Sputnik 1 was the first satellite to be launched (1957). Over 1200 active satellites are currently orbiting Earth.
Check out the LIVE Satellite Map maps.esri.com/rc/sat/index.h…

Yes! NASA makes available near LIVE data from many of its satellites in an interactive interface.
Allows browsing full-resolution, global satellite imagery!
Use it for your projects!
Get data from many satellites: #LandSAT #TerraModis #TerraAqua and in different bands depending on what you want to study - land, water, atmospheric emissions....

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For eg: putting population density and mangrove distribution over coastline data to monitor changes.

With 20 years of satellite data available on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for every region of World, it is possible to compare existing data with real-time data.

Used Stop Motion Simulation package to visually display change in vegetation along the Kenya-Uganda border.
By Feb 2017, drought was declared in Kenya and migration ensued.
More details: 2017.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/our…