Lethal Neglect begins with enforcing cruel laws and cruel executive orders aggressively.
Donald Trump and GOP re-election slogan: Aggressive Cruelty. #MACA
Donald Trump’s values encourage other aggressively cruel people to threaten to call ICE to deport good people.
1) ICE was a weapon waiting for a tyrant.
2) Anyone who commits a crime should go through due process as outlined in our Constitution. ICE changed that.
3) ICE was designed without accountability.
Abolish ICE Thread:
Jeff Sessions, John Kelly, and Donald Trump aggressively order separating parents and children.
#WhereAreTheChildren update THREAD:
#WhereAreTheChildren THREAD of what we can do as American citizens:
THREAD investigating which agency is responsible and why:
An authoritarian leader dehumanizes people to justify being inhumane.
The antidote to Trump is decency.
FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER. #FamiliesBelongTogether #WhereAreTheChildren
Congress must put a stop to Trump’s policy of separating parents from children.
ICE abuses its power:
Under Trump orders, ICE is being weaponized with the full force of the state. Congress should hold them accountable. #AbolishICE
Senator Merkley has 19 questions that will tell us what is happening to these children. Please read them:…
1. We must #AbolishICE. Its very structure is an undemocratic, authoritarian weapon.
2. Replace ICE with an updated INS-like structure that employs our existing court system to handle crimes.
Analysis and thread:
Who can we call to stop this inhumane President* from committing this immoral act?
THREAD of more actions we can take:
ICE and DHS need oversight and accountability:
There is no law that requires separating children from their parents. That is Trump’s cruel decision.
And since Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump love the Bible so much, let’s have a reading from the book of Hypocrites:
Brave Brooke Baldwin called out Donald for lying and refusing to admit that he alone ordered this policy:
“While the CEO and wife clear more than a million dollars in mostly federal tax money per year, they undercut the services. It’s a basic private prison in the guise of a shelter.”
1. Separated children from parents
2. Started tent cities
3. Stopped granting asylum to people escaping abuse
4. Killed #NetNeutrality
5. Upheld voter purges
6. Gutted pre-existing condition protections
Separating children “shocks the conscience” and is likely unconstitutional:
When your administration cannot keep its story straight about its own policy. TRUMP ORDERED THIS.
Trump can stop his bad policy of separating children from parents RIGHT NOW with ONE phone call.
DHS arrested a man with Down:
Trump policy separates children with Down syndrome from parents:
Never forget the children orphaned by the US government.
Bush & Obama fought against separating children from their families because they saw the practice as too cruel and against our Constitution’s due process.
ICE can be replaced with something better.
Thread on ICE’s history:
When Fox Friends say “not our kids” or Lewandowski says womp womp, that’s who they really are.
When Trump separates traumatized children from their families, that’s the real Donald Trump.
The President of the United States STILL believes that traumatizing children is good politics.
This manufactured crisis is not over.
Because the answer to the question #WhereAreTheGirls could be more disturbing than most Americans realize.
“If Trump can deny due process to those allegedly here unlawfully, ICE can grab YOU, allege you aren’t a citizen, and deport you without a hearing.”
THOUSANDS of traumatized children are STILL separated from their parents by Trump policy. Trump has NO PLAN to reunite them.
#WhereAreTheBabies #WhereAreTheGirls #WhereAreTheChildren #Basta
An ICE whistleblower resigned after his superiors told him to lie: “They know it's a lie. It was shocking to me that no one wanted to fix that.”