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Jun 17th 2023

Also on the very same day:

Matt Hancock holds a press conference:

“Sadly, the news on the spread of the virus is not good … cases … rising once more … sadly, on average each day over the past week 420 deaths have been reported …”


“Everyone should minimise their social contact, because that’s how we can control the spread of this disease … 1 in 3 people don’t display any symptoms at all. But can still spread it.
We should never lose sight of our own role in this – our personal responsibility …”

“Each and every one of us to respect the rules where you are don’t ease up on those simple steps that keep us safe: like hands, face and space. The social distancing we need … Please play your part and do all you can to stop the spread of this disease.”…
Read 4 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
This just goes to show that the Tories are totally unable to get a story straight
In this article Dan Hodges throws his few pennies in
This headline relates to late Dec
#ToriesOut240 #SunakOut131 #GeneralElectionN0W
- Yesterday she was an agent of Labour in early 2022 when undertaking the Sue Gray report
- Yet yesterday it was reported Badenoch wanted to promote her and Case blocked the appointment and Sunak failed to intervene and that was February
It would be useful if the Tories could at least give one consistent version of events
Then in the article the usual fantasy and conspiracy is invested - she has been leaking information......
No concern it seems when Badenoch wanted to promote her
Read 5 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
After 13 long years of catastrophic Tory misrule...
The answer to Britain's multiple crises is obvious: #TaxtheRich
Read 5 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
“allegations that the security services ignored evidence from a Conservative whistleblower exposing Russian infiltration at the highest levels of the party are truly shocking”

#ToriesOut198 #SunakOut89…
Allegations centre around Conservative Friends of Russia in 2012
Interesting names - Carrie Johnson. John Whittingdale, Matthew Elliot (not mentioned Harry Cole of the Sun Carries boyfriend at the time also linked to Guido Fawkes)
#ToriesOut198 #SunakOut89 #GeneralElectionNow
Read 7 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
If you've never zipped up body bags on a shift, you shouldn’t be deciding how much Ambulance crews earn.

If you've never watched a person suffocate to death from their own blood, you shouldn’t be deciding how much Ambulance crews earn

If you've never had someone attempt to punch you in the face for trying to assess your patient, you shouldn’t be deciding how much Ambulance crews earn.

If you've never had someone beg you to not let them die, you shouldn’t be deciding how much Ambulance crews earn.

If you've never had to look into parents eyes or hold them while they crumble as you call the time of death of their child, you shouldn't be deciding how much Ambulance crews earn.

Read 9 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
Liars and thieves continue to prop up performative wins when the hard truth is absolute carnage of UK infrastructure on all fronts. #BrexitDisaster
Watchdog reprimands Tories over £800bn post-Brexit trade deals claim…
Tories will not fess up, Labour will not mitigate the damage with common sense approaches like realigning with the EU. The UK has been kidnapped by disaster capitalists, xenophobes, racists and radical right libertarians under the guise of patriotism. What a fucking mess.
The worst is yet to come, 31st Dec REUL Bill sunsets 4000 EU laws in 1 fell swoop, no country has ever done this in world history. Employment rights, food safety, environmental laws, all protections abolished, transition phase mean corporate fascism for UK
Read 6 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
Trade peace not trade war. Free trade zealots, the real operators behind Brexit despise protectionism and Govt intervention. Disorder and chaos, a manufactured recession, the UK relegated to a capital hungry economy now signals it's desperation for venture capitalists to seize on
The IMF, WTO, World Bank are focused on commitments to r/w libertarian ideology, the Govt in thrall to this enforces austerity as actual policy, on the back of national and international crises. Why? To lure dubious investors into a deregulated free market economy. #Libertarian
The UK under these conditions cannot defend itself from malign private interests, the only way #Brexit actually functions is to underscore corporate hegemony/bullying and the myth of trickle down economics, perpetuated for generations. #GeneralElectionN0W #GTTONow
Read 9 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
We are controlled by a government that morally no longer possesses a mandate from the people. Public opinion is massively in favour of a #GeneralElection Rishi Sunak leads a government that is top heavy with Right Wing Authoritarian Globalists.
The majority of voters did not vote for this government in 2019! Our antiquated FPTP system delivered the country to a clown!
Who took lying to a whole new level in UK politics.
Rishi Sunak represents the last gasp of a Tory party without the decency to concede in face of massive public opinion &take their record to the country. They'd rather carry on destroying it while Matt Hancock earns 400k for crawling among insects in the jungle.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
In 1955, Etonian Anthony Fisher took advice from Hayek to form a libertarian think tank that would promote the destruction of Socialism while shrinking the role of Govt in peoples lives and change public opinion so they would accept free market principles to 'save Britain'.
His friend Oliver Smedley warned Fisher to be cagey as their libertarian ideology must not indicate any political bias, after all they were funded by tax payer money under charity status. The IEA was formed and quickly followed by the CATO Ins, Heritage and ATLAS.
Brexit is to the UK what Donald Trump was for the Republican party in the US. Ending FOM effectively traps people in the UK, I believe this is a ploy to eventually force people to work for the private sector once the welfare state and the entire public sector has been dismantled.
Read 10 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
People in 'in-work poverty' using food banks; nurses, teaching assistants, factory workers, retail assistants, delivery drivers and hospitality workers.
This far right Govt despise their own citizens. Austerity as policy choice.
#Libertarian #GTTONow…
Tories are crippling the public sector to force people to work in the private sector for less money, with no Union representation and with zero rights and protections. These tactics are actual choices fueled by Brexit deregulation that are reconfiguring the UK to a rogue state.
Everything most people care about, support for health, social care, education, justice, and the environment is the polar opposite of Tory policy making, this is the radical rights ideological agenda made flesh. #EnoughIsEnough #GeneralElectionN0W…
Read 4 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
Maybe we should review all the false language that has been used by the Tory Party over the last twelves years as they have been dismantling the country? Thread: 1/24
'Brexit Benefits' & 'Brexit Dividend': Ok so this was supposed to be an incentive for people to relinquish all the genuine benefits of EU membership. A financial payoff of sorts. One of the vaunted benefits was going to be £350 million per week extra for the NHS. NOPE. 2/24
'Northern Powerhouse': Ok so we've known for a long time that Britain has a North/South divide. As a Northerner living in the South I see it with my own eyes. I believe George Osborne started the 'Northern Powerhouse' lie and guess what? Nothing ever happened with it. 3/24
Read 24 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
When you contemplate the future financial prosperity of the UK you cannot picture the Conservatives doing what is needed to get our economy there. They are deliberately working against the interests of ordinary people. They want inequality. 1/9
The Tories know that the price of closing the inequality gap is that we must have fewer and fewer people who are *exceptionally* wealthy in order to have fewer people in exceptional poverty. Tories protect the exceptionally wealthy and they harm the most vulnerable. 2/9
That exceptional wealth is derived from the suffering of the poor, the vulnerable, the disabled - and has crept up to bite professional people too. That exceptional wealth is safeguarded to the bitter end by one Tory leader after the next. 3/9
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Oct 26th 2022
Joke as we must that the Tories could squeeze 2 more Prime Ministers into office before Christmas, we must accept that they will probably form an uneasy confederacy behind Sunak. A period of stability is now essential to them if they are to stand a snowballs chance in Hell of...
..winning another period in government at the next General Election. Given their current standing in the polls I could forgive anyone for thinking that this must be a forlorn hope on their part. They will suffer deserved annihilation and humiliation at the ballot box; we hope.
But the Conservative mindset mostly outside of government at the centre of the hive does not function on the principle of accepting honest defeat, they still think they can win!
They are determined and ruthless individuals at home in the boardroom of Global banks and businesses.
Read 14 tweets

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