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A @WorkSafeBC #covid19bc claim must demonstrate higher exposure at work vs daily life so you must list exposures from: gym, worship, friends &family. Effectively, by removing #maskmandate , #PHO has undermined *every* WS claim unless we forego ALL socials outside of work 1/
@WorkSafeBC ....Effectively a claim can be denied due to Public health removing public protections &workers who have ANY social life, who does not receive *meds* (paxlovid? few workers eligible) & who does not personally mask up consistently...oh AND family members 2/
@WorkSafeBC But note, this claim form is also telling us that sports, gyms & workplaces where non household people gather socially ( where? like restaurants? pubs?) are full of #covid19bc & you,the worker must show that you take precautions in that social realm ...reposting image 3/ worksafe screening questionnaire from   https://www.worksafe
Read 16 tweets
šŸ§µ 1/51

This thread has very revealing data showing that mRNA-vaccinations create majority of the covid cases. Largest covid waves come always after the booster rounds. Not before. AFTER.

šŸ§µ 2/51

Isn't it weird coincidence that the EU suffered the most largest covid wave right after the boosting started?

Ofcourse this can be coincidence but with
what possibility the very same thing happened also in every EU memeber country? Keep reading...

#EU #COVID Image
šŸ§µ3/51 - Norway.

#Norway #COVID19 #CovidVaccine #Facts Image
Read 55 tweets

Are you mentally capable of surviving a mask mandate in order to relieve pressure on the health system?

Last week a baby died waiting for help.


cc @AlboMP
Australiaā€™s PM thinks you all canā€™t handle it.

I think you can. I think youā€™ve handled worse in the past, and for longer.

I think you have community spirit.

I think youā€™ve always gone the extra mile to help someone in need.

Read 5 tweets
I had a chance to go to this @VSOrchestra Orpheum Theatre built after the Spanish Flu to be *pandemic proof* and WOW. This ventilating system is FULLY OPERATIONAL. Huge crowd 1/n Image
@VSOrchestra And under the seats there were these mushroom shaped objects...Fresh air from pipes provided a very gentle stream of air & note these air intakes were protected by the mushroom design. the stem emitted air, the umbrella part protected it 2/n ImageImage
@VSOrchestra The air rose above the seats to the porous false ceiling above to vent all that air out! This was built in 1927 & it has better ventilation than most modern buildings #PandemicProof architecture 3/n Image
Read 18 tweets
Why COVID-19 gaslighting by politicians is so dangerous for democracy

May 4, 2022ā€¦

ā€œAfter 2 yrs of acknowledging the dangers of #COVID19, something eerily similar has happened with public health policy across the western world.ā€
ā€œFed & muni govts in NA, Eur & Aus have begun lifting basic protections like šŸ’‰ & #maskmandate, winding down public testing, ending contact tracing & withholding critical PH data, like case counts, hospitalization numbers, wastewater results & even the size of local outbreaks.ā€
ā€œPandemic management has been transformed from a PH problem to an individual one.ā€
Read 25 tweets

2+ years into #COVID19 ,

which we have all suffered through collectively and hugely,

institutions are failing monstrously,

at protecting children,

whom you take more care with,

not less.


Whatā€™s changed?

Is it milder?


ā€œOmicron as severe as other COVID variants -large U.S. studyā€ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

Can kids <5 get a šŸ’‰?


Boosters 5-11?


Can you still get #LongCovidKids even if šŸ’‰?


=need more protections
So do we still need to prevent

transmission & infection

in PS & daycares

b/c more care with kids

not less

b/c #LongCovidKids



ā€œOf all the myths associated with COVID-19, 1 of the earliest was that the virus is harmless for childrenā€ā€¦ā€¦
Read 30 tweets
Iā€™m with @Billius27

How can you NOT have #maskmandate in schools & daycares

And have elsewhere?


@CPHO_Canada = #LongCovid as high as 50%

=No treatment/cure

More care with kids
Not less



Many said

No #maskmandate
=bad idea for kidsā€™ safety

Proven true

Re/infection=more #LongCovidKids risk

=no treatment/cure

@CPHO_Canada as high as 50%

#Omicron NOT mildā€¦

H/T @MerlinofCanada @MoriartyLab
@LauraMiers šŸ§µ


Voices=spoke out against removing #maskmandate for the safety of kids

We need those voices to keep speaking out

As proven true


Re/infection=more #LongCovidKids risk

=no treatment/cure

@CPHO_Canada as high as 50%

#Omicron NOT mild

Read 7 tweets
Our thoughts on this somber day:

One million dead from COVID is a monumental tragedy, and there is nothing normal about it. Our thoughts are with the millions of people across the country who have lost loved ones over the past two years. 1/3
We should be mourning and working collectively to honor those who passed by preventing more illness and death. Instead, our leaders have largely abandoned the vulnerable and stopped trying to contain this disease.

We call on @NYCMayor , @GovKathyHochul & @POTUS to
ā€¦to reinstate basic protection measures like the indoor mask mandate, vaccine and ventilation requirements in public spaces.

We also call on Congress to ensure funding for free testing, treatment and research into the long term impacts of COVID. 3/3
#MaskMandate #OneMillion
Read 4 tweets
Some šŸš©s for families

as to how far this can go

while trying to protect your kids & selves

from mass re/infection

with a highly transmissible airborne virus

that can kill & disable them & youā€¦
Currently as high as 1 in 4 #LongCovidKids according to analysis of 68 studies across 4 continents:ā€¦

And 51-80% #LongCovid according to PHO:

Read 15 tweets
#OnPoli #OntEd

Where is the analogous leadership?

There is an election coming

Stop catering to #COVID19 flat-earthers

šŸ›‘ #CovidTroglodyte response

Show me you understand science

Lead like @SoniaFurstenauā€¦

Same in ON

We are all 1 mass re/infection away

ā€œā€¦the province is not doing much to educate the public about #LongCovid. She cited a recent study showing that #LongCovid can affect 1 in 4 childrenā€

PHO = approx 50% = #LongCovidā€¦

@SoniaFurstenau šŸ‘

#OnPoli #OntEd

Match & lead

šŸ›‘ #CovidTroglodyte response

Election coming

ā€œW/ HIV/AIDSā€¦govts educated people about how the virus was being transmitted. They were told that unprotected sex & shared needles contributed to the spread.ā€


Read 18 tweets
Why isnā€™t there a #maskmandate in ON PS & daycares?


Itā€™s a no-brainer

ā€œON will be extending #maskmandate in select higher-risk indoor settings for at least another monthā€ā€¦

More care with kids, not less

Ford 24/7 416-325-1941

#6ThWave ImageImage
The following have #maskmandate

Why isnā€™t there a #maskmandate in ON PS & daycares?

Itā€™s a no-brainer

More care with kids, not less.

Ford 24/7 416-325-1941

#maskmandate NOW

#6ThWave ImageImage
Universities have them.

Why isnā€™t there a #maskmandate in ON PS & daycares?

Itā€™s a no-brainer

More care with kids, not less.

Ford 24/7 416-325-1941

#maskmandate NOW

#6ThWave ImageImage
Read 20 tweets
The more I think about airlines abruptly allowing mask removal w/o warningā€”mid-flight for manyā€”the angrier I get. People who are #immunocompromised had no choice not to travel or to upgrade their protection at that point. Some will go on to die. As an oncologist, I am enraged.
If you havenā€™t had #cancer or been a caregiver to someone with it, you donā€™t know how much people endure. Iā€™m a breast oncologist. Our patients have breasts amputated, lose their fertility, go bald, risk nerve damage, infection, & more from chemo, because they want to live.
The fact that the airlines made a corporate decision to drop masks w/o warningā€”any airline couldā€™ve chosen to give crew/passengers hrs or days of noticeā€”disgusts me. For an industry that prides itself on safety, this is a fail.

@Delta @united @SouthwestAir @AmericanAir @JetBlue
Read 10 tweets
Breaking from me: #Ontario %_Positive #COVID19 tests almost doubled in past 25 days. See thisā¤µļøI prepared using @ONgov own website data graph view.
@DFisman @imgrund @ontpoli @Sflecce @fordnation @DrVivianS @CTVNews @CBCQueensPark @HWDSB @WDGPublicHealth @WellingtonCath @ugdsb
#OntEd School Board Administrators + Elected Trustees, you have the power to impose a dress code for costly uniforms, and to bar spaghetti straps - so don't tell us you can't add Masks to a dress codešŸ™ƒ. #CovidIsNotOver so do the right thing! seeā¬‡ļø articleā€¦
Read 12 tweets
#Physicians in #NorthDakota who speak šŸ—£ out on need for necessary precautions have been ostracized and dismissed. #NorthDakota lost 3 state health directors in 1st months of the #pandemic. Public health officials have had hands tied. Those who continue to speak out have 1/ Image
received threats from public and discouraged by state officials. Our state has 54% vaccination rate and #masks are optional with very few wearing. The only time our state imposed a #MaskingMandate is when our #hospitals were beyond capacity & Governor & other officials wanted 2/ Image
#nurses to work when #COVID positive if no or mild symptoms. The #ND #Nursing association stepped in & pushed back thus leading Governor to take steps one ā˜šŸ¼ of which was #MaskMandate. That lasted relatively shortly & now in #NorthDakota very little precautions taken. 3/
Read 5 tweets
CO2 Meter Reads Dangerous Levels within minutes

Imagine what this is doing to your child, wearing it all day!

Take The #Masks Off Immediately

#UnmaskOurChildren #Mask #UnmaskYourChildren #Unmask
#UnmaskOurKids #MasksInSchool
#MasksDontWork #MaskMandateā€¦
The stain of the forced #masking of children will forever live on as an unparalleled and unequivocal moral abomination. A society that mainstreams institutionalized child abuse is a society that does not deserve to exist
Read 21 tweets
šŸ§µTX IDS COVID Closures (1/4)
Chapel Hill
Carrizo Springs
Harts Bluff
Johnson - LBJ ISD
May Pearl
Marble Falls
TX IDS COVID Closures (2/4)
New Boston
Pilot Point
Red Oak
Rio Vista
Santa Ana
(3/4) TX Schools and COVID
Schools closed w/COVID
Elysian Fields Elementary School
San Angelo Middle School
San Angelo High School

Schools that Donā€™t have bus drivers:

Schools that are Asking for Parent subs
Liberty Hill
Read 6 tweets
Important to return to policy decisions & their #publichealth impact. @mayorbowser lifted the #maskmandate for DC on 11/22/21, despite many incl me (see below) begging her not to. It was restored 4w later on 12/21/21. Too late. Cases of #COVID19 in DC šŸš€ 3300% since Thanksgiving.
I truly hate being right about this. We are all tired of masks, but arenā€™t we are all MORE tired of this #pandemic? Whether or not anyone is ā€œwilling to letā€ #COVID19 control their life, if they were ticketed on one of the >3K US flights canceled over Xmas wknd due to #Omicronā€¦
If their kid is being taught by different substitute teachers every few wks in mult classes because teachers are out sick or home with their own sick or quarantined kids, if their small business goes under because #Omicron interrupts supply chains & they canā€™t fulfill ordersā€¦
Read 4 tweets
šŸ§µI have to say it: Christmas break is going to be bad. I'm watching confirmed #COVID19 casesā¬†ļø exponentially at our highly-#vaccinated school w/ a #MaskMandate & HEPA filters in every class. Make a plan now for how you'll handle Xmas & #quarantine when someone gets #Omicron.
2/ Think about how you can create a separate space for the person(s) infected. Remember #OmicronIsAirborne. Pick a rm w/ windows to open & its own door if your home allows. Today put a fan there that can be used to improve air exchange. Put a šŸŒ”ļø, an O2 sat monitor, good masks.
3/ Go get a MERV13 filter for your HVAC at Home Depot or Lowe's or online. While here, get the stuff to build a simple, inexpensive, highly-effective Corsi-Rosenthal box. You can see what this is here. Build it now so it's ready.
Read 15 tweets
šŸ§µIt is now clear that we are going to have to get people to #MaskUp to get thru winter without US health care system collapse. #Omicron is way too contagious. #VaccinesWork & #GetBoosted, but they will not be enough on their own. So this thread is for people who hate masks:
2/X: If you hate masks because the ear loops make your ears sore, google "ear savers." That's the term I've seen used for various products that spare your ears w/ masks. Examples in pics, but if you can sew on a button, make some. What else are you gonna do in #quarantine?
3/X: You can get a beanie, headband, baseball cap, head scarf, whatever & attach button or hooks of any kind that you can get from any sewing store or online, & attach your mask loops to that. Ear pain solved! It's important to have a snug fit so try diff distances.
Read 17 tweets
I know personally 3 people receiving monoclonal antibodies this evening. All have had 3 doses of #COVID19 #vaccine or prior infection + 2 doses of vaccine. All are careful. They all have risk factors, but all are pretty symptomatic. Jan is gonna beā€¦rough. #MaskUp. #Omicron
Tweet 2: A lot of people seem to be panicking based on this anecdote. Panic is NOT productive. Instead you need to calmly plan & act to reduce your risk. These are some effective things you can do right now:
šŸ‘‰Upgrade your masks. No more cloth alone. Best is N95/KN95/KF94...
Tweet 3: As an alternative to N95/KN95/KF94, if you can't tolerate those or don't have them, I rec a surgical mask (ASTM level 3, 3-ply is great) w/ cloth mask over it. Read this:ā€¦. The non-profit @projectn95 has vetted, affordable PPE including masks.
Read 13 tweets
We are happy to welcome students from Std 1 onwards #BackToSchool on Dec 1. Safe resumption of schools is being considered to ensure all students have equal access to education amidst the pandemic. @CMOMaharashtra @AjitPawarSpeaks @scertmaha @MahaDGIPR @msbshse @Balbharati_MSBT
Usage of masks will be mandatory for children at all times. Teachers and school staff to ensure strict compliance to masking up. #BackToSchool #maskmandate @bb_thorat @INCIndia @IYCMaha
For the safety of the staff & students, vaccination has been made mandatory for teachers/staff. Only fully vaccinated staff will be allowed in premises. School transport operators also must be fully vaccinated. #SafeSchools #VaccineMandate
Read 9 tweets
Lots of people who donā€™t remotely mind terrified, freezing refugees drowning in the Channel will shortly appear here, incandescent with rage that they may be required to wear a piece of fabric over their nose & mouth for 15 mins when theyā€™re in a shop.
#BrexitBritain #Omnicron
Someone just told me that their ancestors fought for their right not to comply with mask mandates, and now I want the earth to swallow me. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø #covidiots #covidvariant #COVID19
If anyone has lost their crystal meth lab I know who stole it. #covidiots #covidvariant #Omnicron #idiocracy
Read 8 tweets

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