Tesco, Asda and Waitrose join competitors to ban maskless customers from stores
- Five of the UK’s biggest supermarkets have now banned shoppers who refuse to wear face harmful #masks.
Comprehensive analysis of 50 states shows greater spread with #mask mandates
- Masks are “sterilized” with Ethylene Oxide - a known carcinogen'
- The IARC classifies ethylene oxide into group 1, meaning it is a proven carcinogen.
1. Florida with no statewide mask mandate after the state said counties could no longer enforce mask mandates.
2. California’s had mask mandates for 6-8 months and it hasn’t mattered. - The people 'getting together thing' is disproven nonsense.
The Human Studies Cited by the CDC’s Recent Scientific Brief do not Support Community Masking
More mask charts
Mask charts
1. Israel vs. Sweden
2. LA+Orange+Ventura+San Diego Counties
3. LA County
4. Spain
15 Logical Fallacies You Should Know Before Getting Into a Debate
Critical Thinking False Cause Fallacy Example
- 'By holding a banana in your ear, alligators stay away.'
Data used to justify England’s second national #lockdown is ‘proven’ to be false, Prof Carl Heneghan claims | Nov 6
- Carl Heneghan, director of the CEBM at the University of Oxford, said a forecast suggesting 4,000 daily deaths next month was wrong.
Analysis of 50 states
- Yllä on tutkimuksin osoitettu, että maskin käyttö on yhtä hyödyllistä, kuin banaanin pitäminen korvassa, jotta alligaattorit pysyvät poissa
@amchelsinki @SironenTarja @aronkyto @STM_Uutiset
@HUS_uutisoi @KristaKiuru @KirsiVarhila
Greater spread with #mask mandates
@VCS_VKS @VaasaVasa @ksshp @mmjarvi @T_Puumalainen @HNohynek @mapetti #ksshp #tehy #Super #MaskiGate
The #COVID Cult - Thomas E Woods - Mask Segment 14.11.2020
If you are wondering about the illogical regulations of corrupt ‘decision makers’ - The priority is not the health of the citizens, but the #vaccine profits from criminal means. #yleastudio @oikeusmin
#Covid #Voodoo Cult is funded by the Bad #BigPharma
That #Mask Is Giving You Lung #Cancer
- Masks are “sterilized” with Ethylene Oxide
- The IARC classifies Ethylene Exide into group 1, meaning it is a proven carcinogen. #ksshp #tehy #Super #Hus #MaskiGate @Laakariliitto
The virus itself is around 0.1 micron (100 nm), therefore 3 to 5 times SMALLER than the gaps in the mask filter,
#tehy #Super #ksshp #Hus #MaskiGate #essote @amchelsinki @SironenTarja @aronkyto @VCS_VKS @STM_Uutiset @VaasaVasa @etelasavonsote
'Do not try this at Home'
Gavin Thorpe @ GavinThorpe5
Well you see it stops some spittle that carries the virus, so all the aerosol that carries the virus doesn’t somehow matter 🤪
The N95 filter indeed is claimed to be physically in the 0.3-0.5 micron, 300-500 nanometers (nm) size.
One micrometer is equal to 1,000 nanometers
- Diameter of #SARSCoV2 virus range between 60 nm to a maximum diameter of 140 nm.
1. N95 filter size, 300 - 10,000 nm
2. #SARSCoV2 virus size,100 nm
After nine (9) months, we still know masks don’t work
- Despite all the models and theories used to support non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI), real-world evidence continues to show that these NPIs (#mask mandates, #lockdowns, etc.) are not effective.
WITH #MASKMANDATE: 27 cases per day per 100K people
NO #MASK MANDATE: 17 cases
- Many states have had days with #mandates (blue) and without (orange)
THE HUMAN NOSE is as good a filter as an #N95 mask given the N95 #mask has many pores which are equal in size to the filtration capacity of the nose of 0.5μm
- Particles smaller than 3μm and larger than 0.5μm are filtered by the nasal mucosa
'Masks may increase mortality because breathing through them can nebulize aerosols into smaller ones which bypass mucosal immunity & reach all the way into the alveoli, leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).' t.me/robinmg/503
Landmark Danish study finds no significant effect for #facemask WEARERS | 19 November 2020
- In the end, there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore #masks and those who did not, when it came to being infected by #COVID -19.
@threadreaderapp unroll
Hallo, you can read it here: Tesco, Asda and Waitrose join competitors to ban maskless customers from stores - Five of the UK’s biggest supermarkets… threadreaderapp.com/thread/1349057… Have a good day.
#Masks can give you a false feeling of protection and can even be a source of infection when not used correctly.
Doc Graham talks #masks
5/In contrast to other mode of transmission where virus hits nasal cavity and finds its way into lungs, aerosols can directly reach alveolar region and attack alveolar cells that produce Pulmonary Surfactant.
Enforced Wearing of Masks Declared Unconstitutional – Belgium | Jan 27
- exceptions to the principle of freedom of movement.
#tehy #Super #ksshp #Hus #MaskiGate #essote
@amchelsinki @SironenTarja @aronkyto @VCS_VKS @STM_Uutiset @VaasaVasa @etelasavonsote
Long-term #Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer | Feb 4
- analyzing of 83 untreated adults with lung cancer, the research team discovered that colonies of Veillonella, Prevotella and Streptococcus, cultivated through prolonged mask wearing
And the bacterial #pneumonia was caused... wearing masks
@Laakarilehti #työelämä @STM_Uutiset @TEM_uutiset @Elinkeinoelama @AkavaRy @AVItwiittaa @kuntatyonantaja #sote #tehy #Super #ksshp #Hus #MaskiGate #essote @SuPerLiitto @TEK_akateemiset @amchelsinki
Dr. Fauci flip-flops on masks AGAIN!! [Video] | February 1, 2021
- “no data that indicates” wearing two #masks is better than only wearing one."
Italy bans masking of children at schools.
Italy: compulsory #mask for children, will the decision of the Council of State set a precedent? | 02/05/2021
- Domino effect coming soon?
President Frattini of Section III of the Italian Council of State:
Finger pulse oximeter for measuring #oxygen saturation and #pulse rate, video - Warburg hypothesis
- Home, sports, fitness and travel - Video
- Normal oxygen saturation in humans is at least 96%
Brainwashing for our children now #Dystopia @orwell1984 #sote #tehy #Super #ksshp #Hus #MaskiGate #essote #CrimesAgainstHumanity @TEM_uutiset @AVItwiittaa @AnuVehvilainen @Opetushallitus @Heino1Olli @jussisaramo
Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy | MAY 11, 2020 @SuomenEduskunta
- By wearing a #mask, the exhaled #viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.
@ hmakow | 1h
Masks are filthy and dangerous. #Yle #SDP #Kokoomus #PS #Keskusta #KD #Vas @SuomenEduskunta @AnuVehvilainen #sote #tehy #Super #ksshp #Hus #MaskiGate #essote @tyoterveys @AVItwiittaa @K3FIN
Microbial contamination of and from masks @Opetushallitus @Heino1Olli @jussisaramo
- 'Laboratory testing of used #masks from 20 train commuters revealed that 11 of the 20 masks
tested contained over 100k bacterial colonies.
- Molds and yeasts also found.'
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