In a short speech, Lord Hain thanked one of the sponsors, Moti Group, twice.
According to @mailandguardian Lord Hain is
employed by them "in part to improve their poor reputation"…
company that's been subject to some controversy. It allegedly has links to
Zimbabwean officials implicated in human rights violations & in 2017,
Interpol issued an international arrest warrant for the company's chair…
"There is no suggestion that the royals were aware of or intended to
endorse the Moti Group’s controversial business practises; or the group’s links
to senior Zimbabwean officials that have been implicated in serious human
rights violations."

Moti Group, who employ Peter Hain as an advisor & were at the #Mandela centenary exhibition with #MeghanAndHarry, use the PR firm Sans Frontières, which is run by Lord Bell, former head of Bell Pottinger, the firm that incited division in #SouthAfrica

Here's the story of the collapse of the PR firm whose ghosts are still haunting this thread…
Interestingly the PR firm Moti uses, Sans Frontieres, was set up by Lord Bell after #BellPottinger collapsed…