#BigBen in title & in #Pg2

so searched for 9/11 reporter cnn, 9/11 reporter cnn female, 911 reporter ->the guy on first page stuck out
Then realized arms were bare
house flipped closer
many beheads
who/how/why could so specific of an iceburg in nowhere, be expected a) be created as b) tsunami threat c) make the news in this -=> 9/11 fore[shadow/bod]ing (america's fall of all)
SYMBOLIC of Iran straight of Tamuz stopping oil, forces USA B2 bomb
Name: Hauseknect Hause(house) +knect (not) dictionary.reverso.net/german-english… => no house/home is where heart IS, peace & safety etc.

from Dr.servicing HIGH TREASONIST Bush Sr, orchestrator of 9/11
Doctor has regular routine riding bike in scrubs, Video shows tracked by killer, overtakes, turns around then 2 shots fired..hardly random
starts out at bottom left: B2 nuke sled test
red eye (nuke pink light Iran/NK) Trump
buck moon/eclipse (talon piercing veil)
oil trickles to stop (Straight of Tamuz)
B2 on barbed wire path, @realDonaldTrump buck jumps/rams evoL Iran

The black puddle (oil) has buck moon START (see other full tangle post)
The pills & needles & blue are symbolic of Medical
Medical clipboard like Lady Liberty
He was cycling in scrubs when shot
2 wheels 2 coasts/tsunami
Egg/like bike helmet

that level of dark carries privledges of immunity at expense you have to sacrifice minions in your place...in this case the good doctor once he’s boo$t from proximity to Bush Sr.