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Sep 12th 2020
Lots of places in #NovaScotia were named for their connections to mining – but #GoldRiver is NOT one of them!
#Gold was discovered in Gold River, #LunenburgCounty, in September 1861 by Daniel Dimmock of nearby #Chester.
#nspoli #cbpoli @Pier12Hugh @BernJordanMP ImageImageImage
However, #GoldRiver is believed to have been named after a Mr. Gould, an early settler, and it’s original name was Gould River. The name was changed to Gold River before #gold was discovered there.
#nspoli #cbpoli @Pier12Hugh @BernJordanMP #NovaScotia Image
The area produced 7610 ounces of #gold between 1881-1940 and today it is beautiful natural space and a bunch of homes on Lacey Mines Road.
#nspoli #cbpoli @Pier12Hugh @BernJordanMP #NovaScotia Image
Read 24 tweets
Feb 21st 2020
Former #mines and #quarries often become parks and protected areas. This thread shows some examples in #Halifax, #Dartmouth, #Shelbourne, #Truro, #LunenburgCounty and #KemptShore.

#nspoli #cbpoli #NovaScotia #NS #mining #reclamation ImageImageImageImage
#KiwanisPark in #Truro was developed as a gravel pit in the 1930s to help build Route 2. Like a lot of former pits and #quarries, the site has filled with water and become a natural oasis in the heart of the town.
#nspoli #cbpoli #novascotia #NS #mining #reclamation @TownofTruro Image
Former mines and quarries are often hidden in plain view! #PointPleasantPark contains 50+ former quarries. The stone was used to build walls and forts in the park. For example, slate from the #QuarryPond helped build the #MartelloTower.
#nspoli #cbpoli #novascotia #NS #mining ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Jan 29th 2020
β€œYou have no need to travel anywhere. Journey within yourself, enter a mine of rubies and bathe in the splendour of your own light.” ~ #Rumi

#quotes #wisdom #life #light Image
All this time
The Sun never says to the Earth,

"You owe me."

What happens
With a love like that,
It lights the whole sky.

#Hafiz #Hafez #poetry #sky #clouds #love πŸ’—πŸŒŽπŸ’— Image
β€œAll animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.” ~ Samuel Butler (1835-1902) British poet

#quote #quoteoftheday #life #wisdom #dogsoftwitter #dog Image
Read 31 tweets
Jan 28th 2020
#NovaScotia has dozens of #manganese occurrences and had a bunch of mines in the 1800s and early 1900s, mostly along the south shore of the #BayofFundy.
Read this thread for details:

#nspoli @EastHantsChambr @EastHantsNS @KeithIrvingNS @JohnLohrMLA @mmillershubie @scottbrison ImageImage
For example, the Tennycape #manganese deposit (#HantsCounty, #NovaScotia) was discovered in 1861 and manganese was extracted from boulders overlying the bedrock in 1862.

#nspoli #NS #bayoffundy #hants Image
The actual Tennycape Mine opened in 1882 and became the largest official #manganese producer in #NovaScotia, with an estimated 4000 tons of ore reportedly extracted between 1880-1900.
#nspoli #ns Image
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