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Прочитала историю вот этой женщины (родом из Мариуполя). Это просто в голове не укладывается... Люди не могут так поступать, так как поступили с ней

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This is my grandmother Stefania.
I've been thinking about her a lot since the full scale war started. Not only did she have a beautiful name and fancy style, but she also survived forced resettlement to Siberia by the Soviets in 1950s. Her story 1/
#KalushOrchestra #Eurovision
Stefania was born in 1930 in a village which now lays on the border between Lviv and Ternopil regions. It belonged to the Second Polish Republic back then. Her father Martin was Polish, her mother Teklia was Ukrainian. 2/
Unfortunately, everything I know about her is not first-hand information. She died long before I was able to ask. However, one month ago I went to her house—refugees from Kyiv live there now—and found a few old documents which interweave with her relatives' stories. 3/
Read 21 tweets
Orest is the eyes of Azovstal.
Today's thread about him ⬇️
It is his video from the metallurgical plant of besieged Mariupol that gets in the world &Ukrainian media And it was he who a few days ago photographed wounded defenders at Azovstal These photos also flew around the world, reminding of the urgent need to evacuate wounded soldiers
“I remembered an old dream today: nine years ago, when I was still studying in Poland, in the evenings I took a big backpack, threw a lot of books there and ran around the stadium, dreaming of becoming a military correspondent. At that moment, I couldn't believe that this
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“Орест” — це очі “Азовсталі”.
Сьогодні тред про нього ⬇️
Саме його відео з металургійного комбінату оточеного Маріуполя потрапляє у світові та українські медіа. І це саме він кілька днів тому фотографував поранених захисників на “Азовсталі”. Ці світлини теж облетіли світ, нагадавши про гостру потребу евакуації поранених військових!
“Згадав сьогодні стару мрію: дев’ять років тому, коли ще навчався в Польщі, вечорами я брав великий рюкзак, кидав туди багато книг і бігав на стадіоні, мріяв стати військовим кореспондентом. В той момент і повірити не міг, що це колись може стати реальністю”, — написав Орест
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«Save Mariupol» campaign today. Rome, Krakow, New York, Tokyo, and many other cities.
Thank you, world, for your support!
#StandWithUkraine #SaveMariupol #SaveAzovstal
#StandWithUkraine #SaveMariupol #SaveAzovstal
#StandWithUkraine #SaveMariupol #SaveAzovstal
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Україна не мовчатиме!

​​«Save Mariupol, save Azovstal now!» – Kalush зі сцени Євробачення в Турині
#SaveMariupol #SaveAzovstal
Без їжі, води, медикаментів вони боронят «Азовсталь».
#AzovstaI #SaveMariupol #SaveAzovstal
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In order to create an attractive picture of 'liberated' #Mariupol for media #Russia's launched damaged waterworks which cases flooding in all basements - the only home and safe shelter for over 150 000 people. Now they live on streets full of #RussianSoldiers
As Russia blocks evacuation and any humanitary efforts from Ukraine, blocked Mariupol residents receive food only from Russia that daily provides 3000 individual servings. The access to drinking water is limited due to little supplying and bad position of distribution centers
But grim realities of the humanitarian crisis in Mariupol is overshadowed by the upcoming health crisis: the metropolis wiped out by Russia within a month keeps ~20 000 of corpses under the rubble. As Russia can't quickly lift the overwhelming number of wreckages and bury remains
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💔 This is Valeria, the defender of #Mariupol. In just three days, the woman became a bride, wife and, unfortunately, a widow.

Valeria from "#Azov" and border guard Andriy got married on May 5 on #Azovstal - under explosions and shelling. But in three days the man died.

"We managed to get married. We managed to be happy. Did not have time to get together. I will love you forever, my Hero," says Valeria. The woman promised her lover to get out of the siege and live for the two of them.

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Сьогодні тред про Дениса Прокопенка, друга "Редіса".
Він у свої 30 років має звання підполковника Національної гвардії. А 19 березня 2022-го йому присвоїли звання Героя України ⬇️
Денис вільно володіє німецькою та англійською мовами. Свій позивний "Редіс" (з наголосом на першому складі) проніс з собою ще з юнацьких часів, коли був затятим вболівальником київського "Динамо".
З 2014 року в "Азові", брав участь в АТО/ООС на Донеччині й Луганщині. І саме в "Азові" він проявив свої лідерські якості – йому довірили очолити взвод, згодом роту, потім – батальйон. Полком керує з вересня 2017 року.
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💪🏼🇺🇦We continue to publish the stories of the brave defenders of #Mariupol who refuse to surrender and continue to fight in inhumane conditions. The whole world knows their faces now. #SaveAzovstalMilitary
1️⃣ Serhiy Volynsky, call sign "Volyna." He is a 30-year-old acting commander of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade. Volynsky is called the "voice" of hellish Azovstal. His wife and a little son are waiting for their hero at home.
2️⃣ Valentyn, call sign "Frost." He is a 24-year-old machine gunner in the Azov Regiment. As a 16-year-old boy, Valentyn took an active part in the Revolution of Dignity. Valentyn entered military school and when he turned 18 he joined Azov Regiment.
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Сергій Волина пише: "Якщо світова цивілізація ще має спільні духовні цінності та ідеали, якщо люди здатні відчувати біль та страждання інших, якщо слова про допомогу змушують діяти, то я закликаю боротися за гарнізон Маріуполь!"
"Я закликаю весь світ, я закликаю кожного допомогти реалізувати процедуру “extraction” для українських військових!"
Serhii Volyna: "I call on the whole world, I call on everyone to help to launch the "extraction" procedure for the Ukrainian military!
Marines - ALWAYS FAITHFUL !!!"

#Mariupol #SaveMariupol #savemariupoldefenders #SaveAzov
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He has a titanium prosthesis instead of his left hand and an artificial right eye - Ilya Samoilenko Heroic Defender of #Mariupol Fortress and one of the #Azov Regiment commanders.


#UkraineWar #SaveMariupol #SaveAzovstal #saveazovstalmilitary ImageImage
Ilya came to the war in 2015, he was 21 years old. He wants to become a historian. #Azov commander studied at the Faculty of History at #Kyiv National University. He dreams to complete his studies after the War.

Before the #Russian full-scale invasion in 2022, this Hero of #Mariupol Fortress lost his left arm and right eye during the fighting versus Russian forces in East Ukraine (#Russia invaded #Ukraine in 2014).

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Stories about #Azovstal defenders.
Oleksandr, 35, #Azov Regiment serviceman.
His mother Olena: We are from Kramatorsk. My son is a professional football player. He has 2 daughters. Younger girl was born on Jan 20 this year. He hasn't almost seen her at all (cries) /1
The connection is bad, only once a week they can send us a message. Someone sends SMS, and then the mothers and wives call among themselves to share the message. That's how we live, supporting each other /2
We think our boys are the bravest, strongest, and love Ukraine much. If they did not, they wouldn't be fighting in such conditions. This is horror. They don't tell us the truth, just write that all is ok & that they will not give up Ukraine to anyone
#SaveAzov /3
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#Mariupol #Azovstal is a bleeding wound on Ukraine's heart.

"We do not need words, we need actions," mothers and wives of #Azovstal defenders say #SaveMariupol /1
Svyatoslav Siryi is 26, he's a serviceman of the #Azov Regiment. His mother says she's ready to go to #Mariupol on foot to be with him. During all this time they had only one short call & several correspondences. Svyatoslav plans to get married this year. He must be released /2
Now he is wounded but can walk. They don't have medicines. He said that the hospital was bombed when he was there. A fragment hit his face & legs. It was his fifth concussion. There are people seriously injured there too. They eat once per day, and he always feels hungry /3
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#SaveMariupol #SaveUkraine
Многие во время подвальной жизни вели дневники. Я была не в том состоянии, так что наш попеременно писали мама и брат. Назову этот тред "Двадцать кругов", потому что каждый день был словно кольцо в аду. Дальше фото нашего дневника о жизни в Марике
Продолжение следует...
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The lives of thousands of Mariupol residents were cut short by Russia’s Forces. They were people with their own stories and love of life. Russia should be tried for its crimes against humanity.
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#Russian invaders brutally bombed the field hospital on the territory of #Azovstal steelworks. Dozens of #Ukrainian defenders, who had been receiving treatment there, were killed or newly injured. This act is a severe violation of the Geneva Convention.

#Russian troops try to seize the #Azovstal steelworks at any cost. They disregard the fact that the plant is a shelter for civilians, in particular children and elderly people.

These war crimes will be properly investigated, and those responsible will be brought to accountability. Reliable humanitarian corridors should be established immediately to save the lives of innocent people.

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#Russia tries to undermine efforts of the international community aimed at establishing humanitarian corridors from #Mariupol. Now, it manipulates agreements reached by Secretary-General António Guterres and Russia’s President.

#SaveMariupol Image
Rejection of the agreement announced by the Secretary-General highlights #Russia’s continued disregard towards the UN Charter and core principles of international law.

#SaveMariupol Image
#Russian troops continue to hold residents of Mariupol and injured #Ukrainian defenders as hostages at the #Azovstal steelworks. The invaders shell and bomb the plant, trying to eliminate the symbol of #Mariupol’s resistance at any cost. Image
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More than 500 injured #Ukrainian defenders are blocked at the #Azovstal steelworks in #Mariupol. They need urgent medical treatment, as every hour is crucial for saving their lives.

#SaveMariupol Image
The plant is almost destroyed. #Russia's bombs and airstrikes have killed dozens of #Ukrainian soldiers who had been defending #Mariupol. They need to be buried appropriately.
By blocking humanitarian corridors for injured combatants, #Russia violates basic principles of international humanitarian law. #Russian troops brutally abuse the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field. Image
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Russia’s atrocities in #Mariupol are terrifying. Today, #Russia
carried out dozens of airstrikes on the #Azovstal steelworks, which
remains a shelter for many Mariupol residents. Image
Dozens of civilians were injured and trapped under the rubble.

These people need urgent treatment and evacuation.

#SaveMariupol Image
#Russia disrupts all the efforts aimed at establishing safe and reliable humanitarian corridors to provide humanitarian relief and evacuation. Moscow treats people in the #Azovstal steelworks as hostages.
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A series of emotional images dedicated to Ukrainian cities.
In #Mariupol, the Russian occupiers bomb and shell the territory of the #Azovstal, where civilians are staying, as well as shoot in another part of the city.
🖼️ by @naviali (Instagram)
#Bucha. Art can be meaningful.
In recent days shellings of #Mukolaiv city intensified, mainly fire at the cluster munitions, according to the mayor Olexander Senkevich.
#UkraineUnderAttaсk #ArmUkraineNow
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Russia is preparing a large-scale provocation in #Mariupol to accuse #Ukraine of it.

The atrocities of the russian troops in Bucha came as a shock to the whole world. Ruthless concentrated evil cynically covers its actions with clumsy fables about the Nazis.
Therefore, the main task of Russian propaganda today is to divert the attention of the audience, both international and domestic, as much as possible.
Scenarios for new fakes have already been developed, and Russian propagandists are preparing the groundwork.
According to available data, the occupiers are preparing a large-scale falsification: they plan to gather the bodies of #Mariupol residents killed by the russians themselves in one location and present them as mass victims of Ukrainian troops.
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"Russia is turning occupied and sieged 🇺🇦 settlements into concentration camps, depriving civilians of food and medicine and directly violating the European Convention on Human Rights" – Ukraine's Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmyla Denisova. [1/4]
"The city of #Chernihiv suffers from a humanitarian crisis. People have no access to electricity, heat, and water. Talks on humanitarian corridors have been going on for almost a week, but the Russians remain unwavering." [2/4]
"The Russian occupiers prevented 14 trucks with humanitarian aid from entering the #Kherson region. As a result, the trucks with food and critical medicine (e.g., insulin) were forced to return halfway." [3/4]
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"The bodies of the children all lie here, dumped into this narrow trench hastily dug into the frozen earth of Mariupol to the constant drumbeat of shelling."…
"There’s 18-month-old Kirill, whose shrapnel wound to the head proved too much for his little toddler’s body.

There’s 16-year-old Iliya, whose legs were blown up in an explosion during a soccer game ..."

#ChildrenOfUkraine… Image
"More bodies will come, from streets where they are everywhere and from the hospital basement where adults and children are laid out awaiting someone to pick them up.

The youngest still has an umbilical stump attached."

#StandWithUkriane… Image
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