@AndreVanDelft and @WWG_1WGA_
#Qanon #PizzagateIsReal

I am coming at this subject matter as one who:
A) Got an A + in Art History Class
B) Studied Economics

It is:
1. A medium of Exchange
2. A store of Value
3. A unit of account
Art, to a degree, functions as money. Item #2 seems to be the main purpose of art.
I tend to view it from the following angles:
1. Art is a store of value
2. Provenance, or title history can be fudged
3. Valuation can be subjective.
4. "Proxy Buying" matters.
When you have all the $$ you could ever need, what more can you derive pleasure from?
What else is there?

The seller of that home owns an art piece that is a tin of the artist's poop.
You, my friend, have found a way to do "proxy buying".
Instead of paying $5mil. for the home, you pay $1mil., and $4mil. for the tin of turds.

The director/producer of said snuff film has a painting he would like you to overpay for at the nest auction.
The key concept is that art valuation can be subjective in that the value of the art is driven by an underlying or hidden transaction: You are overpaying the producer for his painting and in return he gives you a "film".

The short version is that overcrowding in rat populations (akin to urbanization) mirrors what we see in large cities.

- Modern art is basically garbage, if not degenerate
- If the above is true, it fails to explain art valuations
- Degenerate culture and art are intertwined
- Degeneration and Urbanization are linked
- Art valuations are way out of control because art markets are rigged
- Art is merely another medium of exchange for elites
- When art is bought and sold, there may be another parallel exchange of value
- In this sense, art is a form of laundering
Given all the degeneracy we see in Hollywood, in art, in culture and elsewhere, what could be the cause of this? Are there ancient forces at work? Indeed there are.
However, some of you will choose to swallow the #redpill and see the uncomfortable reality.
Others will accuse me of hatred, intolerance, racism and every other SJW insult.
If you want to read up on it, have a look at this article by @HenryMakow

I'm not saying that Sabbataen Jews run Hollywood. Nor am I saying that every practitioner of K A B B A L A H is part of the "in crowd".
- Sabbataen-Frankists influenced Rothschild, Weishaupt and thereby put their mark on history
- Even though direct descendants may not be alive, the influence of this ideology is still around.
- It shows up in hollyweird as "boundary pushing".
That same concept can be applied to any business.

Some of you might recall the writings of Felicia G from 2010. If not, here's the link to get you started down that rabbit hole: