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Oct 29th 2022
Sharing My Taaya Ji'
Col Navdeep Singh Sangha's Story

How He met with an Accident when he was on His #Jonga

How he Survided when only 10% chances were there.

Bouncing Back from 10%.

πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈHe has done 106 #HalfMarathon #10K #Duathlons
#IndianArmy #ForcesNetworkMagazine Image
Meet Him
A Real Fighter
Col Navdeep Singh Sangha Ji.
πŸ‘‡ Image
Bouncing Back from 10% chances of Survival to 100% Success. Image
Read 13 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
1/ A tale of 3 #5K runs

This season #halfmarathon training started late. Training has been on/off for multiple reasons.

The first #5k this season was 14th August. I have run two more since then. Each has a story to tell, a lesson to teach and learn.

Let's take a look. Image
2/ For the first 5k my goal was to complete the distance. I had been struggling for 4 weeks to break 5 km but kept on dying at 4k mark.

14th Aug was our first group run post Covid and I thought running together is the only way I can be shamed into finishing the distance.
3/ Here are the splits from the run on 14th Aug.

You can see pace is all over the place. Pushed too hard in beginning, essentially dead by the time we hit 4k.

All downhill from there. But I was happy with a sub 7 finish.

Monthly mileage at this point. 30k a month for 2 months Image
Read 13 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
Thank you all my #twitter friends who have donated. There are still two days to go to get to my target🎯 you are all amazing ❀️ #DoingitfortheDogs
Part of my thank you #Video to you all. #Fundraiser closes Friday 11th September Β£48 to go to reach the Β£1,000 target if you can help my PayPal here… there is a #GoFundMe too… the full #HalfMarathon here…
Read 5 tweets

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