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Jul 22nd 2018
#Russia, #Israel, #US & #Jirdan eventually negotiated departure of 422 #WhiteHelmets & their families out of #Syria (initial number was reportedly 827).#Canada, #Germany, #UK also involved in talks, each agreed to host them. Some 3750 activists remain in SYR.
#Moscow reportedly didnt allow direct passage of #WhiteHelmets to #Jordan (hence evacuation thru #Israel)while #Amman agreed to temporarily accept 'em only after guarantees frm West states they'd host them.#Canada to host 250 (activists+families),#Germany -8 activists +?families
In #Moscow, #WhiteHelmets evacuation said to be a part of #HelsinkiSummit agreements on #Syria, #GolanHeights. The very operation was thoroughly coordinated by #Israel's Lieberman & #Russia's Shoigu as well as discussed by #Putin & @netanyahu in latest phone call.
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