They backed a scab from Arkansas named Clinton
To make up for it he brought the G7 to Detroit
Pat Buchanan ran on the GOP side, promising to undo NAFTA

Sound familiar?
"the internal combustion engine is a greater threat to humanity than the nazis were"
A form of suicide.
That would have guaranteed his re-election.
The unions made not a peep.
But Bush did not lose.
Pelosi installed Waxman of California over Dingell from Michigan, as chairman of the energy committee. Even though Dingell had seniority.
Waxman however was out to get them.
Good little democrats to the end.
The democrats method of achieving independence is always to starve oneself of oil.
Bush signed it. The unions remained silent. Democrats first and union men second.
Obama became president. The unions backed him too.
When the UAW and GM hammered out a new agreement, Obama rejected it and forced closure of 16 MORE plants.

So we suffer through 8 yrs of Obama. But finally the light goes on. (for the membership not the leaders)
They are blown away by the plans laid out to return good jobs to America and her workers.
Because if they don't, it's suicide, and their fate will be well deserved.

I'm too old to wish away any years... But I can't wait for 2020.
A free chance to make an anti NAFTA statement. They didn't.
Stanenows excuse? It won't hit market for 6 years anyway. 6 yrs later gas was $4 a gallon.