#ReclaimTemples , #Gharwapsi should be an integral part of the new.
A reason why the rich, mighty and minorities gets benefits denied to Hindus and ordinary citizens.
Lets adopt a Constitution based on Hindu Dharmik traditions via a referendum in 2024.
It need have only the pillars defined which is unassailable, undisputable.
The only objective will be to ensure peace, prosperity and self actualisation for the people of Bharat.
1. Present Constitution of India was not ratified by people of India via referendum, hence need to be ratified.
2. Bharat needs a new Constitution based on Hindu Dharmik traditions.
Will you support the demand for a referendum by year 2024?
Hindus should understand that the Constitution which makes them second class citizens has no legal validity and is a modified British relic.
If fair rules are ensured via a #DharmikConstitution, Hindus will no longer be second class citizens in the land of their forefathers.
When the Muslim Generals of Vijayanagara kingdom defected at the crucial moment during Battle of Talikota, the blood of Hindus flowed in Tungabhadra river and Hampi burned for six months.
Lets correct the historical injustice and demand a #DharmikConstitution
Give your views, comments #DharmikConstitution
For this to happen, we may have to think beyond the failed Hindutva politics of Dhimmi Nationalists.
Dharma, the principles of natural justice is what Hindu civilisation always stood for, fought for, and should form part of #DharmikConstitution
Lets work towards a #DharmikConstitution imbibing the essence of Sanatana Dharma.
A new #DharmikConstitution needed which will end the British era laws, colonial legacies and administration in Bharat.
Bharat will then become a land where justice alone prevails.
Read why there is a need for a referendum and demand a new #DharmikConstitution
The answer will determine your support for #DharmikConstitution or the Dhimmitude exalting the present Constitution of India.
It's legitimacy need be questioned, as it was never accepted or ratified by people of Bharat.
The colonial era ecosystem has made it incorrigible.
As such amendments will not help, it's time to work for a new #DharmikConstitution
No, because Its constitutional supremacy in India as against Parliamentarial supremacy which is a hallmark of democracy.
As a result Indians are hostage to the British era provisions in Indian Constitution.
People of India will be free only when Bharat has a #DharmikConstitution
Indian Constitution is the root of all evil thats haunting Hindus. Demand a #DharmikConstitution for Bharat.
An analysis of the colonial laws and institutions of Bharat. A campaign to reinstate the #CodeOfDharma in Bharat via a #DharmikConstitution