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Apr 30th 2023



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Read 5 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
@realDonaldTrump tweeted

"Despite the constant negative press covfefe"

at 31MAY17 12:06 AM EST

then deleted the tweet at 5:50 AM
@realDonaldTrump 06:09 AM

Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!

Read 6 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
6 MINUTESafterMIDNIGHT May31,2017 #Trump tweeted "Despite the constant negative press #covfefe" He deleted the tweet 6HOURS later but implied that its wording was intentional
At 06:09 AM He deleted the original&Tweeted:"Who can figure out the true meaning of 'covfefe' ??? Enjoy!"…
Inferno Premiered on October 28, 2016, ten years after release of The Da Vinci Code

“Q” post 1 appeared on October 28, 2017…

Fond of saying sometimes great “Plans” Start as “Prayers”

WTF 🤷‍♂️ but honestly WTF… Image
Read 55 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
Subito dopo la sua pubblicazione, T lo cancellò e ne scrisse un altro

"Chi può capire il vero significato di 'covfefe' ??? Buon divertimento!"
COVFEFE è un acronimo

Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act (COVFEFE Act), House Bill H.R. 2884
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Apr 26th 2022
#Covfefe @DanScavino post

COVFEFE 👀 Multiple Meanings

1 . COVFEFE Definition
COVFEFE Definition: Ancient Arabic: I will stand up against the Ancient Fallen Ones.
‘Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act’. A bill introduced & fast tracked into the US House of Representatives in 2017 (H.R. 2884)
H.R. 2881: Secure 5G and Beyond Act of 2020
March 12, 2020, Trump committed to Safeguarding America’s Vital Communication Networks and Securing 5G Technology
The above legislation items are for the removal of 5G made by China through Huawei and Apple that run at 60 GHz.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
Dneska to bude krátký...

Víte, co mají společného Chryse Planitia, Olympus Mons, Coprates Chasma, Isidis Basin, Lederberg, Argyre, #Cheb Simud a #Tábor?

Že ne? Tak pak jste tu zase správně.

Dneska si to totiž v rámci našeho #večerníček povíme. #češinamars
Podle hashtagu #češinamars už tušíte, že to bude mít něco společného s Marsem. Říkám to furt, Twitter je prostě plnej bystrých lidí a máte pravdu.

Když se totiž zakoukáte na mapu Marsu, všimnete si, že tam nejsou jen barvičky, ale taky písmenka.
Ty jsou tam logicky proto, že když se o Marsu bavíme, potřebujeme vědět, o které části se bavíme...

Bylo by totiž krapet blbý, kdybychom se museli bavit takle:

Hele Charles, viděl jsi tu horu v oblasti 13°N až 23°N a -139°E až -127°E? Ta je vostrá co?
Read 26 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
I really thought Declass would come before the election.

The Main Stream Media have a lot of weight with uninformed Americans

In the Media's eyes, Anons stole this election for Trump and they hoped for a blue wave.

In our eyes....we would win all 50 States if everyone had all the information and the media would be in jail for what they've hidden from the public

Declass would have done that.

We will find out why they didn't play the Trump card before the election.

Anons wanted all 50
We are the news now so they took down our biggest youtube voices

They took down our biggest Twitter accounts

So people couldn't connect Hunter and Joe $$, Epstein Island, Crimes against Children, benghazi, on and on and on

But worst of all the Plannedemic lie
People's fear
Read 4 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020

Insultes, scandales, faux pas...

Le "worst of" de quatre ans de @realDonaldTrump à la Maison-Blanche, c'est #àdérouler

(on vous prévient, c'est long) ⤵️
En 2016, @realDonaldTrump devenait le 45ème président des États-Unis 🇺🇸

Parfois vulgaire, souvent anti-"politiquement correct", il compte depuis des dérapages à foison.
Florilège ⤵️…

#ElectionDay #Election2020
Il y a eu la tentaculaire affaire russe, ou #Russiagate 🇷🇺, ces soupçons de collusion avec la Russie pour perturber (et remporter) l’élection présidentielle 🇺🇸 de 2016 ⤵️…
Read 28 tweets
Apr 10th 2020
This is all true, with the possible exception of the "toxic" vaccine. No one knows what's in the vaccine, but 5G does track your every move.

You draw your own conclusions.

I'm no scientist, but what I've read it is, yes, the virus is contagious like any other virus, but particularly virulent in the 60MHz 5G environment. This would make sense in the cases of Wuhan and New York,
but what I haven't seen is a cross-section done of where 5G is live in the U.S. and if it correlates with the "hot spots" for COVID 19. If someone knows of one please share.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
In light of current events with the #Coronavirus #COVID19, I decided to make a short #COVfefe thread.
On May 31st 2017, @realDonaldTrump tweeted "Despite the constant negative press covfefe"
@realDonaldTrump Many back then, including myself, thought it was a typo for "Coverage". But then strange things happened.
Some started decoding, and IIRC Thomas W1ctor found that G00gle translator thought it was Arabic for "I will stand up". This got shut down short after by G00gle according to @Perpetualmaniac. G00g changed the translation to a shrugging emoji/ascii art
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Mar 23rd 2020
Just 37 thousand usa troops in Europe.
Nothing happening...
No arrests...
Waaaa mommmy!!!
Read 27 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
#Qanon #Hussein #Obama

In honor of Q drop 3836, 02/06/2020

A THREAD ‘honoring’ the man and legacy of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA
Read 76 tweets
Nov 4th 2019
In honor of all the angry Trumpers in my mentions today, I'm offering a special Make Trumpers Mad flash sale on my newsletter. 25% for twelve months. That's $3.75 a month, or $30 to buy the whole year.

I'd love to get ten new subscribers today. Can we do it? Can it happen?
I give you game design experiments, pop culture musings, political analysis... I'm branching out to support other freelance writers with paid guest posts, including an upcoming one I'm very excited about.

My ability to do the last one is tied to my budet, though.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 25th 2019
I was cited in this @npr article today about Donald Trump’s use of Twitter and the various legal issues under the Presidential Records Act of 1978 and the Presidential and Federal Records Records Act Amendments of 2014. Lots to unpack here. LOTS.
If you’ve ever wondered about the laws that govern Donald Trump’s tweets & typos, you’ll enjoy it. #unpresidented #covfefe #honered #popculture #popcultureclass
Roughly two years ago, I wrote about this a lot. Who knew what we'd be in for...…
Read 31 tweets
Oct 7th 2019
Should I do a small thread on how @realDonaldTrump would have tweeted if he was pitted against the #Aarey protestors ?
Here goes. No malice for anyone. Pure fun.
1. WITCH HUNT - failed newspaper times of India claims I am responsible for massacre of trees in Mumbai. Total Lies. Media is pathetic. Environment is in great shape. #MakingLoggingGreatAgain
2. BOLLYWOOD PHONY Ashoke Pandit who should cut down cheese & sugar & failed actress Raveena , who never did a good movie after Mohra claim Metro Shade can be moved. TOTAL LIE! Devendra Fadnavis is a very smart man who has my total support. Bollywood should be investigated.
Read 13 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
I am, once more, a guest of the Pima County Republican Club. Here to listen to @kelliwardaz speak today, coming back to #Tucson after cancelling an appearance a few weeks ago.
Today’s conversation - whether @kelliwardaz addresses it in her speech or during the question and answer session - is likely going to focus on Ward’s support to refer a sales tax increase to the ballot, letting the voters decide.
There is something new today here at the Pima County Republican Club’s official meeting space at the Sabbar Shrine Temple - they opened up an adjacent room to accommodate more people. It’s early, but there are easily 40 people here already to see @kelliwardaz.
Read 40 tweets
Dec 7th 2018
Manafort Memo is out and its a whopper. #ManafortFriday…
Mueller says Manafort told ‘discernible lies,’ including about contacts with employee alleged to have Russian intelligence ties
As with Michael Cohen's memo, Paul Manafort's memo seems Very Legal & Very Cool.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 7th 2018
BREAKING: Prosecutors say ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen deserves substantial prison time, despite his cooperation.
New SDNY Michael Cohen filing: "The crimes committed by Cohen were more serious than his submission allows and were marked by a pattern of deception that permeated his professional life (and was evidently hidden from the friends and family members who wrote on his behalf)."
SDNY Cohen filing: "The applicable U.S. Sentencing Guidelines ... range is 51 to 63 months' imprisonment ... the Office respectfully requests that this Court impose a substantial term of imprisonment, one that reflects a modest downward variance from the applicable Guidelines."
Read 12 tweets
Nov 16th 2018
Finally - a holiday season full of cheer after the dumpster fire that was the 2016 election.

I, for one, shall have an extra slice of pie.

Happy #Muellermas, everyone! 'tis the season for Justice!
On the first day of #Muellermas the Special Counsel gave to me.....Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embass-y.....
On the fourth day of #Muellermas the Special Counsel gave to me, the Advisor to National Securit-y.......
Read 14 tweets
Jul 5th 2018
Since @realDonaldTrump appears to only read things he sees on Twitter I figured it was worth it to post the Bill of Rights here, in a hope that he might learn something about our govt and laws while he is POTUS. Please share and enjoy the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. #Covfefe
Article I (Amendment 1 - Freedom of expression and religion): "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Article II (Amendment 2 - Bearing Arms): "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Read 42 tweets
Feb 25th 2018

#DemocraticMemo says DOJ corroborated #SteeleDossier claims on CARTER PAGE:

✅met #Rosneft head IGOR SECHIN's aide👉🏼offered brokerage fee for sale of Rosneft shares in exchange for lifting #sanctions
✅met Divyekin👉🏼offered HRC kompromat & warned of TRUMP kompromat
This is a literal SMOKING GUN‼️Steele wrote in Oct'16 of a brokerage fee for the sale of 19% of #Rosneft shares in exchange for TRUMP lifting #sanctions.

*Just 2 months later*, Rosneft sold 19% of its shares + brokerage fee, some to unknown entities.🤨

Now, @RepAdamSchiff says the DOJ has *corroborated* Page's activities reported in the #SteeleDossier‼️

To be clear, Steele said that Team🇷🇺Trump negotiated to sell our country's foreign policy (dropping #sanctions) to Russia FOR CASH (proceeds of the #Rosneft share spinout).
Read 5 tweets
Dec 30th 2017
THREAD: in May’16, George Papadopoulos told #Australia’s🇦🇺top diplomat in Britain that #Russia🇷🇺had dirt on Hillary Clinton.🤨

*Only 3 wks before*, Maltese “professor” Mifsud told PapaD that Russia had 1,000’s of emails that would embarrass HRC‼️1/…
According to the NYTimes, PapaD had been drinking heavily, beforemspilling the beans to Aussie diplomat, Alexander Downer.🙄

Just 2 months later, hacked DNC emails began appearing online👉🏼Aussie officials passed the info about PapaD to US‼️ 2/
What so alarmed US officials to provoke the FBI to open a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump🇷🇺campaign months before the election⁉️

It was NOT the #SteeleDossier, as Trump & other Republicans have alleged.🤨 3/
Read 22 tweets
Dec 27th 2017

Mueller🇺🇸 is questioning RNC staffers about the GOP digital operation that worked w/Trump campaign to target voters in key swing states👉🏼seeks to determine if their efforts were related to the activities of #Russian🇷🇺trolls & bots.‼️

Trump’s lawyers push the “fanciful” notion that the #TrumpRussia🇷🇺probe will end soon.🙄Mueller is pursuing NEW leads, interrogating NEW witnesses & collecting a mountain of NEW evidence‼️🤗

👉🏼subpoenaed bank records
👉🏼1000’s of Trump campaign/transition emails

In “another ominous sign” for the WH, Jared Kushner’s lawyers are searching for a *crisis PR* firm.🤨

The ONLY reason someone needs a crisis PR firm is...(wait for it)...

There’s a CRISIS‼️🤗

Read 6 tweets

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