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We are now live tweeting the panel on ‘Trojan Manoeuvre: Capture and Fall of Global Institutions’ with @HonTonyAbbott, @HelenClarkNZ, @VikasSwarup, Asle Toje, @HelloKetty1998
Moderated by @NaghmaSahar. Participate in the conversation with #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@NagmaSahar: The pandemic struck at the roots of global order which many believe was already falling. Pre-pandemic global trends seemed redundant. #Raisina2021
.@NagmaSahar: The withering of the pre-pandemic global order is epitomised by the failure of the WHO to play a global leadership role during the pandemic. Other than the WHO, the UN and organisations like the WTO are also struggling for contemporary relevance. #Raisina2021
Read 27 tweets
We are now live tweeting ‘Message’ session with .@teddyboylocsin (Teodoro L. Locsin Jr.) Participate in the conversation with #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@teddyboylocsin: The future will be determined by the dynamics of the Indo-Pacific. The Indo-Pacific is undoubtedly the arena for the contemporary version of the Great Game, where multiple players with diverse ambitions display their strategic skills.
.@teddyboylocsin: Southeast Asian nations remain skeptical of Great Power schemes that seek to drag in ASEAN nations to larger quarrels and far bigger ambitions that Southeast Asia as a region of peace do not share.
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We are LIVE tweeting the discussion – “Waters of Growth: Towards an Arabian Sea Community” with @AakankshaT, @AUThackeray, @IEAKwame, Harsh V. Pant and Majed Al Ansari

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Harsh V. Pant: It is often forgotten that in India’s conception of the Indo-Pacific, the Arabian sea is the critical anchor. #Raisina2021
Majed Al Ansari: Since 2010, the US in the Arabian Sea & Middle East have started pulling out of major conflicts in the region. This means that local powers and regional powers must play a different role which is expected of them. #Raisina2021
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We are LIVE tweeting the discussion – “Chained Globalisation: Unshackling Lifelines, Unclogging Supply Chains” with @ManishTewari, @MConleytyler, @NaghmaSahar, @SoerenGade,Cho Choongjae and I-Chung Lai

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.@NaghmaSahar: The global pandemic has undermined the convictions, certainties, and certitudes that have driven two decades of globalisation. It disrupted the supply chains and compelled countries to turn inwards and focus on self-reliance. #Raisina2021
.@NaghmaSahar: The pandemic has compelled the states and organisations to acknowledge that their global values chains and economic co-dependence had embedded social and political consequences. #Raisina2021
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We are LIVE tweeting the discussion – “Insecure Jobs: Towards Social Safety for All” with @smritiirani @NKSingh_MP @amitabhk87 @WorldBank @JUNAIDWBG

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.@JUNAIDWBG: With technological change always happening, workers are seeking to upgrade their skills and a safety net must also be vest in their ability to build up their human capital.
.@JUNAIDWBG: During Covid-19, India discovered lot of fault lines inside its own social safety net. It recognised that perhaps Urban India, migrants and the informal sector had not been fully covered in the safety net.
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EAM @DrSJaishankar: “We have always believed that this should be an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned and Afghan-controlled process.”

EAM @DrSJaishankar at the #Raisina2021 session on "Junction Kabul: The Road to Peace".
EAM @DrSJaishankar at #Raisina2021: “Afghanistan needs a double peace. It needs peace within, and it needs peace around.”
EAM @DrSJaishankar at #Raisina2021: “In the last 20 years, we have demonstrated through our actions and projects on the ground what our real feelings are for Afghanistan.”
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We are LIVE tweeting the discussion “Financing the Sun: Solar Energy Accessible to All” with @abdulla_shahid, @katehamptongray, @isolaralliance and @Kanikachawla8

Join us for an engaging discussion #Raisina2021
.@abdulla_shahid: Maldives is also one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Hence, we are aiming to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels for energy generation and we have decided to lead by example. We aim to achieve net zero emissions by 2030.
.@abdulla_shahid: Maldives is continuously looking at ways to transition to lower emissions and cleaner methods of energy generation. Our recovery plans formulated in the aftermath of covid-19 pandemic adapts an energy policy that emphasises solar power for energy generation.
Read 19 tweets
We are LIVE tweeting the discussion “Junction Kabul: The Road to Peace” with @hmohib, @JZarif, @DrSJaishankar and @palkisu”. Join us for an engaging discussion #Raisina2021
.@hmohib: The new Biden plan to withdraw by Sept 2020 is a great opportunity for the Afghans to take control of the security situation in the country. Afghanistan does not need US combat troops on the group, it needs support for its armed forces #Raisina2021
.@hmohib: Its time for the Taliban to make peace with the Afghan govt. and become part of the mainstream Afghan society #Raisina2020
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We are LIVE tweeting the ‘in conversation’ session with Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Minister of Defence, Germany (@akk) and @AmritaNarlikar

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.@akk: In the #IndoPacific, Germany has seen China turn into a "systemic challenge" with their attempts to increase their power in the region. #Raisina2021
.@akk: Like-minded nations in the #IndoPacific region expect European nations — and especially Germany, to play an active role. #Raisina2021
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We are LIVE tweeting the ‘in conversation’ session with Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qatar (@MBA_AlThani_) and @samirsaran

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.@samirsaran to @MBA_AlThani_ : With Qatar being the manifestation of globalisation — as a global centre for travel, tourism and business — how did Doha respond to the #COVID19 pandemic? #Raisina2021
.@MBA_AlThani_ : In responding to the pandemic, our first priority was to ensure that Qatar’s health-care system is resilient. Last year, when the pandemic started, we already had plans in place for creating field hospitals to accommodate the infected. #Raisina2021
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We are now LIVE tweeting the conversation between @vestager and @SunjoyJ. Join us for an engaging discussion #Raisina2021
.@vestager: When it comes to #digitaltech, we have been timid as democracies and societies to say it should serve humans like any other tech. Regulation ensures that services are delivered in a way that can be trusted, and keeps the market open and contestable #Raisina2021
.@vestager: In democracies, the debate among politicians and citizens should be the real debate, not fragmented, manipulated debates that drive the world apart #Raisina2021
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We are now LIVE tweeting 

Regulating Technology Companies: A Transatlantic Conversation

with Marina Kaljurand (@MarinaKaljurand )  Robert D. Atkinson (@RobAtkinsonITIF) and moderated by Bruce W. McConnell (@brucemcconnell

#Raisina2021 #Raisina@DC
WATCH it here !

@brucemcconnell gets the ball rolling. Big tent Qs of regulating technology, questions of innovation, consumer welfare, privacy and disinformation.
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We are now LIVE tweeting the panel

‘Beyond Covid: Global Public Health after the Pandemic’

with @abdulla_shahid @MoYS_SriLanka @MdShahriarAlam @shoba_suri

Moderated by @MalikAshok


@MalikAshok opens with the Q of vaccine haves and have nots. Inequity/ inequality and being left behind.
@MoYS_SriLanka Countries like us and Maldives are facing much bigger challenges - because of traditional reliance on tourism for economic lift.
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We are LIVE tweeting the keynote address by @BradSmi. Join us using #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@BradSmi: We often see nation state #cyberattacks that identify and develop new attack vectors, which are then pursued by #cybercriminals often for #ransomware that is putting at risk institutions we all rely on #Raisina2021
.@BradSmi: We also have 21st century digital arms merchants – companies that work contractually for govts. to create the code govts. want to put to work – adding to the risk situation #Raisina2021
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We are live tweeting the panel “Recoding Our Future: Looking Beyond the Digital Wars” with @vestager @NandanNilekani @MarietjeSchaake
Moderated by @samirsaran #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@samirsaran: In the absence of regulations and clear-cut rules of the road for #digital technologies, there are anxieties and tensions in need of a resolution. #Raisina2021
.@vestager: The EU's key concerns are 1) Creating a level playing field in the marketplace; 2) Insufficient enforcement of rules, that have for decades applied to the offline world, in the online world; & 3) Dignity of citizens in #democratic societies. #Raisina2021
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We are LIVE tweeting the discussion An Ocean Too Far: The Future of the Transatlantic Relationship with @TheresaAFallon, @wess_mitchell, David Petraeus, @juergenhardt and @SanninoEU. Join us for an engaging session #Raisina2021
.@TheresaAFallon: Russia is increasingly cooperating with China. Will we see the EU and US create a common front against Russia and China? Will NATO play a role in that? #Raisina2021
.@wess_mitchell: The sheer scale of China’s economic and military power will provide the impetus for US and EU to overcome their differences and come more and more into alignment #Raisina2021
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We are LIVE tweeting the discussion – “Shifting Sands: Discussing the New Middle-East” with @AnwarGargash @ForeignMinistry @SecySanjay @maryashakil.

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.@AnwarGargash: From the perspective of UAE, the Abraham Accord is about three things – to address a strategic cul-de-sac in the region; to create more bridges and to reimagine the region in terms of mutual economic benefits. #Raisina2021
.@AnwarGargash: The process of unlocking immediate investment and economic opportunities between Israel and the UAE has already begun. #Raisina2021
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#RaisinaEdit offers a selection of commentaries that unpack, interpret, and problematise contemporary global developments corresponding to the Raisina Dialogue thematic pillars of 2021.

Curated by Harsh Pant and @WarjriLaetitia


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#RaisinaEdit | If “Data is the New Oil” then our individual data has intrinsic value and, thus, the monetisation of the collective data of millions of our citizens is the proverbial gold mine, says Abdul Hakeem Ajijola:
Economic interdependence, imperatives of political geography, and Beijing’s successful elite capture in many societies have made it difficult for many in Asia to contest the unfolding Chinese dominance over the region, points out @MohanCRaja #RaisinaEdit:
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We are LIVE tweeting the discussion iBreathe: The Battle for Clean Air with @lordstern1, @priyankac19, @vnigamsinha, and @mitalilive. Join us live for an engaging session! #Raisina2021
.@priyankac19: There is a dichotomy that exists in India. We are on the right track in terms of our climate goals. But we still have 1.7 million deaths attributed to air pollution. 17 of our 20 metro cities are among the worst polluted in the world. #Raisina2021
.@lordstern1: The loss of life every year from air pollution in India is at least five times the total loss from COVID. This is immense. And the immensity of it is not really sufficiently understood.
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We are now live tweeting the ‘In Conversation’ session between .@samirsaran (Samir Saran) and .@ClimateEnvoy (John Kerry). Participate in the conversation with
#Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@samirsaran: How do you see the India-US bilateral relationship developing on climate change? What areas require greater focus?
.@ClimateEnvoy: I hope that we will be able to build a partnership between USA and India to accelerate the deployment of the 450 GW of renewable power.
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We are LIVE tweeting a message from the Honourable Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, @moteging. Join us using #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@moteging: The international community is facing three major transformations and challenges. First is how to overcome the #COVID19 pandemic. #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@moteging: Second is the challenge against universal values and international order posed by protectionism and unilateral attempts to change the status quo. #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
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We are now live tweeting the panel ‘The Architecture of the Future: Building a New Indo-Pacific’ with .@HonTonyAbbott (Anthony Abbott), Tadashi Maeda , .@kjsong2004 (Kyungjin Song) , Kaush Arha and .@mansukhmandviya (Mansukh Mandaviya)

Moderated by .@mitalilive at #Raisina2021
.@mitalilive: As we strive to create more bonds and foster old partnerships in the post-COVID world, the region that has stood out the most in terms of its strategic importance is the Indo-Pacific. #Raisina2021
.@mitalilive: The Indo-Pacific implies a vast maritime zone which encompasses the interests of many players beyond the immediate geography of the region. #Raisina2021
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Conflict over the island of Taiwan will be a disaster for the people of the region and something we all must work to avoid: Gen Campbell @CDF_Aust Australia, with Chief of Staff @joinstaffpa, Gen Bipin Rawat, CDS India @HQ_IDS_India, @TimSCahill1 & @BBCYaldaHakim #Raisina2021
Geopolitics coupled with geoeconomics is seeking to reshape the rules governing the world order. This leads to conflicts and thats wht we are witnessing on our northern borders... we are witnessing a nation first approach...: Gen Rawat @HQ_IDS_India, @BBCYaldaHakim #Raisina2021
India has stood firm on the northern borders and we will not be pushed... International community has come in our support: CDS Gen Rawat on #LadakhStandoff #Raisina2021 @BBCYaldaHakim @raisinadialogue
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We are LIVE tweeting the discussion on 'Future of Conflict: How Will Democracies Respond?' with @CDF_Aust, @jointstaffpa, General Bipin Rawat (@HQ_IDS_India), @TimSCahill1 and @BBCYaldaHakim. Join us using #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
Gen Koji Yamazaki (@jointstaffpa): China does not recognise the legitimate interests of Japan and other countries in the region. This will heighten tension. Rules based order is necessary for stability in the Indo-Pacific region. #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
Gen Koji Yamazaki (@jointstaffpa): Any probable contingency in Taiwan directly impacts the defence of Japan. #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
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