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Mar 2nd 2023
We are live tweeting the session on Lessons and Look Ahead: Black Swans and Lighthouses.

With @AmbVMKwatra, @MinColonna, @JamesCleverly, @larsloekke, @Menlu_RI, @BillGates and @samirsaran

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@orfonline #Raisina2023
.@AmbVMKwatra: The evolutionary journey of the #RaisinaDialogue mirrors the evolution of our world. It has become a prominent platform to discuss global issues.

#RaisinaDialogue2023 #Raisina2023
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Mar 2nd 2023
Good evening and welcome to the #RaisinaDialogue2023!

We are delighted to have Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) and H.E. Ms. Giorgia Meloni (@GiorgiaMeloni) inaugurate #Raisina2023.

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@orfonline @MEAIndia @PMOIndia
.@samirsaran: This edition of the Raisina Dialogue is special. It is the first Dialogue in India’s #AmritKaal, or 'Golden Age’—an epoch marking the 25 years leading up to a century of India’s independence.

#RaisinaDialogue2023 #Raisina2023
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Apr 27th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @GeoffreyOnyeama @Sarpong_KA, @UstaNcusta, Dammu Ravi, and Omneya Ghamry

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue
.@GeoffreyOnyeama: #Nigeria & #India share a special relationship in this age of #globalisation. #India has a comparative advantage in the #health sector. Its role during the #COVID19 outbreak attests to this point.

.@GeoffreyOnyeama: The #IndiaAfrica Forum Summit (#IAFS) process is aimed at developing a precise roadmap that responds to the priorities of #African countries. #India can share its technological know-how which will boost our substantial partnership.

Read 12 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @carlbildt, @MalikAshok, Ming-Shih Shen, @DCTwining, @LisaCurtisDC, @LynnKuok

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue
.@LynnKuok: The #US has put working towards a common cause with its closest allies at the centre of advancing its national interest. The strength of the US as well as its partners matter.

.@carlbildt: If you look at the handling of the #Russia crisis, we are flying together. We are closer than in the past, covering all aspects of #security. There is a significant strengthening of #NATO and #transatlantic aspects of security.

Read 18 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @GeoffreyOnyeama, @jayantsinha, @RVlahutin, Tadashi Maeda, @P_Orliange, @GarimaMo

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue
.@RVlahutin: We have gone through multiple crises in the last few years—but they have served as great catalysers. We have seen how the #EU is shaping its response to these crises, and the EU is now at a moment of reckoning. #Raisina2022
.@RVlahutin: Infrastructure is a strategic tool & we have to treat it like that. Connectivity is not just primarily about things like railways, but it is also about the system of values underpinned by transparency, stability & the ability to make sovereign choices

Read 14 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @smritiirani @ctgchatter, Kwati Candith Mashego-Dlamini @drvanitasharma @ShombiSharp and @Chandrika0501

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue @ril_foundation
Kwati Candith Mashego-Dlamini: In #SouthAfrica, we have space for #women & struggle side by side with men. #Women need to be seen as individuals. Empowerment of women is not a side agenda, but we need to focus on how we can help them have their own space & strength. #Raisina2022
.@ctgchatter: We require political will, affirmative action, and policy changes to empower #women. I believe, empowered women, empower women.

#Raisina2022 @ril_foundation
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Apr 27th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @doctorsumitseth @RVlahutin @sharads @aurora_ravi @Hiroakitanikkei and @erinwatsonlynn

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue
.@doctorsumitseth: e–KYC, e-signatures are an outcome of #digital transformation, where the last man standing has also benefited. This is the silent revolution that has transcended in India; from the #MissedCall economy to #4G penetration

.@sharads: #Internet committed the original sin: It became an advertising-supported web. It created an ecosystem where the big three companies have information about us on the internet.

Read 9 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @Rajeev_GoI, @zapalak, Anne Neuberger, Vivek Lall, @NiNanjira and @KanchanGupta

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue
.@KanchanGupta: #BigTech is now playing an interventionist role in democracy, #RedTech is being used for #surveillance and subversion, while #DeepTech is about criminality.

Anne Neuberger: In the ongoing #Ukrainewar, #socialmedia companies wanted to control the #information imbalance but that has caused public resentment over the lack of #transparency and access to complete information.

#Raisina2022 @orfgeotech
Read 20 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @TimSCahill1, Admiral R Hari Kumar, @CDF_Aust, General Koji Yamazaki, @INDOPACOM, Air Marshal Luc De Rancourt, and @Lisa_Singh.

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue
.@TimSCahill1: There is a wide range of threats that we are facing today, such as the continuing struggle of #terrorism, emerging asymmetric capabilities, & #military & #economic competition. The domains in which our adversaries operate now are very broad.

.@TimSCahill1: While we have been occupied with #COVID19, our adversaries have grown stronger & expanded their capabilities. There is a need to develop an ability to counter our adversaries’ #hypersonics.

Read 22 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
#Raisina2022 | Check out the interesting and diverse discussions lined up for tomorrow at the #RaisinaDialogue2022

Let's debate, discuss and deliberate!

Find the AGENDA here:… Image
We kickstart the final day of #Raisina2022 with a Welcome Address by Meenakashi Lekhi (@M_Lekhi), Minister of State, Ministry of External Affairs, India.

Find the AGENDA here:… Image
How are current & #emtech shaping our assessments of risks, alliances & national security?

Join @TimSCahill1, Adm R Hari Kumar, @CDF_Aust, Gen Koji Yamazaki, Adm John C. Aquilino (@INDOPACOM), Air Marshal Luc De Rancourt, @Lisa_Singh for an exciting discussion at #Raisina2022 Image
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion “East of Eden: Unleashing the Content Subcontinent” with @ianuragthakur, Bela Bajaria, @MadhuriDixit, @shekharkapur, @saadmohseni and @authoramish

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova
.@ianuragthakur: To exist and to stay relevant, we need hard power and to form relations beyond boundaries, we need #softpower.

#Raisina2022 #culture #content
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Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion “Dragon’s Fire: Deciphering China after Ukraine” with @AdmTonyRadakin_, Maj. Gen. Jung Hae-Il, @bueti, Gudrun Erika Wacker, and @BBCYaldaHakim

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova
.@AdmTonyRadakin_: We have to be cautious with the #Ukraineconflict since it is still going on. Strategic errors lead to strategic consequences. It will have implications for the world and #Russia.

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Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @AraratMirzoyan, @danielocarmon, @lakshmiunwomen, Charles Kupchan, Jane Holl Lute, and @ShashiTharoor

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova
.@ShashiTharoor: The #UN and its continued relevance have been thrown into sharp relief because of the ongoing #Ukraine crisis.

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Apr 26th 2022
With #Raisina2022 in full swing, @orfonline is delighted to announce the #RaisinaEdit— a selection of commentaries that unpack, interpret, & problematise contemporary global developments.

Edited by @anahitakhanna95 & @PreetiLourdes.

#Putin has clearly underestimated the resolve of the #Ukrainian leadership & citizens to fight back, while also receiving widespread criticism in the form of major sanctions from the broader European community and beyond: @AlicaKizekova
Julia De Clerck-Sachsse: Beyond #Europe’s immediate allies, support in defending the current order will be hard to come by. But convincing these countries is crucial if its geopolitical awakening is to translate into a more prominent geopolitical posture.…
Read 12 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the conversation between .@WBHoekstra and Harsh V Pant.

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova
.@WBHoekstra: The most important conversation that we are having now across #Europe is about the #Ukrainian crisis—the blatant breach of international law—and we stand shoulder to shoulder with #Ukraine in this period of crisis.

Read 13 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @AHuitfeldt, @AnzeLog, @HonTonyAbbott, @SanjayVermalFS, @GERonAsia, and @MZZRS

Stay tuned for updates!

Watch the session LIVE here:

#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova
Peter Grk (@MZZRS): We are embarking on the unknown with the ongoing #foodcrisis, dysfunctional #multilateral organisations & the #pandemic.
Read 17 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting this panel discussion with @amitabhk87, Gwendoline Abunaw, @KettelThomsen, @Joojin_SFOC and @shikha_bhasin

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova #Greentransition
.@amitabhk87: The financial architecture wasn’t designed for #climatechange. There is a vast amount of capital available for climate change, but it will flow in when the risks are mitigated. For risks to be mitigated the financial architecture needs to be altered.

.@amitabhk87: If the developing world wishes to have #green, #resilient and #inclusive growth, it will only happen with concessional financing which would enable technology leapfrogging.

Read 16 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting this panel discussion @AslanTV, @RauZbigniew, @MFA_Lu, @GLandsbergis, @londonvinjamuri and @RachelRizzo

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova
Watch it LIVE here:

.@RauZbigniew: #Poland is opening its borders and hearts to the #Ukrainian refugees. The social composition of the #refugees includes women and children dominantly, but this is a challenge for us as it is hard to accommodate such a large population.

Read 12 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the In conversation session with @nitin_gadkari and @ShereenBhan

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova
Watch it LIVE here:

#Raisina2022 @nitin_gadkari
.@nitin_gadkari: #Crudeoil import presents an economic and #environmental challenge for #India. India’s present efforts at advancing #greentechnologies will provide us with a way out of this unsustainable dependence.

Read 11 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting this panel discussion with @AHuitfeldt @anuahsa .@MathiasCormann @SantiagoCafiero @amitabhk87 and @IlaPatnaik.

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue #TerraNova
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.@IlaPatnaik: The next industrial revolution cannot be based on #fossil questions. The question is how can we meet the #SDG goals while shifting to a greener economic system.

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Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the Raisina AMA with @DrSJaishankar and @samirsaran

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue @MEAIndia
.@DrSJaishankar: Three things keep me up at night — the shocks that the international order is experiencing, particularly in the past two years—the #COVID19 pandemic, #Afghanistan & #Ukraine, & the friction between the #West & #Russia, the #USA and #China

#Raisina2022 @MEAIndia
.@DrSJaishankar: You need to develop an operational matrix to respond to a changing world. In our case, especially since 2014-15, we have had greater clarity on how we engage the world—concentric circles, neighbourhood first, but also a conscious policy engaging the major powers.
Read 20 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
We are LIVE tweeting the panel discussion with @teddyboylocsin, @stephenharper, @PandaJay, Jane Holl Lute, @palkisu

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#Raisina2022 #RaisinaDialogue
.@teddyboylocsin: We live in extremely dynamic times—autocratic and subversive regimes will eventually be under immense strain and crisis. History does show that open, responsible, and adaptive systems of #governance have the best chance of success.

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Apr 25th 2022
Good evening & welcome to the Inaugural Session of the 7th edition of the #RaisinaDialogue 2022.

We are LIVE tweeting the session with @vonderleyen, President @EU_Commission, @SunjoyJ, Chairman @orfonline & @samirsaran, President @orfonline.

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@MEAIndia Image
Watch the session LIVE here:
.@samirsaran: #Global institutions created in the 20th century were no longer able to protect us from the challenges of the 21st century. We need to refocus, reengage, and rewire our world.

#Raisina2022 Image
Read 25 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
We are now live tweeting the panel on ‘Trojan Manoeuvre: Capture and Fall of Global Institutions’ with @HonTonyAbbott, @HelenClarkNZ, @VikasSwarup, Asle Toje, @HelloKetty1998
Moderated by @NaghmaSahar. Participate in the conversation with #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@NagmaSahar: The pandemic struck at the roots of global order which many believe was already falling. Pre-pandemic global trends seemed redundant. #Raisina2021
.@NagmaSahar: The withering of the pre-pandemic global order is epitomised by the failure of the WHO to play a global leadership role during the pandemic. Other than the WHO, the UN and organisations like the WTO are also struggling for contemporary relevance. #Raisina2021
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