but if you’re selling clothing? you need to create a BRAND. very different case
but for the majority, you need to get more creative with your approach. you need to give people a reason to want to buy from YOU instead of another brand
(surprise! FBA works to your advantage here)
take some high quality photos and you’re on your way
you don’t...
a good chunk of you own iPhones and you can take INSANE photos with these things. use portrait mode and Lightroom Mobile to shoot RAW (that’s the DNG file format)
Now you wanna get those pictures up to Fashion Nova/PacSun tier to get to the 99th percentile. You have a couple options...
I have a website that does just this. Years and years of mine (and others) photography knowledge made simple, just for you.
Lightroom Mobile
Photoshop Fix
Much more time consuming and you have to figure out the learning curve, but still effective nonetheless.
You still need to learn marketing and copy if you haven’t already though. Id suggest checking these dudes out 👇🏼
@schm7dt @kobegatsby @ComedicBizman @StartSellingSSS @cbassg16
If you made it this far and decide you want the presets, here’s a 50% off code for any of the collections 👇🏼
now go take action 🤘🏼