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Dec 13th 2022
Imagine finding a gold mine (of content) in your own community!

One of #web3's biggest assets is community, and we just had a very inspiring session with Anna Miller about #CommunityMining in Web3.

Catch it #OnDemand now ➡️…

Here is what we learned from Anna's session:

Community Mining is all about creating incentives for extracting value from your community.

The objective here is not the quality of the content generated but the actual building and growth of the #community itself.💡

Three main reasons why people want to create for their community:
- Other people care about what I make
- I am part of something bigger
- Brand building and learning

Humans want to be part of something bigger & it's always a rush when your work is taken seriously!
Read 6 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
Don't Miss this 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 👇🧵 if you are on @awscloud , @AWSCloudIndia 💥🦴

Don't spend on 𝗔𝗪𝗦 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝗯𝘀 to practice either for certifications 🎒…

1. AWS Modernization Workshops
60+ Workshops on AWS Modernization Workshops...Image
2. AWS Workshops: 100+ Workshops
#professional #practice #opportunity
🧵 AWS Workshops: 100+ Worksho...
3. AWS Networking Workshops (Not to be missed!)

4. AWS Educate…
#ondemand AWS Networking Workshops (N...
Read 5 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
(This time with correct links!)

On Feb 17th we’ll be releasing a new short course @Moorfields @StudyVisionUCL @UCLeye

“An introduction to AI for clinicians”

We're excited and proud to tell you all about it…

#OnDemand #Virtual #AI…
Why are we doing this?!

Over the last 5+ years @MoorfieldsBRC we’ve learned that developing clinical AI is much more than coding.

In fact, it’s a broad spectrum...


@Moorfields we’ve been working on cutting-edge clinical AI with world-leading industry collaborators

@DeepMind @GoogleHealth @GoogleAI @googlecloud

Read 17 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
Heute kam ich nicht dazu direkt aus dem #Verkehrsausschuss des Verband Region #Stuttgart (#VRS) zu twittern. Daher kommt mein #Thread etwas verspätet.

Verkehrsausschuss 16.09.2020

Die Tagesordnung sowie öffentlichen Sitzungsunterlagen gibt es hier.…
TOP 1: Nachtrag zum S-Bahn-Verkehrsvertrag zur Kompensation von Pandemieverlusten

#Corona-Rettungsschirm von Bund und Land und Regionalisierungsmittel nutzen um ÖPNV zu unterstützen (S-Bahn, Relex-Busse, Nachtbusse der Region)

Wir lassen den ÖPNV in der Pandemie nicht im Stich
TOP 2: Bericht zur Fahrplankonferenz

EIn Kuriosum, die Konferenz hatte wegen #Corona nicht stattgefunden, den Bericht gibt es trotzdem.

Zum nächsten Fahrplanwechsel gibt es tagsüber einen durchgängigen 15-Minuten-Takt in der @SBahn_Stuttgart.…
Read 22 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020
After 6 months of #lockdown and #lab shutdown I spent a full day 9 am-8 pm in lab doing experiments! New #grad students in #lifesciences: There is always light 💡 and #fluorescent images at the end of the tunnel! Filing a #patent on my #invention from #phd work soon @OrganOnAChip
This is an Organ on a Chip platform that enables mimicking #tissues and #organs in a high throughput manner! The main focus will be towards developing #mucosal organs with tissue resident #immune cells and lining #epithelial cells for #testing #COVID19 treatments #covidvaccines
I recently gave a talk at #oooc2020 organized by @GVNlab at @Columbia. In the talk I demonstrated the #ease of fabrication, #functionality, and #modularity of this platform.
We’re open to #collaborate with interested #researchers! Interested to learn more:
Read 11 tweets
Nov 27th 2019
My long promised thread on my experiences inside the on demand economy will be forth coming, but tonight's experiences working for @Instacart are illustrative of my overall experience within the industry.

This will not be a happy thread.

#Instacart #OnDemand

As I write this I am sitting in the parking lot of a Jewel/Osco grocery store on Chicago's near Northside.

I am actually praying that I will be assigned a batch (a shopping order) in the next 15 minutes (won't happen). If I don't get one I will be forced to sleep in my car.

Why that is true will be partially explained here, but a more in-depth answer will follow with the larger thread.

But let's start here:

Today I was trying to decide how best to divide my time among the 3 major on-demand companies I work for; it's never an easy decision.

Read 13 tweets

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