4 days are left until the deadline for HHS to reunify all children separated from their parents.
450 out of the nearly 2,500 kids over 5 have been reunited.
Less than 1/5 of those in HHS custody.

HHS returned only 57 out of the 105 babies & preschoolers, claiming the rest were "ineligible" to be reunited.
The most frightening one is a lack of clear records.
Other organizations have stepped in, working round the clock to reunite families.
"There seems to be a level of cruel intent I've never seen before."
@SouthwestKey , who runs many of these centers, has received $955 million in the last 3 years.
“They told us to behave,” she says, “or we’d be there forever.”
Hillary Clinton just announced they are working to get people to donate miles to help with airfare for families.
We need to demand the resignation of @SecNielsen and a Congressional inquiry into these ORR centers.
This is our government, the people we elected, using our tax dollars to inflict this cruel policy, driven by rabid nationalism and racism.
That only changes when we #VoteThemAllOut
We're 40K strong now because of your support- thank you!