Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #AnthonyFauci

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Mar 21st 2023
Die Ursprünge von #Covid: Gepostet von dem verstorbenen Dr. Vladimir Zelenko #ZelenkoProtocol am 16. November 2021:

Wie eine Waffe der #Eugenik, des #Massenmord-s und des #Völkermord-s geschaffen wurde.

1. Im Jahr 1999 konstruierte #AnthonyFauci (Direktor des #NIAID) in…
Zusammenarbeit mit #RalphBaric und der University of North Carolina Chapel Hill ein "#infektiöses, replikationsdefektes" #rekombinantes #Coronavirus, um menschliche Zellen zu infizieren.

2. Im Jahr 2002 meldeten das #NIAID und die #UNC ein Patent an, um sich die Rechte an…
der chimären #Biowaffe Spike-Protein zu sichern, die nun für den Einsatz in der als #Impfstoff dargestellten #Gentherapie modifiziert wurde.

3. 2003 ließen die Centers for Disease Control and Prevention #CDC das Genom des #SARSCoronavirus #patentieren und sicherten sich…
Read 11 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
INFOGRAPHIC: Key Revelations of the ‘Twitter Files’

Documents revealed by #Twitter’s new owner, tech billionaire @ElonMusk, show the social media company intertwined with a government-private censorship apparatus. (Thread👇)

Full resolution image here:…
#Twitter, under government pressure, suppressed or removed content on various subjects, though most of the time it was cooperating with the #Censorship requests willingly, the documents indicate.
Musk took over #Twitter in October, taking the company private.

He then fired around half of the staff and much of the upper management. The “#TwitterFiles” releases have been part of @elonmusk's promised focus on transparency for the company. Image
Read 37 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
In defense of @elonmusk statement is support of criminal prosecution of #AnthonyFauci; the ignorance of journalism by @thehill makes all Journalist look like Fools. Lack of proper research and independence of thought. No two braincells to rub together.…
Drugged & Vaxxed Against Will: Hospital Holds 33 Year Old Paramedic Hostage :…
Read 9 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
Quelques extraits du message laissé par #AnthonyFauci à la prochaine génération de scientifiques alors qu'il va quitter le @NIH après plus de 50 ans de carrière.
En jetant un regard rétrospectif sur ma carrière, je vois des leçons qui pourraient être utiles à la prochaine génération de scientifiques et d'agents de santé qui seront appelés à relever les défis de santé publique inattendus qui ne manqueront pas d'apparaître.
C'est au cours de mon internat que j'ai commencé à être fasciné par l'interface entre les maladies infectieuses et le domaine relativement nouveau mais en plein essor de l'immunologie humaine. En soignant de nombreux patients atteints d'infections aussi bien banales
Read 16 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
Dr. #AnthonyFauci’s deposition, taken as part of a lawsuit alleging #Collusion between the US government and #BigTech, was released Dec. 5.

Here are some takeaways:…
Dr. #AnthonyFauci relied on others to dismiss #WuhanLabLeak theory.

Just weeks before a paper dismissing the lab leak theory was published, Fauci held a secret phone call with the authors of a paper.…
Despite having communicated repeatedly with the authors, Fauci said he couldn’t recall their names during a White House press conference in April 2020.…
Read 7 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
Als bijna niemand dood gaat aan #covid19 kun je nooit bewijzen dat #coronamaatregelen werken of dat #coronavaccins werken. Wel dat die #oversterfte veroorzaken.
Simpel hè ?

⬇️… ImageImageImageImage
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Aug 24th 2022
@MartinKulldorff @MartyMakary Thanks, Martin.

I will leave this video here as a comparative reference to cross-check with Marty's article.

Dr. Anthony Fauci on COVID-19: Lessons Learned and Remaining Challenges | Rhoads Medal Lecture 2022
@MartinKulldorff @MartyMakary Here are some of the claims made in statements by the author, @MartyMakary
Read 3 tweets
Jul 3rd 2022
"On June 28, the #FDA decided that henceforth THEY will choose the variants for reformulated #COVID19 shots and NO clinical trials will be conducted to evaluate #safety. Because $cience." (… ) #SARSCoV2 #VaccineSideEffects #EarlyTreatmentWorks
Via #FDA's #VRBPAC meeting, also linked in the piece ⬆️. ( ) #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #VaccineSideEffects #EarlyTreatmentWorks
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Mar 16th 2022
Dr. Fauci Still Treats Patients, Contrary to Dr. Oz's Claim 

An article I came across recently. I was surprised. My earlier impression was that #AnthonyFauci served purely as a government bureaucrat.… via @factcheckdotorg
From the article. Image
An earlier article, referenced in OP.

Why NIH's Anthony Fauci is treating Ebola patients himself

Spending 2 hours daily with patients has given NIAID chief "much more profound respect" for the disease…
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
Oh @pfizer not enough data aye
#anthonyfauci you guys back out from enjecting kids after the toddler you guys tried this on?
Let's take a look
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Jan 23rd 2022
De berechting volgens o.a. de #NeurenbergCode wacht.

Dat is ook een grote zorg voor @MarionKoopmans.

Berechting wegens #misdadentegendemenselijkheid
Georganiseerde #angstaanjaging, hetzes, grootschalig breed bedrog.
Aanzetten tot schadelijke/dodelijke medische handelingen.

We gaan eens luisteren ⬇️

@lientje1967 en @mariannezw bij BNR over de #Coronapas #Macron-Scholz-#MarkRutte
en de Brexit.
⬆️ Study:

Most of #Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-induced AutoImmune Attacks on Their Own Organs…

⬇️ video…

#SucharitBhakdi, M.D.
#ArneBurkhardt, M.D.
Read 21 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
Sure, Schmidt is right about #LaraLogan. The absurdity that she spouts off here should be cause to penalize $NWSA, but how? It's not as if either satellite or cable television providers have to answer to the @FCC
The Fairness Doctrine only applied to broadcasters (T.V. that one picked up with antennas and radio station). But Reagan killed that in 1987.…
It would seem that there are no statutes or laws that can keep the Lara Logan's of the world from disseminating noxious screeds against the likes #AnthonyFauci who are trying to keep us well if the likes of @rupertmurdoch chose to sit her ilk in front of their cameras.
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Aug 26th 2021
“There’s only two things that matter, the 3 November movement, what happened on the third of November, and then what happened in the Wuhan lab.

You get to the bottom of those two, everything else takes care of itself.” #SteveBannon (full text follows)…
As promised:

"If you’ve been canceled by social media, dismissed by Fake News or written off by Paul Ryan, don’t worry — there is still a home for you.
Twice a day Monday through Friday, and again for two hours on Saturday, you are welcome to Steve Bannon’s “War Room” for entertainment, education and a crash course in taking back your country.


You certainly won’t be alone.…
Read 57 tweets
May 11th 2021
According to the latest figures, India has 37,15,221 active #COVID19 cases and has registered 2,49,992 deaths in all till Tuesday. | Follow LIVE updates:…
The country reported 3.3 lakh new cases against 3.5 lakh new recoveries which is a 30K dip in new cases | Follow LIVE updates:
Fatalities are the highest in the 75 plus age group in West Bengal | Follow LIVE updates:
Read 19 tweets
May 1st 2021
@kaushikcbasu The virus originated in China
Despite highest population,if data is correct
1.They restricted it to Wuhan province
2.MedicalResponse was on war footing
3.Administered vaccines to 260 million
4.Overall 4000+ deaths & 0 infections now
5.Liquid oxygen,concentrators bought from China
@kaushikcbasu This is not in praise of autocracy or Chinese opaqueness, but their economy has recovered
And being in the same S.A. neighborhood, whether it is by quarantine or whatever means, they have turned it around & not let infections,new strains to spread again.
@kaushikcbasu Whether it is our businesses importing components/ finished oxygen concentrators,we are dependent on Chinese,despite AtmaNirbar slogan
Citizens are left on our own to procure medicines,O2 from black market
A year after,China’s economy is beating world & expected @8.2%
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Mar 15th 2021
PLANDEMIE : Le complot contre les peuples. part 3


#COVID19 #greatreset #gavi #vaccitech
Le plus grand investisseur d'Oxford Science Innovations, et par extension l'un des plus grands actionnaires de Vaccitech, est Braavos Capital, la société a été créée en 2019 par Andrew Crawford-Brunt, responsable mondial du commerce boursier de la Deutsche Bank de Londres.
Avant #COVID-19, l'objectif principal de Vaccitech, en particulier l'année dernière, était le développement d'un vaccin universel contre la grippe. Les efforts de Vaccitech à cet égard ont été salués par Google, qui est également investi dans Vaccitech.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Abro este hilo para ir listando los numerosos estudios sobre los beneficios de la Vitamina D frente al Covid...
La posición de la OMS:
"La Vitamina D cumple una función inmunomoduladora, mejorando la inmunidad innata, es antimicrobiano y refuerza las defensas de la mucosa. Posee un efecto protector en infecciones de vías respiratorias"…
Meta-análisis de 2017
Se analizaron 25 ensayos aleatorizados, con un total de 11.321 participantes: Suplementación con Vitamina D resultó en una reducción estadísticamente significativa en la posibilidad de experimentar una o mas infecciones respiratorias…
Read 24 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
Anthony #Fauci tells @FT he has not briefed @realDonaldTrump in two months and not seen him at the White House since early June.…
On a good day, I get 100 RTs. This one has 2400 & rising so #Fauci seems to be resonating - except with Trump. Hats off to my colleague @hannahkuchler who did the interview.
On another important note, 4 hours away from #GinOClock (after a hiatus last week). I am mulling options. I know @SpiegelPeter @EmerRocke @SiCarswell @suzannelynch1 @BrianOD_News & @DanMulhall have views. Rest of you?
Read 6 tweets
Jul 2nd 2020
As the US #COVID19 sitn worsens AZ #RepAndyBiggs wants @WhiteHouse Task Force shut down.
“As our economy is restored, it is imperative that Pres #Trump is not undermined," but #DeborahBirx & #AnthonyFauci “continue to contradict many of Pres Trump’s
"...stated goals & actions for returning to normalcy as we know more about” the disease. “This is causing panic that compromises our economic recovery. We can protect our most vulnerable from the #COVID19 outbreak while still protecting lives & livelihoods of..."
MORE Image
"...the rest of the population. It’s time for the COVID-19 task force to be disbanded so that President Trump’s message is not mitigated or distorted.”…
Read 3 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
1/7 President Trump has expressed doubts about #covid19 death counts, and doubts about testing: ‘By having more cases, it sounds bad.’ #History shows numbers can have political repercussions, whether in a pandemic or a natural disaster.
2/7 After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in 2017, Trump criticized a report that raised the death toll from 64 to nearly 3,000, by counting deaths in the storm and in the weeks after. Trump said Democrats raised the number "to make me look as bad as possible."
3/7 Surprisingly, there's no uniform standard for collecting data on deaths. 15 years after Hurricane Katrina, death estimates range from 1,000 to 2,000 when “indirect deaths” are included, like delayed healthcare or even heart attacks after the storm.
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Jun 9th 2020
@MarinaAbramovlc with #JacobRothschild in front of a very special picture called "Satan summoning his Legions". #QanonArmy says, that the #DeepState is in #PanicInDC.
#JacobRothschild is father of @NatRothschild1. Do you remember the connections? Nat knows #RachelChandler aswell as #GhislaineMaxwell.
#JacobRothschild together with #EvelyneRothschild and #LynnForesterRothschild.
Lynn is the spouse of #Epstein listee Evelyn. Together with Archpaedophile #JimmySavile, #FfionHague and @TheDukeOfYork, Lynn was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.
Read 229 tweets
May 6th 2020
Dr Judy Mikovits says that #COVID19 is PROPAGANDA masking as *science*.
Judy Mikovits says Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is a recognised disease & was renamed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to obfuscate its existence and cause.
The epidemic of ME in the 70's- 80's was spread throughout the world through contaminated blood supplies and through vaccines...
...all with the knowledge and assistance of the CDC, the NSAID, the insurance companies and the WHO.

Dr Judy Mikovits says the chief perpetrator of this massive crime was, and is, #AnthonyFauci.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
7 Reasons Why @challiance is Giving N-acetylcysteine (#NAC) to #COVID19 + Patients with Early Respiratory Symptoms
@MLaiB Image
1. #NAC is a powerful antioxidant...
NAC=N-acetyl derivative of amino acid L-cysteine, precursor of the body’s primary intracellular antioxidant glutathione (GSH). (Behold the reducing power of thiol -SH groups!)
... antioxidant #NAC scavenges reactive O2 species (ROS) that signal pro-inflammatory molecules that can incite #CytokineStorm

... hope is to prevent body's immune response from overshooting and progressing to cytokine storm and #ARDS
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Apr 13th 2020
He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus - The New York Times…
This is a MUST READ, some excerpts are below:
.@SecAzar publicly announced in February that the government was establishing a “surveillance” system in five American cities to measure the spread of the virus and enable experts to project the next hot spots. It was delayed for weeks.
Read 25 tweets

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