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Remember, they hid a 1930s coup d'etat attempt as well. Prescott Bush was involved.…
It seems he McCarthy, and Nixon were buddies.
Read 11 tweets
The FBI’s & DHS’s policy was to NOT tell the public, states, or Congress of county & vendor election-system breaches. They let counties & vendors decide whether to disclose. It was #RealityWinner who exposed this dangerous policy. Ds AND Rs in the Senate criticized the policy. 1/
The FBI later changed its policy to notify states (though not the public or Congress) of election system breaches. They did it due to the outrage over their concealment of breaches. Counties and vendors were not voluntarily coming forward to warn that they had been breached. 2/
The change in policy would not have happened without #RealityWinner. But the policy is still dangerous bc it does not require that the FBI or DHS notify Congress or the public of county or state breaches. That is still up to the election offices. 3/
Read 8 tweets
NEW: Three months ago, a New York Times story tricked America. We deserve to know if Donald Trump is still receiving intelligence briefings.…
"Biden Bars Trump From Receiving Intelligence Briefings"

That’s a really comforting headline, isn’t it? We could all sleep easier at night, if it wasn’t a lie. We have no idea if Trump is still receiving intelligence briefings traditionally shared with former presidents.
Neither President Biden or any government official has, to my knowledge, confirmed the New York Times headline, and no reporter has asked for an update. The Times story stems from an interview in which Biden was asked if Trump should — should — receive intelligence briefings.
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@CPetersen_CS @FullFrontalSamB @iamsambee To form an opinion you shld take into account all of the facts. She exposed the truth as there was no IG for her to report to at the time. Fox on all stations & things swept under the rug. Charged under the antiquated Espionage Act that was designed to weed out spies.
@CPetersen_CS @FullFrontalSamB @iamsambee But wait theres more! Document was kept classified even after it was public knowledge & being used in msm news reports, specifically so she cld not speak of it in her defense. 99% of defense subpeonas thrown out.
@CPetersen_CS @FullFrontalSamB @iamsambee Lawyers a hard time seeing her too & court refused to issue pretrial bond. During her time in jail pretrial the gaurds made her life a living hell. If she got too much mail, the gaurds wld get mad & she wld lose her 1 hr of sunlight.
Read 9 tweets
The second half of our show tonight is dedicated to whistleblower Reality Winner, a woman who did a very brave thing––besides attending middle school with her name––and was punished harshly for it by the Trump administration’s justice system.
Remember how Russia tried to influence the 2016 election? While Reality was an NSA contractor, she saw documents that proved this fact. This incredibly upsetting thing upset her, so she did what she felt was right and leaked it to the news.
She was caught and charged under the Espionage Act of 1917, an outdated law which is SUPPOSED to be used against spies, not concerned citizens. While she has suffered greatly as a result of her leak, America made changes to our voting process that made our elections more secure.
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After blowing the whistle on Russian interference in the 2016 elections, Reality Winner was marked an enemy of the state and sentenced to prison. With help from her sister, @WinnerBrittany, and her attorney, Sam recreates the story an American hero. #FreeRealityWinner
If you want to thank Reality for helping keep our democracy intact, write a letter to @POTUS to remind him that #RealityWinner deserves a pardon!
This piece was produced by @RazanGhalayini_ with @at_howard and edited by @MadDogMendelson.
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Dear @POTUS: Why has this information not been declassified, and why does FBI Director Christopher Wray still have a job after concealing information about Russia's breach of Florida election networks from the American public? Why is #RealityWinner still in prison?
But for the Mueller report, we would not have even known that ONE Florida county was breached. The FBI under Chris Wray had decided to conceal this information even from state officials. 1/…
The FBI finally agreed to provide this information to election officials, but made them sign an NDA. Remember?! 2/…
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I obtained info from the DOJ's General Legal Activities report in the section about program justification for appropriations. You can download it from here:

WaPo article stating over 13k petitions backlogged in Feb 2020.…
2020 Clemency stats are currently unavailable to the public. They should be available in 2021 as 2020 is closed out. I'm not sure if it's bc the USPA Office is so backlogged & cldn't keep up w/ stats or if it was intentionally left blank for some reason.
USPA Office projected the percent of the total clemency caseload pending w/in the entire Office & anywhere in the clemency process, at less than or equal to 40% for 2020. That's compared to 2019's actual percentage of 22% & 13,955 cases.
Read 10 tweets
Thread about #RealityWinner
1: I’m as leftie as they come. That being said, I’m seeing another wave of “#FreeRealityWinner” hashtags.
2: She was a member of the Intelligence Community (IC) that snuck classified information out of a secure facility in Augusta Georgia and turned them over to a journalist working for The Intercept.…
3: The IC is very unambiguous about protecting classified information and how to raise concerns.

There’s a right way and wrong way to blow the whistle on wrongdoing within the IC.…
Read 6 tweets
Laura Poitras, the Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist who was the first to work on the top secret NSA mass surveillance story, has been fired by @TheIntercept in retaliation for speaking to the media about their mishandling of the Reality Winner case.…
This is Laura's statement:…
I've said before that of all the journalists I worked with to break the mass surveillance story, none of them took operational security or source protection as seriously as Laura. I never once saw her cut a corner or break a rule. She was the only one who could make me feel lax.
Read 8 tweets
Thread: Listening to the new episode of @GaslitNation, "Clear Intent," with @AndreaChalupa & @sarahkendzior. Full transcripts available at

"This was intentional... We've seen their assault on democracy for the last five years." - Andrea
.@AndreaChalupa goes through a timeline of events before and during January 6th. A couple things in here that I didn't know already. (I'm curious why the Kremers want so much credit for the march. That whole thing between them and Ali is confusing, but maybe GN will go into it).
.@SarahKendzior reads from an article she wrote in 2016. It's STILL relevant!

"This was coming so far in advance that you literally cannot tell the difference between an article that I published before he was even president and one that comes out now."…
Read 41 tweets
Glenn Greenwald has the nicest fans
This is a thread about how dangerous idiots can be. I will be attaching screenshots of all the tweets I just received in response to the below tweet. There are hundreds of them, most calling me a spy. Please allow me to explain why this is a problem.
I am morally opposed to journalists working as intelligence agents. Why? Because after my father, a journalist, was kidnapped by terrorists, they tortured him again and again for years, calling him CIA. "I am not a spy!" he would scream. "I am a reporter!" It never stopped them.
Read 9 tweets
Reality Winner was 25, a decorated Veteran of the USAF, when she put her Country first and rang the alarm bell about an attack on our Voting systems in 2016.

For her act of patriotism, she has endured 1,257 days of pure hell under this archaic act.…
It’s long past time to #FreeRealityWinner

The Jeff Sessions DOJ skewered this young Veteran under the archaic Espionage Act.

No Miranda. No Bail. No Trial. Forced Plea.
Reality Winner should never have been charged under the Archaic Espionage Act. She’s a USAF Veteran, a patriot who lost her freedom protecting the country she loved from election interference!
Read 4 tweets
They locked them in a double lockdown environment, forbade them to go outside, deprived them of food and programs for this?
Who do you think infected #RealityWinner? Image
The prison guards mocked and tormented them, using their unit as an exercise track while they were confined to their small cells.
Then when I made a complaint, they became angry and again took it out on #RealityWinner, by not allowing her to come out to clean /do her job.
A guard then congratulated my daughter #RealityWinner on her positive covid19 test result.
I am so angry. Image
Read 3 tweets
#Whistleblower #RealityWinner Tests Positive for #COVID19 🦠 in Federal Prison in Texas. This didn’t need to happen. She already has served the harshest sentence for leaking one document after pleading guilty.… via @DailyReport
Regardless of what you may think of #RealityWinner leaking a classified document she admitted guilt and took responsibility for her actions. That’s more than Manafort or Stone could do.

And, yes, history will consider her a #Whistleblower even though she violated the law.
The harsh treatment of #RealityWinner is likely because what she exposed contradicts Trump’s narrative that Russian interference with the 2016 election was a “hoax.” Like your typical #Whistleblower she also lacks wealth and connections to get special treatment.
Read 5 tweets
Reality Winner was NEVER Mirandized. Denied a Bond. Denied a Trial and Forced into a plea. Why? For Alerting #WeThePeople of interference into the 2016 presidential election when no one else would. She is servicing a 63-month sentence.…
Reality Winner was locked up in a small rural county jail for one year and 85 days before her forced plea. After her arrest, she was denied bail and never allowed to defend herself. Her political persecution is a travesty of justice. These are her last moments of freedom.
This is how this young Veteran has been treated. Caged, denied nutrition, medical and a defense in the United States of America. #FreeRealityWinner
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Reality Winner's plea agreement has a number of disturbing and bothersome clauses. The text of the Plea agreement is found on the website There are numerous rights, waivers, and prohibitions that really are "biting" in the totality of the document /1
One thing she was required to waive was the right to "Collaterally attack" her conviction and sentence. The legal definition of collateral attack is found at the following link:… /2
The actual text reads: "Defendant entirely waives her right to collaterally attack her conviction and
sentence on any ground and by any method, including but not limited to a 28 U.S.C. § 2255 motion. The only exception is..." /3
Read 18 tweets
This #SundayMorning, we're asking whatever happened to Reality Winner?

As one of the first whistleblowers in the Trump era, Reality was sentenced to more than 5 years for leaking classified materials about Russian interference in the 2016 election. #FreeRealityWinner
(2) My followers arranged an opportunity to ask Reality Winner's mom @bjwinnerdavis questions about her daughter's case, why the media hasn't given it more coverage & how to help

Answers shortened for this thread. Read the full interview @RanttMedia…
(3) 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁’𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝘂𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗹 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁?

"@alisongrinter has volunteered to assist with the completion of a Petition for Clemency, which will ask for commutation of sentence for Reality Winner...…
Read 12 tweets
@bjwinnerdavis @glb101 This was just another tactic by the govt to persecute this young Veteran. Just as they lied in court and said there was more than one document but had to retract as it was not true. They would go to any lengths to deny Reality bond and keep her silenced.…
@bjwinnerdavis @glb101 1/ Winner was stationed at Fort Meade. On her last day, November 9, 2016, she inserted a thumb drive in a computer with access to classified information. She told FBI agents this was to see if it could be done without being detected.
@bjwinnerdavis @glb101 2/ She wondered how personnel were getting “unclassified pictures onto the high side.” An administrative notice popped up and so she threw her thumb drive away.
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Please read this article and look how Reality Winner was skewered! #2SystemsOfJustice #NotRich #NotAWashingtonInsider…
“A key phrase that the government wanted withheld was the specific name of the Russian unit identified in the document. The government was particularly insistent on that point.” @trevortimm
“Since it wasn’t vital to the story that the unit’s name be revealed, nor was it clear — at least at the time — that revealing the unit’s name was in the public interest, The Intercept agreed to withhold it.” @trevortimm
Read 6 tweets
American Swamp | NBC News if you believe your own reporting ⁦@KatyTurNBC⁩ ⁦@jacobsoboroff#RealityWinner was eaten up by this swamp. Where has your reporting been?
This is who the swamp monsters annihilated. #Veteran #Daughter #Sister #Friend #FreeRealityWinner
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Who wants to follow me down a rabbit hole of unanswered questions?

U.S. Escalates Online Attacks on Russia’s Power Grid
Here we's called the "Silence of #RealityWinner Continues"
For starters, I have a very concerning question here. Why did @nicoleperlroth mention #RealityWinner in the @NPR podcast but not the @nytimes article?
Read 18 tweets
Hypocrisy, thy name is GOP

👉So Kamala Harris smoked Pot
👉Yet GOP Matt Gaetz has a DUI & he & Steve King still have jobs

👉Clinton was impeached for lying under oath
👉Trump refuses to speak under oath about working w/ Putin to overthrow our Govt or his various ongoing crimes
👉Al Franken resigned over sexual misconduct allegations
👉Roy Moore was accused of sexual misconduct by 9 women yet Trump endorsed him

👉Clinton was impeached for lying about a BJ
👉At least 13 women accused Trump of sexual assault. There was no investigation & he became POTUS
👉Last summer Jim Jordan was accused of ignoring the sexual abuse of over 100+ wrestlers. To date it hasn't been investigated & he's still a Congressman

👉Based on 2 sexual misconduct allegations that have yet to be investigated, everyones demanding Justin Fairfax's resignation
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1/ I was thinking about how #RealityWinner's plea deal included not being able to appeal her conviction. Then I came this part of an article I was reading. Conservatives ❤ "by the book." SCOTUS needs Constitutional textualism to understand Right vs Wrong.…
2/ Now take into consideration Am citizens Constitutional 6th Ammendment Right to a fair trial. Among others,it lists these necessities for a fair trial: Not to bare witness to ourselves and to be heard by unbiased,impartial judge in a reasonable amount of time.
3/ So even if #RealityWinner accepted a plea deal with one of the stipulations being that she cld not appeal, she still should be able to appeal on the grounds that her 6th Ammendment Rights were violated due to not receiving a fair trial.
Read 7 tweets

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