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Sep 9th 2022
You've found the start of Friday's thread on the war in #Ukraine.

It's Day 198 of #Russia's illegal war which has resulted in 1000s of war crimes.

Updated throughout the day, one thread for all the news (today I'll try not to mix up the threads!)

Any coffee donations welcome!
Lots of very interesting and emotional news yesterday as a tide of villages became liberated in #Kharkiv region.

I did mix up the threads but if you missed the videos and flag raising, you can join the thread here and scroll down:

Another all time record number number of #Russia's soldiers killed on the battlefields of #Ukraine yesterday.

Also a very high number of additional (support) vehicles and fuel tanks destroyed.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia
Read 41 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
This country is unbreakable. He’s a pizzeria owner who brings pizza to #Kharkiv, a city daily shelled by #Russia. “Ppl just call from abroad & order 20 pizzas for your firefighters. I bring them - they say we didn’t order it! Well, it’s a surprise!” #Ukraine

To those kindly asking the coordinate of this pizzeria - it’s night in Ukraine. I’ll post them in the morning Ukrainian time. Thank you, people! I’m overwhelmed.
This is the website of the pizzeria. Unfortunately only in Ukrainian and Russian.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
1/3: According to UNICEF 4,5 million Ukrainian children have been evacuated since February 24th. 2,5 million of them stayed as internally displaced, 2 million left the country.

What Ukrainian children ask parents about the war?
Read it and share it, please.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 25th 2022
#Russia #NewsfromMordor Russian watchdog Roskomnadzor is preparing sanctions against Google, Telegram, Meta, Discord, Pinterest and Twitch. The Ministry of Education is ready to discuss Medinsky's proposal to introduce a prayer for the glory of Russia in schools.
#Russia #NewsfromMordor Medvedev: "No restrictions on the return of the death penalty in Russia, everything will depend on the situation. The moratorium may remain, if everything is calm, or be revised if necessary."
#Russia An Interior Ministry official arrested for spreading "fakes" about war, was charged for speaking on the phone, allegedly spreading "knowingly false information." He called his acquaintances in the Crimea and the Moscow region. No permission to tap his phone, says lawyer
Read 1009 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
Why is Putin bombing maternity wards and shelters labeled “CHILDREN”? Why does he order reckless attacks on nuclear plants and major dams? Why are Russian soldiers mining humanitarian corridors?

Other than being the epitome of evil, of course. 1/n

#StandWithUkriane #StopPutin
War is the continuation of bargaining by other means. It is an opportunity to convey information to your opponent-information about your capabilities, resolve, and the ability to inflict costs.
One of the two causes of war is private information. Wars occur, because opponents disagree on a peaceful division of some prize. They disagree, because they lack accurate information on each other’s capabilities, resolve, and ability to inflict costs.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
"The bodies of the children all lie here, dumped into this narrow trench hastily dug into the frozen earth of Mariupol to the constant drumbeat of shelling."…
"There’s 18-month-old Kirill, whose shrapnel wound to the head proved too much for his little toddler’s body.

There’s 16-year-old Iliya, whose legs were blown up in an explosion during a soccer game ..."

#ChildrenOfUkraine… Image
"More bodies will come, from streets where they are everywhere and from the hospital basement where adults and children are laid out awaiting someone to pick them up.

The youngest still has an umbilical stump attached."

#StandWithUkriane… Image
Read 11 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
1) Heard this story on the news, this TRUE STORY. Amid the war in Ukraine with people dying, fleeing, etc. stray animals are becoming a real problem. So a group of Ukrainian women have been trying to capture as many of the strays as they can & take them to vets & animal shelters
2) One of the women found a particularly ornery husky who was clearly scared, hungry, and just a bit viscous but she still managed to subdue it and take it to the vet. The vet checked the animal, it was healthy, hungry and scared, oh & by the way

3) As long as I live may I NEVER PISS OFF A UKRAINIAN they are made of stronger stuff!

#IStandWithUkraine️ #StandWithUkriane
Read 6 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
@KofmanMichael has a great thread on the shortfalls of the Russian military. He is missing some key items which I believe require some investigation and discussion.

It has been said that "He who controls the sky controls the battlefield". This has been true since the mid 1930s as modern warfare began to evolve. There are limits to airpower. We learned this during the Vietnam conflict. Air assets cannot occupy real-estate.
A lot has been written and postulated about Russias miserable performance in the air. On paper the Russians airforce (VKS) is impressive. Watching the VKS performance I was less than impressed.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
🧵Update from Professor Mychailo Wynnyckyj, Kyiv Mohila Academia
Thoughts from #Kyiv – morning March 9
1. Ridicule of #Russia’s invasion is becoming increasingly widespread and global.
2. The latest (tongue in cheek) arguments on social media focus on whether the Territorial Brigade of #Mykolayiv should be 8th on the list of Europe’s most powerful armies or whether this spot should be given to the Roma of #Kakhovka who regularly steal Russian tanks.
3. Personally, I am pushing for formal recognition of Ukraine’s farmers as among the best equipped armed forces in Europe. During recent days, their tractors have towed away so much stalled 🇷🇺 equipment (tanks, multiple-launch rocket systems, armored vehicles…)...
Read 19 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
Geef je mijn bericht een retweet ajb? Al dagen post ik berichten namens #Maria. Ze is Oekraïens en woont in #Kyiv. Vanwege haar veiligheid kan zij zelf niets posten. Ook vandaag weer een draadje. Steun Maria en familie, zorg dat veel mensen haar berichten meelezen. #Ukraine🇺🇦 Image
08:25: "Goedemorgen. De nacht verliep zoals jullie voor mij wensten. Rustig en kalm. Ik sliep gelukkig thuis. Nu maak ik ontbijt en begin aan een nieuwe dag."
#UkraineRussianWar #StandWithUkraine #RussianUkrainianWar #Kyiv #SupportUkraine #Maria Image
08:41: "9 maart. #Oekraïne viert de verjaardag van de grote #Kobzar, de ware zoon van Oekraïne, nationale profeet, geniale dichter, getalenteerde kunstenaar, onoverwonnen strijder voor de vrijheid van het Oekraïense volk; Taras Shevchenko."
#tarasshevchenko #StandWithUkraine Image
Read 23 tweets
Mar 6th 2022
kharkiv is under russian siege. it's a massive city w/ the 2nd largest queer community in ukraine. proud homecity of @KharkivPride. many can't leave because of non-stop bombing. many don't want to leave because that's their home. my queer family there needs your support
as russian bombing of kharkiv gets worse, my queer family already financially struggles to buy food, secure stockpiles for bomb shelters. help them now while the city has connection, bank cards work & they can cash them out. in day or two they might be cut off
i can vouch personally that your money will reach queer ukrainians on the frontline. these people are my family and i trust them with my life. if we can't protect skies over their heads for now, then this is the least we can do

maximize amplifying please
Read 5 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
From the Danish newspaper 'Politiken' Image
Translated by google from Danish.
Russian citizens, Russian friends,
In the dark days of war, you are all innocent victims of Vladimir Putin's concealments and lies. Your own president has made it a criminal offense for the Russian press to talk about a Russian invasion of Ukraine, although of course that is the truth.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
🧵Update from Professor Mychailo Wynnyckyj, Kyiv Mohilo Academia.
Thoughts from Kyiv - evening Feb 28

1.Air raid warning means time to think and write in the basement. Family is safe. Planes flying overhead but no explosions nearby.
2. Two valuational/behavioral contrasts that strike me as worthy of analysis in this war:
hierarchy vs. heterarchy (spontaneous teams)
passivity vs. agency (collective and personal)
3. When Russian soldiers entered Ukraine (and as they continue to invade) they were following orders. The hierarchy told them to move in, so they moved. That's the way things work in an army
Read 17 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
🧵: Se habla mucho del dinero de los oligarcas rusos en Londres, pero Barcelona tambien estan muy presentes.
Comencemos: el superyate de Abramovich (dueño del Chelsea) está actualmente amarrado en OneOcean Port Vell. Una foto que tomé hace unas horas: #StandWithUkriane
Se informa que otros tres multimillonarios rusos tienen sus superyates en Barcelona. Sin embargo, es solo parte del cuento.

El 50% de la Marina es de Vagit Alekperov, presidente de LUKOIL, la segunda más grande petrolerea de Rusia después de Gazprom.
Según varios informe, Alekperov se reunió con Putin el jueves pasado y otros líderes empresariales (via @stephenburgen).

Se informa que los otros oligarcas son:
Sergei Chemezov: CEO de Rostec Corporation, una empresa de inversión estatal rusa centrada en la defensa y technologia
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Feb 27th 2022
🧵: whilst there’s a lot of talk of Russian oligarch money in London, Barcelona has plenty of its own to think about.
Let's start: Abramovich’s superyacht is currently moored up at the OneOcean Port Vell - A pic I took of it a few hours ago: #StandWithUkriane #Abramovichout
Three other Russian billionaires are reported to have their superyachts in Barcelona. However, yachts are the tip of the iceberg.

50% of the Marina is owned by Vagit Alekperov, the president of the leading Russian oil company LUKOIL -
the second largest in Russia after Gazprom. Alekperov reportedly met with Putin last Thursday and other business leaders (via @stephenburgen).

The other oligarchs with yachts in Barcelona are reported to be:
Read 11 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
Momma Africa Stands up for Ukraine: Destroys Russia's Legal Rationale For Dismantling Borders.

#WakandaForever #BlackHistoryMonth
Why Black people should care about Ukraine, explained
Roger Scruton - To Understand Ukraine, We Must Remember The Communist Past… (@Scruton_Quotes)
Read 5 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
'@Amnesty has confirmed that a 220mm Uragan rocket dropped cluster munitions on the Sonechko nursery and kindergarten in the town of Okhtyrka in Sumy Oblast, on Feb 25, where local people were seeking safety from the fighting.

"The strike may constitute a war crime." - Amnesty
“There is no possible justification for dropping cluster munitions in populated areas, let alone near a school,” @AgnesCallamard

“This attack bears all the hallmarks of Russia’s use of this inherently indiscriminate and internationally-banned weapon..."
Under the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions -- a treaty backed by more than 100 states, but which Ukraine and Russia have not joined -- the use, development, production, acquisition, stockpiling and transfer of cluster munitions is prohibited under all circumstances.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
Was machen wir in #Wien jetzt eigentlich mit unserem hässlichen Russendenkmal?

Die meisten eurer Antworten sind korrekt.
Kinder, wieso sollte ich es abreißen wollen?

In den ukrainischen Farben bestrahlen wäre aber nett.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
⁦Effective immediately, ⁦@DB_Bahn⁩ offers refugees with a Ukrainian passport or identity card free travel on long-distance trains from Poland towards Germany/Berlin. ⁦👏⁩ #Ukraine 🇺🇦🇪🇺 ⁦…
Up to 6 Eurocity long-distance trains run daily from Poland to Germany in regular traffic, all via the Frankfurt/Oder border crossing. The long-distance trains have their starting points in Warsaw, Gdansk, Przemysl (border with Ukraine)/Crakow, Vienna/Breslau.
DB is working with partner railways in #Poland, the #Czech Republic and #Austria. 🇵🇱🇨🇿🇦🇹 @CER_railways
Read 14 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
London Philharmonic playing the Ukrainian National Anthem tonight

Not often that a National Anthem getting the applause but this one did.


From London
Poignantly the artistic director introduces it saying she is Russian and her husband Ukrainian…and the Prokofiev and Rachmaninov programme links to Ukraine.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
Brining multiple threads together into this long thread - Highlighting core themes from the #UkraineInvasion

Human Kindness
Bravery defiance
Winning hearts & minds
Emergency Services response

As ex vice chair #EmergencyPlanningSociety @TheEPSLdn

#StandWithUkriane 🇺🇦 💙💛
Part 2 Bravery & defiance as a country, its citizens and the global community #StandswithUkraine 🇺🇦💙💛
Read 54 tweets
Feb 27th 2022
Russia is in deep deep trouble. Even if they capture Kiev it’s like grabbing a tiger by it’s tail. Even if they win phase 3 (dominate) they will lose phase 4 (stabilize).

War is a TOOL for a political objective and I just don’t see Ukrainians accepting a Russian puppet govt.
Military planners often underestimate the will of the people. There was clear difference when we trained the Peshmerga vs the Iraqi Army or the Afghan one. Armies have to WANT to fight. The Ukrainian resolve is simply extraordinary.
The Russians are in a corner that would force them use a level of violence that would only unite the Ukrainians and the global community further.

Even if this week looks like a Ukrainian loss, THEY will not lose this war.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
We need more of this - much more of this from the international community before the air bridges & resupply routes are severed.

@GOVUK what assets are being deployed to #StandWithUkraine
Needs more of these also

Reports of Netherlands also dispatching 200 Stinger Missile to #StandWithUkraine
Now Germany subscribes to send 1000 anti-tank & 500 stingers

#Russians pls you-have to stand down and get they boys & girls back home. This is a war which can’t be won as the world #StandWithUkriane
Read 56 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
Note what looks like polystyrene being added to make the Molotovs more potent - acting like a plasticiser or home made napalm.

A truly horrible but sadly necessary defensive weapon in this context unless the world rearms or better reinforces #Ukraine
This image says it all wife’s, sisters, mothers, daughters, grandmothers forced to prepare for war.

#StandWithUkriane 🇺🇦 Image
Saw this the other day and wanted to add it to the thread

A well known #Ukranian politician who needs to the know the world
Read 44 tweets

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