaaway inan sidey ku qorantahay Dastuurka #Puntland, ay Xilwareejin la hoos tagayo Federalka la sameeyo & Dastuur cusub u Ololaynayay, waa aragti #Farmaajo hortii aan qabay, Isbaarashada aan u dhiganay in Dowladnimada #Somalia qaadno
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