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May 30th 2023
Social media platforms like #TikTok and #Instagram Reels have brought light-hearted fun into our lives, but we must acknowledge the darker side. Accounts disguised as legitimate platforms can prey on vulnerable children, raising concerns about their safety. #OnlineExploitation
The illusion of a #falsenarrative is prevalent on these platforms. Influencers project an idealized version of their lives, emphasizing glamorous experiences and seemingly perfect relationships. This content distorts reality, setting unrealistic standards for viewers.
Children, in particular, are tempted to imitate what they see online. They observe couples having fun, driving, holidaying, and engaging in activities they may not fully comprehend. This desire to replicate can lead to a dangerous vulnerability to online predators. #OnlineSafety
Read 12 tweets
May 23rd 2023
🚨 Does client-side scanning really allows you to detect known illegal content without breaking encryption? In a new @IEEESSP paper, we show that secondary features such as targeted facial recognition could actually be hidden into it. A thread 🧵
There have been long standing concerns by law enforcement agencies 👮 that encryption, and more recently end-to-end encryption, is preventing them from accessing content sent by users*.

(* some strongly disagree with the notion that law enforcement agencies are "going dark")
Client-side scanning (CSS) aims to allow law enforcement agencies to detect when known illegal content ⛔️ is shared on end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) messaging platforms 📱↔️📱such as @signalapp and @WhatsApp "without breaking encryption".
Read 21 tweets
May 20th 2023
4.83 Lakhs Lost In Scam!

Recently a victim lost Rs 4.83L when he/she was shopping online. The victim came across a website and saw an offer of a free premium smartphone on a purchase of a laptop.

The victim called on a number mentioned in the offer.
The man who received the call was a scammer and introduced himself as an executive of the website and told the victim that there is a phone free on the purchase of a laptop.

The scammer asked the victim to pay Rs 599 as a registration fee to claim the offer.
As soon as the victim paid for the amount his/her account got debited by Rs 4.83L in 15 different transactions.

This incident serves as a reminder for all of us to remain vigilant while navigating the digital landscape.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
⭐️Indian Women in Digital Spaces: Does Online Anonymity Guarantee Safety?
1. The central thought is that Anonymity has always been associated with women for most of history, so much so that a grant program named ‘Anonymous was a Woman Award’ was initiated by a New York artist in 1996.
2. Anonymous Was A Woman is an unrestricted grant of $25,000 that enables women artists, over 40 years of age and at a significant juncture in their lives or careers, to continue to grow and pursue their work.
#Women #DigitalIndia #safety
Read 34 tweets
Feb 17th 2021
இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு #onlinesafety பத்தி பாப்போம் நம்மள நிறைய பேரு Internet use பண்றோம் சொல்ல போன use பண்ணாத ஆளே இல்லை அப்டிங்கற நிலைமைக்கு வந்துட்டோம் எந்தளவுக்கு நாம Internet use பண்றோமோ அந்தளவுக்கு நம்மளோட பாதுகாப்புக்கு முக்கியத்துவோம் கொடுக்கவே மாற்றோம்.இதனால நிறைய cyber crimes
நடக்குது அதுல பெரும்பகுதி நம்மொளோட அஜாக்ரதையால தான் நடக்குது,குறிப்ப ஒரு simple ஆன விசியம் சொல்ல போன நம்ம பயன்படுத்துற சொல்லலாம் chrome Browser தான் நம்ம பெரும்பாலும் பயன்படுத்துறோம்,அதுல எதாவது ஒரு Social Media Website இல்ல Gmail நம்ம
access பண்றப்ப முதல் தடவ நாம type பண்ணி
login பண்றோம் அப்பவே அது ஒரு option கேக்கும் TopRightcornerla save password,you dont remeber for next time அப்டினு அதுக்கு நாம ok கொடுத்துருவோம்.இந்த மாறி ok கொடுக்கிறதுனால அந்த password எல்லாமே browser save ஆகி இருக்கும் இது மூலமா உங்க கம்ப்யூட்டர் யார் யூஸ் பண்ணாலும் உங்க
Read 13 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
Safe Use of Social Media Networks.

Online Social networking is a way of using your computer to talk to other people by use of internet-based social media programs to make connections with friends, family, classmates, customers and clients.

#OnlineSafety #CyberSafely #InfoSec
Social networking can be done for social purposes, business purposes or both. Examples of Social networking are Social Connections (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, MySpace); Multimedia Sharing (You Tube, Flickr, Picasa); Professional (LinkedIn, Classroom2.0...
...Nurse Connect); Informational (Super Green Me, HGTV Discussion Forums, Do-It-Yourself Community); Educational (The Student Room, The Math Forum, ePALS School Blog), Academic; hobbies among others.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020

#OnlineSafety #CyberSafely

Mobile banking is a term used to refer to systems that allow customers of a financial institution to conduct a number of financial transactions through a mobile device such as a mobile phone or tablet. While...
Online banking, also known as internet banking, e-banking, or virtual banking, refers to carrying out banking operations on the Internet.

For secure Mobile / Online banking...

* Always install banking apps only from official stores such as Google Play Store or Apple Store.
* Avoid using banking apps on free, unsecure Wi-Fi networks available in cafes, airports, hotels etc.

* Secure your phone with a password or Pin.

* Use a reliable mobile security application.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 8th 2019
The "initial" list of online harms. " design, neither exhaustive nor fixed. A static list could prevent swift regulatory action to address new forms of online harm, new technologies, content and new online activities." #onlineharms
Guess they haven't been reading the right blogs.…
And to think I warned of this 7 years ago...…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 25th 2018
This is THE most incredible #scam on @Twitter yet and it raises all sorts of questions for @twitter, @verified and @jack (there goes my chance of ever getting my blue tick!!)

It starts with a promoted tweet...
You’ll notice that, on the #promoted tweet, the account name is Elon Musk and it has a blue tick... so it’s got to be legit, right?
But, if we need proof that this is a genuine offer from Elon Musk, we just have to click on that account and see his other tweets to make sure it’s him...
Read 12 tweets
Sep 13th 2018
Welcome to day 13 #30days30waysUK. 💻📱🧐How cyber smart are you? We're joined today by @NCCcybersafe and many others talking about #OnlineSafety #Cyberaware, sharing top tips and resources. Watch the intro video
↙️open 'Show thread'
#Cybercrime can have very serious impacts yet is often easily prevented. There is a lot of excellent guidance available online for you to check out e.g. @actionfrauduk or @GCHQ's Also... Image
... excellent to check are

☑️ @GetSafeOnline

.. and many others. Follow today's tips via hashtag #30days30waysUK
Read 5 tweets

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