Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #mandela

Most recents (22)

1/. “To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects & enhances the freedom of others” (#Mandela)

#OTD 33 years ago, Nelson Mandela stepped out of Victor Verster prison
after 27 years behind bars in South Africa…
2/. On that day, no one knew what Mandela looked like let alone what kind of man he had become

Some activists feared that he might have ’gone soft’

Others - reared on a daily diet of fear & propaganda - feared Mandela would be an angry & vengeful figure
3/. In his first speech a few hours after his release, Mandela was statesman-like & dignified

But it was clear he had not ‘gone soft’

He saluted uMkhonto we Sizwe & said:

“The factors which necessitated the armed struggle still exist today. We have no option but to continue"
Read 7 tweets
Este artículo contiene numerosas falacias sobre la votación en ONU contra el bloqueo y su relación desde con procesos de apertura y reclamos de #derechoshumanos en #Cuba Abro hilo…
Dice @MJ_Busta: "El mundo debería tener un debate más sólido sobre las contribuciones relativas de los factores internos y externos a la profunda crisis actual de Cuba" Asi pretende rebajar el voto en la #ONU después d un debate ejemplar apegado a la ley internacional. (2)
Segun @MJ_Busta lo negativo en "la votación de la ONU" es q "obliga a los Estados y a la opinión pública internacional" a adoptar "términos binarios" sobre "el problema de Cuba". Tanto remar para evitar el punto de partida para cualquier arreglo: el derecho internacional (3)
Read 23 tweets
@mirkhe @KiiskiM @KerranViel Israel is arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Asa Winstanley The Electronic Intifada 4 July 2018…
@mirkhe @KiiskiM @KerranViel On its YouTube channel, #Azov posted a video “review” of locally produced copies of two Israeli #Tavor rifles – seen in this video:*
@mirkhe @KiiskiM @KerranViel As journalist #MaxBlumenthal explained on The Real News in February, Biletsky has “pledged to restore the honor of the white race” and has advanced laws #forbidding#racemixing.”
Read 14 tweets
Wir sind nicht radikal. Die Politik zerstört radikal unsere #Lebensgrundlagen.
Wir brauchen einen radikalen politischen Wandel.
Radikal im Sinne von "von der Wurzel her". Es muss die Wurzel der Probleme JETZT angegangen werden!
Read 27 tweets
Here goes the thread..

My Favourite Top 15 Tamil films of 2021 👇🏻. #Karthicdm #Karthicdm_Reviews #Tamilcinema #Kollywood
15. #KamalifromNadukaveri
Sincere attempt of feel good film with a good message. Casting and performance were good. But cliched scenes and weak screenplay in second half were let downs. more like a educational movie. High school students and their parents can watch.
14. #Teddy New attempt for tamil cinema. Decent songs and good acting. lack of creativity and weak script were major cons. Decent fantasy comedy entertainer. one time watchable.
Read 20 tweets
Rally at the Finnish Embassy 7/31
Demonstration at the Finnish Embassy in #Washington on behalf of MP Päivi Räsänen, live stream now!…
#hallitus @Ulkoministerio The #Finnish public prosecutor, who considers #ANC terrorist leader Nelson #Mandela as her guru, accuses the ex. Minister of the Interior and Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen on quoting the Holy #Bible.
Read 11 tweets
#FreeIran2021 world Summit -𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟮
#JoinUs & Share with anyone of interest!👇

𝗝𝘂𝗹𝘆 𝟭𝟭, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭
𝟭𝟱𝟬𝟬 𝗖𝗘𝗦𝗧 | 𝟵:𝟬𝟬 𝗮𝗺 𝗘𝗗𝗧
𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲- 𝗔𝗿𝗮𝗯 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 Stand With The #Resistance…
Mrs. @Maryam_Rajavi said, “It is clear how regime continued to advance towards developing an atomic bomb at every step by deceiving world & receiving concessions...Any agreement he signs to reduce these activities, & any promise he makes, are pure lies.”…
Baroness Betty Boothroyd at #FreeIran2021 summit - day2

"After Raisi emerged as president in Iran the UK, EU & USA must unite behind NCRI its president-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi & people of Iran because they are our best allies to secure a free Iran."…
Read 56 tweets
Watch @NickHudsonCT from @PanData19 talk about the “Ugly Truth of COVID-19”
Actuary and data analytics expert.

The false narrative
The unjustifiable fear
The reality

#timetoreopen… Image
2/- #Tedros from @WHO presented a false #Covid19 and #Flu mortality comparison on 3 March 2020 by conflating Case Fatality Rate CFR of Covid mortality with Infection Fatality Rate IFR of Flu mortality which created worldwide fear and panic. This was deliberate. Image
3/- #JohnIoannidis @StanfordMed debunked and refuted #Tedros statement saying CFR 3.4% figure causes horror and was meaningless.
He proved this clinically and @WHO had to publish his paper in Oct 2020.
His results #Covid19 IRF 0.23% and 0.05% for those below 70.
@NickHudsonCT Image
Read 58 tweets
#Mandela ♥️📽️

உண்மையிலேயே தரமான #படம் அதும் இந்த எலக்சன் டைம்ல தரமான #சம்பவம்.

முதல்பாதில வசனங்களும் காட்சி அமைப்புகளும் அருமையா இருக்கு.

நான் ஜெய்ச்சா இதெல்லாம் பண்ணுவன்னு வேட்பாளர் சொல்லும்போது பக்கத்துல மொபைல் ல ஓலா ஓலா ஓலா ஓலா ஓலம்மா பாட்டு ஓடும்போது நான் விழுந்து விழுந்து
சிரிச்சேன். அந்த அளவுக்கு காமெடிலையும் கலக்கி இருக்கு திரைக்கதை.

என்னதான் கதைல வர விசயங்கள் நிஜத்துல நடக்காது அப்டின்னாலும் திரைக்கதைய சுவாரஸ்யமா கொண்டு போயிருப்பாங்க.

கதைக்கருவ வச்சி பெரிய லெவல்படம் எடுத்திருக்கலாம். ஆனா இந்த மாதிரியான ஒருமாற்றம் ஊராட்சி மன்ற எலெக்ஷன்ல இருந்து
இருந்து ஆரம்பிச்சா தான் உண்மையான மாற்றம் வரும் அப்டின்னு கதைய ஊராட்சி மன்ற எலக்சன் ah மையமா வச்சி எடுத்திருக்காங்க.

எப்படி நம்ப எடப்பாடி பழனிச்சாமி அதிமுக அரசு கடந்த 2, 3 வருசமா கிராம சபை நடந்தா ஆட்சில என்ன மாற்றங்கள் வரும்னு புரிஞ்சிக்கிட்டு, நடக்க விடாம தடுத்து ஆட்சி பண்ணிட்டு
Read 5 tweets

Le pouvoir, quel incroyable champs des possibles ! Par lui, des vies changent. L’espoir se transforme en bonheur; la misère en du vent qui rivalise à peine ! Il est la force motrice qui matérialise la volonté que l’on peut avoir.
On a aimé #Mandela. Par son pouvoir, il a jeté les bases d’un pays qui a tourné le dos à l’apartheid. Et #Gandhi ? Un défenseur de premier rang opposé aux injustices sociales. Des portraits qui font rêver et qui auraient dû suffire à résumer ce pouvoir exercé au nom de tous.
Mais, ces beaux exemples parsèment modestement l’histoire de l’humanité. Nombreux, des cas d’exercice du pouvoir où l’abus et la déception sont si fréquents qu’il est légitime de se demander si le pouvoir n’est-il, in fine, un moyen de renforcer le statut de ses détenteurs?
Read 10 tweets
1/. “As he walked out of prison it was also us who were set free.”

31 years ago, Nelson #Mandela was released after 27 years behind bars.

As Breyten Breytenbach wrote at the time: "Perhaps there is now a little more sense to our dark passage on Earth.”…
2/. “Through his integrity, courage & strength Mandela showed by example what a single individual can achieve, & in so doing he instilled the belief that injustice, whether large or small, can be defeated.”

This is #Mandela’s legacy

Honour it thru action…
3/. #Mandela walked out of jail 31 years ago

It took another 4yrs before #SouthAfrica would go to the polls & vote to end 350yrs of racial domination

But the birth pangs of the Rainbow Nation were tense & blood-soaked

At times civil war was a real fear
Read 13 tweets

#ShivamVij, the "Intellectual Left Liberal" journalist wrote this hilariously ironical piece on Prashant Bhushan. He compared Bhushan to #Gandhi and #Mandela.
#1ofN Image
"Prashant Bhushan's refusal to apologize puts him in the same league as Gandhi and Mandela" he wrote after Bhushan claimed he won't apologize to the Supreme Court in the Contempt of Court case against him.
Well, being "Left Liberal" @DilliDurAst has all the "freedom of expression" to eulogize people from his fellow Leftist Ecosystem. But since the comparison is with Gandhi and Mandela, it requires a little bit of scratching.
Read 11 tweets
Here's Tybre Faw reading the poem at #JohnLewis's service. I'll link to the text below.
#Mandela had a copy of Invictus in his cell during the decades he was sentenced to hard labor (chipping rocks) by the white minority gov't in South Africa for his leadership in the fight against apartheid. Morgan Freeman reads it, playing Mandela here.
Thanks so much for asking. It's been a deeply moving service, and I'm glad for the chance to share a bit from it.
Read 3 tweets
Kamunity vous souhaite une merveilleuse année 2020 ! Quant à nous, nous nous sommes donnés comme mission de permettre d’ameliorer notre connaissance de l’Afrique et de sa diaspora à travers notre nouveau concept “1 Image, 1 mot “ 💪🏿

#1Image1Jour #PersonnalitésAfros
Pour notre #BHM du jour, nous revenons sur un peuple originaire d’Afrique du Nord ayant peuplé aussi bien l’Europe que l’Afrique sub-saharienne.
#Kamunity #1i1jBHM #LesMaures #Andalousie #AlAndalus #BlackHistoryMonth #moisdesnoirs #moisdesnoires ImageImageImageImage
Read 23 tweets
@ContactIbuka En cadeau de Noël, un magazine français ouvre ses pages à 2 négationnistes du génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda. Avant-dernier thread pour démonter les ressorts de l’article de Judi Rever.

Partie5⃣: #Kagamé maître du monde
Si après tous les efforts de Judi Rever, vous croyez encore que le #génocide des Tutsi a été mis en œuvre par le gouvernement intérimaire hutu power, c’est pour une seule et unique raison : Paul Kagamé vous contrôle, à votre insu… ou pas.

Comment ?
➡️#Kagamé Superstar

C’est entendu: le monde vénère M.Kagamé tel ces idoles intouchables (MLK-Gandhi-Jésus) consacrées (postmortem) par les élites occidentales.
Rever le dit: "Kagamé est bien vu du monde entier parce qu’il a fait croire qu’une majorité de Hutus a tué les Tutsis."
Read 25 tweets
🇿🇦 #Sudafrica salió campeón en rugby con un capitán negro por primera vez en sus filas. El hecho tiene una fuerza simbólica, de un país con una historia atravesada por el apartheid.

Aprovechamos para contarles como el fútbol fue una forma de superviviencia en esa época. Image
Hablamos de la Asociación de Fútbol Makana, una asociación deportiva formada por los presos políticos de Robben Island durante la Sudáfrica del Apartheid. Makana se creó en 1966 y realizó ligas de fútbol entre los presos hasta 1973 con el objetivo de superar su encarcelamiento. Image
@FutboleraAlma @MotivacionesF @FestivalFC @ApuntesdeRabona @ficbol @HistoFut @Joselo743 @FutbolRebelde @FutbolyPizarron @futpicante La prisión Robben Island marcó el #Apartheid en #Sudáfrica. Fue una cárcel de máxima seguridad que albergaba a numerosos presos políticos, entre ellos Nelson #Mandela, y del que fue escenario de violencia y torturas a miles de prisioneros. ImageImageImageImage
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My daughter marching with the spirits of Nelson and Winnie #Mandela outside of the Cradle of Humankind Museum in Mogale, South Africa. It is part of the Long March of Freedom installation, the largest outdoor collection of sculptures in the world. Image
My son got in on the action as well. The installation chronicles over 350 years of South African #anticolonial struggles. It currently depicts over 100 freedom fighters with 400 more in the process of being added. All are in motion. All are marching towards freedom. Image
The procession is organized chronologically and begins in the back with the 17th century leader of the Khoikhoi people, Autshumato, who was the first person to be incarcerated at Robben Island (where Mandala would later spend 27 years). No one stands behind him. Image
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1/3 This week I attended the opening of the #Mandela centenary exhibition.

In a short speech, Lord Hain thanked one of the sponsors, Moti Group, twice.

According to @mailandguardian Lord Hain is
employed by them "in part to improve their poor reputation"…
2/3 Moti Group is a mining & property
company that's been subject to some controversy. It allegedly has links to
Zimbabwean officials implicated in human rights violations & in 2017,
Interpol issued an international arrest warrant for the company's chair…
3/5 Journalist @simonallison writes:

"There is no suggestion that the royals were aware of or intended to
endorse the Moti Group’s controversial business practises; or the group’s links
to senior Zimbabwean officials that have been implicated in serious human
rights violations."
Read 8 tweets
Monday 7/9 in #NYC: Our celebration of Nelson #Mandela at 100 will feature @dolabunny @IshmaelBeah @stengel @Moore_Darnell @HISHAMTAWFIQ @AtandwaKani @LieslTommy and more. Details and tickets:… via @SymphonySpace
"Mr. Mandela’s prison letters, particularly those to his family, reveal that even the most righteous cause cannot inoculate anyone from the agony of separation," writes @tayari Jones… via @nytimes
‘I Do Not Know, My Darlings, When I Will Return’: excerpts from a new volume of #Mandela's previously unpublished prison letters… #FridayReads
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Nelson Mandela at 100: a celebration of the life of the revolutionary activist — and a first look at his soon-to-be-released prison letters. Hosted by us, @wwnorton, @LiverightPub, and @SymphonySpace on 7/9. In collaboration w/ the @nytimes. #Mandela100…
Mandela’s Words Cut Through Prison Walls: The South African freedom fighter’s letters from prison remind us that the separation of families is the ultimate expression of state power. by @tayari Jones
VIDEO: Four former political prisoners, including Angela Davis, @tolokno of @pussyrrriot, @RafaelMdeMorais and @joshuawongcf read excerpts from Nelson #Mandela’s unpublished letters from prison… via @nytimes
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Dear @tito_mboweni, if you want debate on Nationalisation of Mines, Land and natural resources, please say so. Your tweet is populist and misleading. You know this, why do you do this? In a few tweets, I will back up my bold statement. THREAD BELOW.
1. You know that one of the first pieces of legislation #Mandela signed was nationalisation of mines. You know that the State owns ALL mines in South Africa. Mining companies get prospecting and mining licenses from @DMR_SA. Please explain what conditions DMR has put in place?
2. If @DMR_SA has the power and authority to issue mining licenses, what mechanisms are in place to ensure that there is adequate provision for people who live in mining communities to have meaningful stake and adequate protection from capricious companies, international & local?
Read 9 tweets
1. Je vais faire un mini-#thread pour expliquer un truc sur la Notion de racisé et le passage d’un concept dit scientifique à un concept normatif i.e. instituer un privilège juridique pour compenser une inégalité prétendue, qui serait entretenue par l’Etat. (Racisme d’Etat)
2. Au début, on nous dit que la notion de racisé, a été validée « scientifiquement » par des experts sociologues. [Je rappelle qu’il y avait des économistes experts qui expliquaient scientifiquement la plus grande efficience de la planification sur le Marché]
3. Ensuite, la notion de racisé n’est pas le fait de la société civile mais de l’Etat avec l’existence d’un racisme d’Etat. Là, les juristes demandent quelles sont les normes racistes dans l’ordre juridique français [Comme celles qui existaient au Texas ou Afrique du Sud]
Read 16 tweets

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