—Fascination/obsession with guns
—Extreme isolation
—Social withdrawal
—Victim of long-term bullying
—Hints about an attack
—Threats of violence
6 years ago today, a gunman armed with an AR-15 assault weapon, shot through the locked entrance of #SandyHook elementary in Newtown, CT and murdered twenty 1st graders & 6 teachers.
We said #NeverAgain
The killer had
👏Every👏Single👏 Sign

We said #NeverAgain—Again.
The killer had
👏Every 👏Single 👏Sign
Catch that? #SandyHook & MSD share a horrific gun violence tragedies anniversary today.

There’s been over 1600 mass shootings since #SandyHook in our country’s ongoing #GunEpidemic
2018 had the most school shootings—Ever. 94 this year, incl the Parkland massacre.
Gun violence and mass shootings are escalating. They’ve become normalized.
Our country has a sick gun culture & warped interpretation of 2A.
2 days ago, a mother pleaded for gun reform after a prevented school shooting happened at her kid’s school. She was met with a coordinated attack & every vile troll response imaginable:
$80M spent in 2016 to line GOP pockets to kill gun legislation.
They were infiltrated by Russian spy, Butina who set up back channels to Russia & laundered money for Trump.
The NRA enables mass shootings—They are a terrorist group.

Our peer countries don’t have mass shootings in their schools because they have common sense gun laws.
Simply said: They recognize easy access to guns results in death.
The time is NOW for Congress to enact #GunReform like our peer countries have.

#ThoughtsAndPrayers are cowardice.
#SandyHook & #Parkland should’ve been the end of it.
…One dead child should’ve been the end of it.