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Feb 1st 2023
Good morning everyone 🌸🌞🌸
Happy 1st February have a great day 😀
Brexit will forever be the thing that destroyed this country, along with the stinking rotten Tories who care for no one but themselves and their donors, never have we had a more corrupt, lying, selfish,
self-serving government than this who spend so much time gaslighting this country I'm surprised they have time for anything else, we must not give up, and we must not become overwhelmed we are #StrongerTogether we must #SupportTheStrikes we need a #GeneralElectionNow
Along with stopping the #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry because they are #ToriesUnfitToGovern we need the #ToriesOut209 Now! #EnoughlsEnough #NotMovingOn
@threadreaderapp please unroll
Read 4 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
Many, inc me, are still wondering what happened to the £37Bn of public money allocated to Dildo Harding for Test & Trace. A £37Bn🧵presenting what I've discovered so far...

#GTTO #DidoHarding #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern
I started with the summary statement from @FullFact to start my investigation. £37Bn was the budget for two years, it appears the programme was heavily dependent on "over-priced consultants" and contrary to best practice remains so.…
The National Audit Office report (June 2021)
appears a tad limp, whimpering, I quote...


"It is factual and does not present a full value‑for‑money assessment."
#ToryCorruption #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern…
Read 22 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
If anyone is daft enough to think the @Conservatives should do anything but resign (yes all of them)then be happy in your crazy pretend world, we have so many food banks in the uk they just fit in as the norm now ,we have tories cutting ribbons celebrating yes celebrating
Another foodbank opening ,we have a prime minister ,(just absorb that) our prime minister having a bj off his current girlfriend in an office that anyone can walk into, while his wife is at home battling cancer, seriously how vile and disgusting does he have to be before you
Understand he has no respect for the office he holds,as billionaire's get richer and richer off the back of poor people ,money lost to fraud their not pursuing,why seriously why ?,maybe they already know where it is ,tax avoidance by our own Mps and their families,crippling
Read 11 tweets
Jun 17th 2022
@BorisJohnson, #partygate maybe your wondering why we can't move on because we are #NotMovingOn,our relatives died while you and your staff were partying ,can you grasp that saying goodbye as they were dying over an I pad, were not stupid we know there's more than being ambused
With a Cake, can you imagine if Carrie had died or even worse your child ,how would you feel if the public were partying as they died alone and scared,with you siting watching them die through an I pad ,imagine if you can how you would feel ,I mean really think about it!!!.
My brother died,I think about him everyday with such sadness knowing he was alone and scared,my sadness is tainted because everytime I think of him and my wonderful memories of him and our lives together ,your there your partying is there in amongst all the good things that I
Read 6 tweets
Jun 8th 2022
@Bren4Bassetlaw 1) I’m so disappointed that someone who was a teacher and has a PGCE in Religious Studies has so little understanding of ‘personal tragedies’. The death of my 37 year old daughter during the pandemic is something I’ll never get over. I’m angry her final hope of
2) cancer trial treatment was cancelled on lockdown. I need you to understand that my ‘personal tragedy’ has been made far harder by the behaviour of MPs and their staff. I couldn’t travel to be with my daughter during her last few months, but Mr Cummings drove to Barnard Castle.
3) I was deeply upset that he was defended by the PM. There were several others who broke the law - Robert Jenrick, Matt Hancock to name just two. It is unfair of you to say that the public are using these cases as political agendas. As a former teacher you
Read 6 tweets
May 25th 2022
We as a country continue to be subjected to the pantomime arising from Johnson’s refusal to do the decent thing. At a time when the energy and focus of those who lead us should be directed towards real pressing issues they are instead engaged in a perpetual attempt to save one
shameless excuse for a man. They do so in the almost certain knowledge of the fact that if the tables were turned he would not lift a finger to come to their aid. He was never fit for high office. His back story is one of treachery, betrayal and dishonesty. He is a contemptible
excuse for a human being. He has surrounded himself with a cabal of nodding dog imbeciles whose only qualification for high office is devotion to their leader. At no other time would Raab, Patel, Dorries, Shapps, Kwarteng, Zahawi, Eustace and plenty more besides be considered of
Read 10 tweets
Jun 19th 2020
1/5 We have passed the 6 month anniversary of this government’s election victory without a self-congratulatory fanfare of trumpets. Does this mean:
- There are limits to their self-delusion and shamelessness?
- Even they won’t attempt to polish this particular turd?
2/5 In the last 6 months, they have caused thousands of preventable deaths due to their:
- Negligence in preparing for a pandemic when the risks were clear
- Incompetence and corruption in the procurement of PPE, testing and contact tracing capabilities
- Delays in implementing prevention and control measures
- Negligence in transferring patients from hospitals to care homes without testing
- Hypocrisy in public health messaging
- Unwillingness to extend the Brexit transition period and focus fully on the pandemic
Read 5 tweets
May 31st 2020
A thread about Scotland, solidarity against dictatorship, and the connection between Chilean fascism and the disaster of Brexit. 🧐✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳🇨🇱#NaePasaran #StopFascism #Brexit #ToriesOut #solidarity #history
I recently saw the extraordinary film “Nae Pasaran”, a powerful, deeply moving story of Scottish workers standing up to the fascist dictatorship in Chile in the 1970s… 🤓✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳🇨🇱 #NaePasaran #StopFascism #solidarity #Scotland #Chile @debasersfilms @naepasaran
One day in March 1974, an engineer at the Rolls Royce plant in East Kilbride, near Glasgow, noticed that there were Chilean aircraft engines in the production line, waiting to be refurbished. They were from Hawker Hunter jets owned by the Chilean Air Force. 😀✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳 #Scotland
Read 57 tweets
May 28th 2020
[Thread] 1/ In the UK aggressive online attacks on the press and journalists continue following the #DominicCummings scandal. The "scum media" hashtag seems to be escalating. This thread is an analysis of around 28000 interactions/tweets on Twitter from around 9013 accounts.
2/ The majority of these tweets are from the 28th May. I will discuss who is being targeted most. @piersmorgan has dropped from top spot. @bbclaurak @maitlis @KayBurley @BethRigby suggest a misogynistic flavour to the abuse this evening. Some of you may be wondering why Boris
3/Johnson's name appears there. That's because people are sending him messages of support while criticising the media. Apparently these people fail to recognize the Johnson is also a journalist and member of the media. #notmovingon
Read 11 tweets
May 27th 2020
@SuneAuken ✨ 🦇 🌖
✨ 🏢
You’ve heard of 🏢
Gotham City...

Welcome to

...and its Super-cilious Hero
‘Fat Man!’
@SuneAuken 🌈💚🌿🌱🟢👀🟢🌱🌿💚

...often known as
‘Tw#t Man!


@SuneAuken ✨ 🕊 🌖
✨ 🏢
Welcome to 🏢

Show candour... ✨
Talk to each other...
Listen to each other...
Learn from each other‼️

This is the Era of TRUTH‼️

Read 102 tweets

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