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Apr 25th 2023
#MoxVeda – Adding a new language to your website was never easier
By @rk_process9
I often encounter concerns from my clients and prospects about the challenges of delivering their #website and mobile #apps in multiple #languages, to be able to reach out to more #customers .
1/n Image
Many express that it takes a lot of effort, dedicated manpower, knowledge of multiple languages, a reliable #translationagency, management of #translation processes, and much more.
They find it hard to believe when I tell them that implementing #MoxVeda for #website and #app #localization can eliminate all these efforts.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
Bank of Interenational Settlements BIS just published thier 2022 #BISTriennialSurvey (took place in April 2022).
This is what I learnt....

In 2022, Global foreign exchange (FX) market turnover/day breached $7.5 trillion/day on a Net Basis Value.
This growth was entirely due to Inter-dealer activity rather than end customers.

Share of SPOT transactions in Global FX market turnover fell from 30% to 28% over the past few years. Rest was made up by Fwds. Swaps, etc
SPOT transactions could include Trade Related, Foreign Portfolio Buying/Selling (Equity & Debt), Interest Payments on loans, Remittances inbound (NRIs) /outbound (Education, Holidays, Medical, Overseas investments etc). So in effect, just TRADE RELATED Sport FX is barely…
Read 10 tweets
Apr 12th 2019
All of you #recruiting #fullstack developers, or calling yourselves #fullstack #software #developers, this is the stack. I call #shenanigans.
#UI & #UX
WAF and client-side #security
Client-facing #performancetesting
Caching & #CDN
Identity management
#Database access patterns
Build servers (#Jenkins)
Source code management
Deployment methodologies
Infrastructure Security
Concurrent programming
Backend performance testing
Storage subsystems
Messaging subsytems
Read 4 tweets

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